Drawing, its so creative, and i love it, but i donno how to draw :P
photoshop, a great program, edit pix, or even create a character that doesn't exist!! but i am still learning it!
wat i enjoy the most is scripting and programming. ;D scripting? programming? creative?
yup, try it urself ::) ::) ;D
heey guys! ..could not get what do you mean by this
anyone enjoy scrapbooking?? .. or making jewellery out of household items? .. or making picture frames ?
i <3 handmade things and i love making stuff ..
whoever's interested .. post some ideas .. :) anything creative :)
could not get what do you mean by this
ya i had made an glass paint but i havnt got any pics
well ... just post anything creative that you do ..
post pictures of your work for everyone to see .. that way you're sharing ideas too .. :)
for example : if you've made bracelets or necklaces, cards or frames it'll give others an idea of what to make for their friends or something ...
i dont know if all that makes sense .. ?!
i really like C-language programming & graffiti :)
hmm creative ! me not much accept ! i do make up a lot of stories in my mind to covert into a novel or something but too lazy to write it down :P
thanks qudsiya n stylish
well lol my mum makes frames
while my best friend is an expertt in making cards
i have pics of the cards she madee ..for me and my group
of friends..
tell me if you want to see :)
thanks qudsiya n stylish
well lol my mum makes frames
while my best friend is an expertt in making cards
i have pics of the cards she madee ..for me and my group
of friends..
tell me if you want to see :)
hehehe! .. you should!!
might work for you someday! ... :)
and @***exam*** ..qudsiya is rightt...
2day i have aloott to study for tomorrows mock..i will surely upload tomorrow ;) :)
oh hmm thinking of starting this hols ! hope it works out ! :D :D
n assi ! put up ! we'd love to see soem creativity !
i might put up my younger sisters stuff she sometimes makes great things
2day i have aloott to study for tomorrows mock..i will surely upload tomorrow ;) :)
I wish i was :P
The only thing i do is Photoshop:P I cant draw o.O
cards!Nice Cards.
thanks guys :)!!and yes post anything
i think this thread will be fun..if every1 starts posting creative stuf :)
Amazing,you really know what to do dont you,i guess ill upload some of my graffiti later ;)
hey u have got a good sense of art
i like it
get your new pics soon waiting for them
your graffiti is beautiful,mine isnt as half good as yours,i guess i gotta make something good soon ;)
mashAllahh!!! Keep it up!! :) it keeps ur life colorfull
Yeaa..will tke their pic and upload later inshaAllah :)
@ farhaqr ! who r u talking about ??
Theres nothing for me to upload :P
OMG Qudsiyah, Those are awesome mA :o EPIC :D
And also Assi, Those cards are fabulous :O mA :D
we shud all add reputation to u .
u r gud .
even tho u dnt think so!
mA the bracelets are soo cool :D
well work done by Dasith & afocs *Qudsiyah*
and thanxx assi
You're right. I can:
was bored, made this
i made the animation not the stamps :D
omg nice, ur improving :P
photoshop graffiti, not so good :)
The most I've ever got with my creativeness:
nice try ;)
hahaha thaaaks :P
but still abod well tryedThanks everyone :P
and it is also good
can you make one of name Hemil
nice :)
Adooddyyy .. i'll get to your drawing when im ''bored and hungry" ;)
Thanks everyone :Pthanxx man :)
okay emo, will work on it
thanxx man :)Done :)
wow abod=)like it? ::) ::)
it's Abooddyy ;)
rofl, adoooody.....
nice :)
Adooddyyy .. i'll get to your drawing when im ''bored and hungry" ;)
lol fidato.
qudz, here is wat u asked for
Anyone here plays football ?
Anyone here plays football ?
Kick and run :Pand ends up with some fractures, bleeding, unconsciousness, etc
Sometimes turns into something similar to rugby. :D
ME!!! :D
rugby national team u mean :P
if would prefer taking u all to the Air force :P they need tough strong people :P
Wait till tomorrow, I will handover my AK 47 to you legally. You might face some enemies in the Sri Lankan borders. Will'nt you ? You form a citadel besides the shore of whole of the island. What say ? ::)
Yup. No football team here. Rugby is like the thing, the football deflates easily when the team plays. :D
There are stronger people here, we stand no chance :( :'(
Yup. No football team here. Rugby is like the thing, the football deflates easily when the team plays. :DThey need ppl like u and ur friends
There are stronger people here, we stand no chance :( :'(
They need ppl like u and ur friends
ppl who hit and run
but when u join the Air Force, it will be Hit and Fly :P
Here is wat i have:
Heavy duty pack: M4 carbine, pistols, grenades and many more
Miniguns: A strong one, minigun is nothing to mess with
and F 10 jets,
F 10 jet in attachment is from the Air force Base, actually, it is mine :P
P.S.: np, kick, apologize then fly
Do I know you?u will see them in when u join the Air force :P
Living in a country that was filled with terrorists, I do have no idea what those things are.
u will see them in when u join the Air force :P
ME!!! :DI predict you started playing before some days.
I predict you started playing before some days.
*Months actually. We just play for the fun of it, and to annoy the people playing netball, or if we run out of tennis balls when playing cricket. :)
For the sake of making people feel jealous, as you hum around covering as much space as possible.
@Quadsiyah - No spamming. Edit it.
Here is wat i have:
Heavy duty pack: M4 carbine, pistols, grenades and many more
Miniguns: A strong one, minigun is nothing to mess with
and F 10 jets,
F 10 jet in attachment is from the Air force Base, actually, it is my Base :P
P.S.: np, kick, apologize then fly
Here is wat i have:i wanted to quote this one :D
Heavy duty pack: M4 carbine, pistols, grenades and many more
Miniguns: A strong one, minigun is nothing to mess with
and F 10 jets,
F 10 jet in attachment is from the Air force Base, actually, it is my Base
P.S.: np, kick, apologize then fly
Done :)thanxx man for that
thanxx man for thatno problemo ;D
i have created a logo for SF ;) :D
thanxx quadz ;D
creative ;)
i have created a logo for SF ;) :D
Roll your dice here :hey fidato
Roll your dice here :he already did ;D
my latest creation for SF, u think it needs more animals ?good one dasith
good one dasith
i din't got the meaning of the animals in the pic??
it shows my obsession with the horses + it gives us an idea wat SF is all about ;)ohh k i got it
get it ? :P
SF logo ideaNice :P
2issa tweela ba2a :Pat least try :P
tisba7 3ala 5eer
how did you know fidato that they are swearing
and thanxx abod
I don't know Arabic.ohh then how did you know that
Abod and GG - no swearing. ::)No swearing dude :P
No swearing dude :P
she said good night and i replied :P
I don't know Arabic
I know. ::)Ehh? ::) ::)
Abod ... . . . . EXTREEEMMMELLLLYYYYYY BASIC! just something i was doin when i was bored-ish ... like we decided ... :Pnope its good, i like it :)
its not good .. but im working on some others :D
some more ..
Ehh? ::) ::)
u learnt arabic in less than 24 hrs? :P
I know that you were not swearing.oh ok, good :P
nope its good, i like it :)
thanks, +rep
Terrific. ;)
after exams, r u giving IGCSEs/AS ?
serious ?
i'll post some more in some time! :)
thank you!
after exams, r u giving IGCSEs/AS ?
less than 48hrs r left, go and study :P
some more ..
u really r gud @ these stuff , i like it :D(but i think it shuld hav a horse somewhere :P )LOL.
Here's what i can do in a minute.
Abod .. more :)nice one ;D
nice one ;D
Thaaaaaaaanks ::) ::)
Abod .. more :)Great one.
Great one.
(http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3274/2926869841_46e4ef508b_o.gif)is this made by you
nope, found it on another website ;Dthat's k
Abod! :)ohh my gosh i think you are on the spot creater
for you ... when i was BORED while studying! :D
ohh my gosh i think you are on the spot creater
i think you should go for art in cie
why are you goin for commerce
yup, while u were studying!
past papers i there, i can see UCLES written :P
Thanks :)
now dont do anymore, just study ;D
Edit: +rep ::)
ohh my gosh i think you are on the spot creater
i think you should go for art in cie
why are you goin for commerce
going to get something special after this exams for you friends
i hope mine's there toooo!!!ya you also friend
awesome :D :Dthanx but let me do that first then tell me
hehe .. post it :)ya very soon :o
Amazing graffiti Qudsiyah!!!good ones wotever....
I love graffiti but have nearly 0 talent in it. And to add my two bit's worth on the original topic, I present: *view attachments* (yeah I do wallpapers.. kinda...)
Thanks!! :Dyour welcome
Nice work, EMO. :)amelia its there, check page 16 :P
But my name seems to be missing from your list. :P
amelia its there, check page 16 :P after my name is urs :)and thanxx abod for making my work for you your signature
hheeeyy wotever xD
thanksss!! :D
your wallpapers are aweeesomme :D
I should be saying thanks! ;D ;Dohh your welcome
@EMO: Wow, you work fast!! Thanks for the add there!
and thanxx abod for making my work for you your signaturei am the one who should thank you :P
i feel happy about this thanx man
thanxxx abod
and amelia i have done of yours also watch it clearly
if not then i can post it again
i am the one who should thank you :Pohh your welcome
Thanks :P
thanx emo that was really seet to remember me in this :P thanx a lot :Dyour welcome
thank youuu emo :)for?
more here
Aww this is so cute EMO Thanks. :)it is not that
My creativity level=0
i got those pics hope you all like
i am missing any one than sorry
my s is not that better
and sorry qudz i dint get a good image of that for you by me :-[
wow its awsome that u made one for each of us nice workyour welcome buddy
thanx :D
The most I've ever got with my creativeness:rox i remeber this :P so creative :P
rox i remeber this :P so creative :P
but i like ur graffiti
nope, it started with "hey dude:)" :P
Rox ... that stuff is goooood :) :) :) :) :) niicee
Thank you :)
So Roxy... how's stuff going with Roxanne ? Relationship still on the rocks with her ?
We must never think of beating a woman at anything. It always works the opposite way.
Hey,show us ur talents :)
So i just read some selected pages to get gist of this thread. Its about creativity. I saw many drawings and some other works.
Like it was on 1st or 2nd page.
I don't know to draw.
I am actually good at computers.
I can use photoshop, imageready and other draw and paint programs. Good at vector and raster graphics.
Good at fixing problems. ;)
I know a lot of programming. C, C++, VB, VB.net, recently PROLOG. I can also handle and edit .dll files of software to crack and do something useful.
PROLOG is used to make expert systems.
In my IGCSE i made a computing project on computer controlled greenhouse. I controlled temperature and humidity basically with sensors and actuators.
Yeahh- pretty good thanks :)
I think we're going to get engaged soon enough :)
She's sending her regards.
How have you been?
hahaha. Too rightttt about thatt! :/Speak fer yerself, doe. :P
Sometimes they're SOOO stubborn ::)
show us ur talents :)As my hard disk is restricted to 36 GB And i have only 408 KB left in d drive so i cannot create new ones but i will show you old ones like calculators and others.
and lemme see some C and C++ programs :)
u can post anything, not just drawings :)
As my hard disk is restricted to 36 GB And i have only 408 KB left in d drive so i cannot create new ones but i will show you old ones like calculators and others.failed to compile it.
#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main()
/* request auto detection */
int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode,midx, midy,radius = 100;
/* initialize graphics and local variables */
initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");
/* read result of initialization */
errorcode = graphresult();
if (errorcode != grOk) /* an error occurred */
printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode));
printf("Press any key to halt:");
exit(1); /* terminate with an error code */
midx = getmaxx() / 2;
midy = getmaxy() / 2;
/* draw the circle */
circle(midx, midy, radius);
failed to compile it.REplace you graphics.h header file.
i usually get this error "fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'graphics.h': No such file or directory"
about the incule. i donno how to fix this error, i got the same with some other programs too.
REplace you graphics.h header file.sorry i am a beginner, where should i pase this file? i use MS visual studio 2010 express
sorry i am a beginner, where should i pase this file? i use MS visual studio 2010 expressFind you path to C++ / C.
Ah, thats good to hear. Planning on popping the question some time later, eh ? :D
She's got a few exams to answer this time round, right ?
Find you path to C++ / C.did that, i didnt have a graphics header
Get to the INCLUDE folder and replace it. For you backup purposes keep a copy of old file also so that when this does not work the older one works. This is a file directly from the compiler source and not from MSVS10. This may be incompatible.
So i just read some selected pages to get gist of this thread. Its about creativity. I saw many drawings and some other works.
Like it was on 1st or 2nd page.
I don't know to draw.
I am actually good at computers.
I can use photoshop, imageready and other draw and paint programs. Good at vector and raster graphics.
Good at fixing problems. ;)
I know a lot of programming. C, C++, VB, VB.net, recently PROLOG. I can also handle and edit .dll files of software to crack and do something useful.
PROLOG is used to make expert systems.
In my IGCSE i made a computing project on computer controlled greenhouse. I controlled temperature and humidity basically with sensors and actuators.
looks like we got a big fan of microsoft her ;)Yes. VB 6.0 (MSDN 2000)
but its really cool that u learnt such a lot of languages , but dude
u knw about VB 6 (the really old version)
- got some problems with the language + the loops :S
& + u knw assembly ?(got some problems there 2 :) )
did that, i didnt have a graphics headerSwitch on to MSDN Forums and ask there because i have C#/C++ Compiler. I dont have MSVS10.
this one is solved, now this:
">c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\graphics.h(13): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: '_defs.h': No such file or directory"
i dont have these includes, from where can i download them?
Switch on to MSDN Forums and ask there because i have C#/C++ Compiler. I dont have MSVS10.no need to go there. do u have a link for that program?
no need to go there. do u have a link for that program?Spam. :)
(http://www.chinesetools.eu/names/gen_boutons.php?text=%26%2327809%3B%26%2326377%3B%26%2320154%3B&s=76&police=1&dispo=1)what does this mean ???
what does this mean ???
nice images, maybe you should also show us some of YOUR creativity. ;)aint got one....not creative myself :P
aint got one....not creative myself :Pno your creative(in copying ;))
and finally the last ones(http://)
hope u all like it<3
:P lol...i dont copy...i just share others workya i got wrong word
is this being creative because i took a picture of stationary!! :P(http://)
wow u r really creative ! :Dits a pencil, a correction pen (red pen) and a writing pen (blue pen) and an eraser to rub ;D
just look @ those pens & the eraser !!!
never seen anything like that before !(i mean i never used 3 pens or an eraser :P)
lmao!! hahahahaha :Di noe rite
masterpiece :D
its a pencil, a correction pen (red pen) and a writing pen (blue pen) and an eraser to rub ;D
this means you are creative in clicking pictureactually i was just bored...so i took a picture of my stationary....... :)
good this is your creativeness
Hello ;D
anyone? ::)
i mean, anyone who can figure that out?
no. wrong.hello :P
By the way, hello :P
yea ,thats the main idea behind the pics......the mother makes an imaginary world for her baby when she's asleep
but did u notice the babys' sleepin in all the 4tos lol
@mimiswift: veery imaginative stuff... the baby and all... too cute!!these wallpapers r awesome!!!!
@all: k Here you go, some more stuff:
these wallpapers r awesome!!!!
ur designs?
@ watever thanks........and ur designs are amazing as well
Yup! ;D Thanks!!which software did u use?
Thank you!
@mimiswift: veery imaginative stuff... the baby and all... too cute!!
@all: k Here you go, some more stuff:
Thanks all! :) :)lol ofc they r designing softwares ::)
@AboD: Some design software and Photoshop..... :P
lol ofc they r designing softwares ::)
i am asking for the names :P
:P2.56kg tears? :P lol
okiees..... with great regret, 2.56kg of tears, and a truckload of remorse, I spill my secret: Apophysis 7x and photoshop. For the 3d thing in the first post, Incendia and photoshop....
wow 1 awesome creativity ! :'( :'( :'( i wish i cld borrow some :Pchinese
well done all ! :D
did any1 figure out what lang was that ! (the 1 nobo posted in ?)
@***exam***:Yeah....really wish I could do graffiti though...yea checked them. i will use incedia for 3d wallpapers.
And nobody knows what that meant. I'm serious, Nobody knows. Ask nobody and find out... ahh this is gettin old..... :P
@AboD: yeah... now you know it, go check it out. Its opensource, and you don't really need photoshop post-work on the whole thing. Difficult to get the hang of in the beginning tho...Incendia is currently opensource too, not for too long I guess...
cool! :) put em up here as well plz! :)ya sure
@***exam***:Yeah....really wish I could do graffiti though...:D
And nobody knows what that meant. I'm serious, Nobody knows. Ask nobody and find out... ahh this is gettin old..... :P
Could not do anything greater than this because of a low configuration PC.
8MB Video memory.
DDR (400 MHz FSB).
Software hangs up.
there should also be an option of more then 10 till infinity
and soon gonna get some designs no calligraphy
did any1 figure out whatlangwas that ! (the 1 nobo posted ?)
8)as i said not option of
i'd rate her " 1-5"
nothing beats nobody's creativity. 8) :P jokes..
i rated her8)
I hvnt seen qudsiyahs art yet!
Amazing! ;D you're a real pro at that stuff Quds!! ;D ;Dthat's why we need a option of infinity
that's why we need a option of infinity
definitely!!yes definitely
Whereee is it? :Scan't see...........? ::)
I can't see it :o
can't see...........? ::)
watch it here
@Rox: maybe try opening your eyes? have you tried that yet? Its the latest innovation in biotech... stunning visuals in nearly infinite resolution, a wide focus range, light sensor and automatic response to light levels....all that.... :P
maybe try clicking on the link and opening your eyes(benefits explained above) and looking at the page? ::)
@Rox: maybe try opening your eyes? have you tried that yet? Its the latest innovation in biotech... stunning visuals in nearly infinite resolution, a wide focus range, light sensor and automatic response to light levels....all that.... :PDude, this thing is common between 90 year old ppl :P
maybe try clicking on the link and opening your eyes(benefits explained above) and looking at the page? ::)
Dude, this thing is common between 90 year old ppl :P
I still can't see it :Pcuz ur 90 :P
cuz ur 90 :P
LOL I see you've been stalking me ::) :Pno, just wanted to know ur age, to buy something for u :P
no, just wanted to know ur age, to buy something for u :P
try it and tell me if it helps u to see better :P
classic and suitable for ur age :P
::) :P :P
no, just wanted to know ur age, to buy something for u :P
try it and tell me if it helps u to see better :P
classic and suitable for ur age :P
::) :P :P
Lolzzzz haha if u cnt c again den try wearing binoculars :P :P
Awesome awesome qudsiyah I lv it!!
ahahahahaha.ok good :P
They're great. Thanks man ;D :P
Yes, very suitable. thanks, thanks
What the hell mann, how can every but me see this :S :S :S :S :S
do u see this one?
I jut opened it in IE, but it says that I can't view themmm. :S
It's weird cuz on Google Chrome, I don't even see Qudsiyahs posts :o
Awesome awesome qudsiyah I lv it!!
Oh wow. They're pretty good mashAllah! :DThanks to Qudz :P i just copied the links ::)
Thanks for sharing them Abod :)
Thanks to Qudz :P i just copied the links ::)
Hey dude y is ur availability(offline ,online) hidden, like v cnt c if ur online or offline!i am a Ghost. :P
Hey dude y is ur availability(offline ,online) hidden, like v cnt c if ur online or offline!
^ he is also a Ghost :P
@Quds: Amazing.. do you outline the droplets? they look very organic n natural...
ok :P i like them, and decided to +rep u :P
Thank You Abod! :)appreciated*
much sppreciated!! :D
you guys are a source of motivation! thanks!
really ? thanks!
uhm, yeah i guess, outline, shade ... :)
Abod, hehehe .. my bad ;)
Woteverr : thank you so much! :)
some very very random stuff when i was studying.Awesome like always ;D
not too good
Awesome like always ;D
ya awsome stuff qudz
naaiice!! where were you hikin?it is hiking not hikin
more here
i see horses here ;) :Pya i also captured them in my camera which is now of no use but this pics are worthy
it is hiking not hikin
and i was at manali city of beauty of nature
Did the Rox bug bite?? :Pthe camera's lens are not working the system of the camera is now too slow
Cool... m gonna google it.....
what happened to the camera?
the camera's lens are not working the system of the camera is now too slow
and one more it needs a replacement as it is outdated but dont tell this to my camera
because it helped me in capturing this fantastic pics
shame... pics are fabulous tho...what do you mean by shame in this sentence
what do you mean by shame in this sentence
As in, its a shame that the camera broke.it is not broken it is not working
it is not broken it is not workingLOL ::) :P
LOL ::) :Pthanxx
nice pics :P +rep
naaiice!! where were you hikin?
it is hiking not hikin
and i was at manali city of beauty of nature
Did the Rox bug bite?? :P
Cool... m gonna google it.....
what happened to the camera?
Thanks Emo ;) You can be the language monitor when I'm not around :P
Thanks Emo ;) You can be the language monitor when I'm not around :P
LOOOL Apparentlyy it did ::) :P
You wouldn't understand, its an american term. Think "rambling"...
@EMO: dude, just wait a few days and you're gonna get a moderator-ship. and then you can be an official nitpicker. -_-
Hahahaha, suuuuree I don't understand ::)lol :P
Yeaah, then we'll both have our eyes on you :P
Hahahaha, suuuuree I don't understand ::)
Yeaah, then we'll both have our eyes on you :P
oh please.... I can stand you but I'm not queer, as I stated before, so EMO, if you make googly eyes at me I'm not gonna respond.....
You wouldn't understand, its an american term. Think "rambling"...thanxx but one thing
@EMO: dude, just wait a few days and you're gonna get a moderator-ship. and then you can be an official nitpicker. -_-
And once again, that's a shame :L
Why only EMO?
I'm a guy too you know -.-
thanxx but one thing
with big powers we have to go with big responsibilities
Ah I think I'm starting to get why you're saying thats a shame again and again... -_-no it was from spiderman-1
okay dude... :P
lol welcome... was that line picked out of justice league?
^^ indeed creative confo :P :Pi have a doubt what is confo
thanxx but one thing
with big powers we have to go with big responsibilities
my random feather .. :)nice.
my random feather .. :)
no it was from spiderman-1
used something :) coloured it myself thank you :) heheheheyes, wats the "something"
yes, wats the "something"
it looks more like a Wallpaper :P
my random feather .. :)
NOOOOO!! Quds is invading my domain now with her amazing art. I'll be trumped!! :/ :P
It's pretty. ;D
Abod, i used photoshop :) its orgiinaall workkk man! :)
iLike em! :)
hahahahahah!! ... so now its a competition ? :P
woteverr, do u know this font?
sorry, but no... first time seeing this... and the artist has changed a bit of it too..oh ok :)
Ah for the coloring? without using any stock or pics? :P
Ah....if it doesn't involve graffiti... sure!! bring it on!! :)
my random feather .. :)
Nice.yes, font name please :P
Which is that font with which you wrote your nickname ?
yeah ... purely out of my mind! ... fresh ..
hehehe .. :))
This is a quandary, a quintessential quagmire, a questionable quest of quasi-unattainable status to qompete with your quantum-speed quickness in qreativity Qudsiyah, but I will blunder on... for one learns from mistakes more than qonquests.... :P
got another pics clicked by me
at the same place i mean at manali
ah ha horses againnn !! ;)ya what can i do my sis also loves horses
yes, font name please :P
Chatak gaya hain kya ? ::)
got another pics clicked by me
at the same place i mean at manali
try to remeber :P
uuuhmm .. I FORGOT! :o
:( noo!if u try typing again, it shows the last font used :) check it please.
i directly saved it as jpeg
just looked for it .. its "sunnydale"Thanks ;D
just looked for it .. its "sunnydale"
I mean downloaded the fonts (TTF). That was a sample.Google is so friendly :P
ya what can i do my sis also loves horses
hahaha .. i think so!!!
come on!! at least it was a good, lengthy alliteration!!
Mixed, somewhere you swapped q with the other alphabets. ::)
First animated thingy :Pya that stuff is cool Abod
hope u like it.
followed AE CS5.5 tut. :P
Click attachments to view the animation :P
Thanks ;D
Attachment!doodle or just some fun?
nice tattoo as well as the cards :D
I got new Tatto
and i also made two cards see those
A tattoo as in a real tattoo? :oi am 15 and going to be 16 soon
How old are you?
Wow. . .thanxx
Welcome. . . :Pi will also got more tattoos soon
i will also got more tattoos soon
was it painful?no it was not because they are not permanent
i will also got more tattoos soon
this is only one
More? Aren't those enough? :P
I hope not a permanent ones. ;)
Personally, I don't like tattoos at all!!!
no it was not because they are not permanent
Hmm.. So how did you apply it?just put it on my skin
just put it on my skin
rub it thoroughly
and removing the paper at the end
it is done
Lol. I used to get those when I used to buy chewing gums. =P
Lol. I used to get those when I used to buy chewing gums. =Pohh that means you also have chewing gums
ohh that means you also have chewing gumslike that? or not? ::)
and ya it is like that but it is very much different then that
Something else i did when i was B.O.R.E.D !
like that? or not? ::)the type of tattoo's which were with gums
how it could be the same and different at the same time?
the type of tattoo's which were with gumsah okay :)
but this have a bit but very good designs
Something else i did when i was B.O.R.E.D !well done qudz
thanks Emo :)your welcome
still light yrs ahead of anyone else....
very good stuff Qudz!! =D
some of my other artwork ..
those are special fonts from my head :)
thank you guys!! :D :Dwelcome
:D :D :)Edit it fast!!!! before a Mod/Admin warns you!!
thought smileys were spam ?
anywhoo :) thanks!Yes they r :P
its because i was not around ;)ya i am going to get a new tattoo soon
its because i was not around ;)
Responding to the 911 sent out by Quds.... :P (m a bit whacked got the last exam today! ;D)they are all good
okay, here you go:
iiii looooveee the peace siggnnn <3
great work!
they are all good
but the second one is cool dude
Thank you! ;Dyour welcome
your welcome
and create more things like this
here you go again, this one has a kinda deep meaning... you'll have to really look at it to get it....
here you go again, this one has a kinda deep meaning... you'll have to really look at it to get it....
okiees..... with great regret, 2.56kg of tears, and a truckload of remorse, I spill my secret: Apophysis 7x and photoshop. For the 3d thing in the first post, Incendia and photoshop....
all those ...put in effort .. but woteverr .. cant beat you :)
people these days....
have very short term memory.
yeh .. what do you use???? ...
and how do u do it ?
share :)
but how do you get this or create this all
and meaning explained by qudz
i get it .. i think ..
there's a shield .... anti-ppeace .. :)
then there's peace ... on the other side
2 opposite sides
some more
woteverr , GOOOD!
This is amazing for a beginner :D
Lol..My first piece i did is PS (it was manipulation) and it was a fail... :D
Here: *hides somewhere*
Here are some more, again manipulation
I liking mixing photos together :P
The small one is a random DP i made
The birds one, They were sitting in the balcony (4:am) and i took a picture :D, looked so beautiful :)
Naaiice!! Love the second one!!Eh..yeah, I just noticed
The grass in the fourth could use a bit of color correction imo, but it looks amazin overall...
Here I made those just now ...I had to upload them before I sleep ::)Donate some talent to me :P
Donate some talent to me :P
you mean 2a3milak wa7da ? LOL ..bokra lazim roo7 nam 2abl ma *gasp* :Pnope :P
Talk to you later beoble
nope :P
i am not so creative :/ will try doing some PS designs after my exams
you mean 2a3milak wa7da ? LOL ..bokra lazim roo7 nam 2abl ma *gasp* :P
Talk to you later beoble
0.o GG tell me wat those numbers mean.....i cant read arabic in english.....7 is like A'a?? ;)
no it the thick h ;)
I was asking him if he wanted me to do the same for his name ,that's all :P
hmmm wat about the 7? and the 5? :)
GG, mind if I explain??
All that I have gathered till now is:
7= The deep, glottal HHHH' sound
5= "KH" (or what GG said)
3= "aieen", if your familiar with arabic script... if not, its a glottal "aa"
2= It acts as an apostrophe in romanized Arabic
Though I think an Arab or an Arabic-speaking person could describe it better... I don't even know Arabic.... :P
Lol....thanks ppl...ya GG i got it....its like a secret code ;D...By the way we study arabic in school so basically we can read and understand it ;)
how's this creativity of mine
only the eye is original :P
Something I did in paint just a while ago :D
how's this creativity of minethat means you are not original
only the eye is original :P
i meant in th picture just the eye is mine the makeup is done by editting emo :Pya i know that
mashAllah it's Fabulous
thank youu! :) :)
random stuff:
Nice. Specially the 2nd picture. (M.A.)
Shukria!! ;D
though I'm surprised that you didn't go for the babies....
never got around to finishing the last one .. :/
those are very pretty ones :D
nice editting :D
Pretttttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! *thumbs up*
Keep up the great work! XD
some new stuff... tell me what you guys think!!
Pretty good. (Y) ;)
some new stuff... tell me what you guys think!!nice ones,esp the one down, +rep ^^
nice ones,esp the one down, +rep ^^
Aur aap ne chupna band kar diya? Behind your hidden online/offline status? :P
Your paintings ? Wow..Nysh :Dgood one esperanza
Something I just made..
Okees... Here is a farewell thingie:
Here :P
Here :PShouldnt it be student forum? :P
Shouldnt it be student forum? :PYeah its written studnet forum ::)
Its written studnet forum or my eyes has got problems ::) ;D
Shouldnt it be student forum? :P
Its written studnet forum or my eyes has got problems ::) ;D
Anyways awesome,keep it up
^ I like it :)
Realllllyyy? ? !!!LOL, We can kill him if he doesnt ::)
I dunno if Saud will like it.. ::)
He has a thing against me... yuh know.... :P
I hope yuh like this Saud! :-[Thank you soooo muchhhhhhhhhhh :D
I hope yuh like this Saud! :-[Awesome!!!!
Thank you soooo muchhhhhhhhhhh :D
Its awesomeeee :)
my new sig. 8)
once i change my name :P
Thank you again :)
Glad yuh liked it! :D:D
Welcome! :D
:DAlhamdullah! :D
its so nice :)
Thank you once again :)
Alhamdullah! :Dwhy did you removed :(
No problem! Imma remove it now. Ok? :P
why did you removed :(
i was going to make it my sig. :(
its actually first time someone made for me :)
Here. :PThank you :)
Thank you :)Anytime, chere <333
^ If you take those photos yourself ,you're surely talented mashAllah. If not then these pictures you get are really cool :D
I feel insulted!! :P
JA for the first part though.... Yes all these pics and wallpapers are my own.... if you look closely in the bigger version of the pic, you can see my signature "wikkid-kid.deviantart.com" there... or "Ibbi Photography" or "Ibbi Digital Art"...
HAHAHA xD ..... Nice mashAllah then keep up the good work ;) , inshAllah will keep on making them my Desktop background ::) ;D
Awesome!!WOAW :)
Okees, here's some more wallpapers, in appreciation of the appreciation....
Okees, here's some more wallpapers, in appreciation of the appreciation....
Okees, here's some more wallpapers, in appreciation of the appreciation....
WOAW :)It looks cute... :D
you rock :) those were so cool :D
Guys how is this? :-[ :-[
It looks cute... :DYes of course ;D
Hand drawn? :D
Awesome!!WOW,these things are amazing,mA,+rep for the great work ;)
Okees, here's some more wallpapers, in appreciation of the appreciation....
Made something Random today morning :DWow...I like the coloring... :D
and coloring after a decade i guess :P
wotever... - AMAZINGGG (Y)Thanks you and Ang3l :D :D
Well. . . there you go, Saud. Just like I promised. :-[
I know it ain't so great. I drew and colored after a while so. . . . ummmm . . . . not sure if YOU will like it. BUT, I REALLY hope that you like it. ;D
Colors: Silver and Blue ;)
That's so pretty MahshAllah :D
He'll Love it ;) ::)
^ wow, this is nicer :D (Y)
Hontoni honto? :O ;D :D
I dunno. :P
He surprises me at times with stuffs he dislikes. ::) :P
Edit: Re-posting the image. :P
Yes Hontoni :D
Sanks :D
I will make one fer SF soon! :P (IA)
could you please make one for me? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssseeeee!
Hontoni honto? :O ;D :DHope You like this one :)
I dunno. :P
He surprises me at times with stuffs he dislikes. ::) :P
Edit: Re-posting the image. :P
Hope You like this one :)
Not so special due to my hand pain.. i tried my best though :)
Honestly?! ::) Or yuh pulling me leg here. :P
I'm honest :D
And here's the pic again for emphasis:
You could write 'Mujtaba' :);D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
@SAUD: good one bro :D
I'm honest :DThanks yo' :D
And here's the pic again for emphasis:
You could write 'Mujtaba' :);D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
@SAUD: good one bro :D
Thanks yo' :D
i will make you a one too :)
but tomorrow.. my hand is not okay ::)
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. This is LOVELLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYY. Amazing. :D Thank yuh sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo MUCH. :D
Imma save it in my lappy and boast about it on fb. :P :D :D
Thank yuh again, jerk. :D Yuh are so awesome. :')
Yuh like it, jerk? :P ::)LIKE ? LOVE IT. :D
^ WOW, that is so awesome for first try :o
Digital painting is like so hard ::)
@Saud and Romy: You guys are amazingly talented at graffiti!!Thank you. (:
@Saud: you changed your name to Romeesa_Chan??!! :O
@everyone: Thankzz!!! Okay here's another ... errr.... digital painting you could say, one of my first tries.....
Amazing as usual,+rep ^^
Thank you. (:
Saud takes me as a role model. :P
AMAZING. ;) Keep it up! :D
I like the fact that you've come to expect awesomeness.... =PHey! You have fantastic conversational skill too! ;)
I may not have Romy, mony or crooky's fantastic conversational skills, butat least I have this!! =D :P
very welcome! =D
Ah....hmmmm... I will not say what I am thinking, its derogatory to some....
Thank you!! :D
Hey! You have fantastic conversational skill too! ;)The author of the thread made the poll about her cause usually she posts her art-work or creative works; its not supposed to change i guess
Some who? :o Does it include me? ::)
Welcome! :D
ps- To Mods: Shouldn't the poll be changed? Just suggesting. (:
The author of the thread made the poll about her cause usually she posts her art-work or creative works; its not supposed to change i guessAhaan. I see! Np! :D
@Saud and Romy: You guys are amazingly talented at graffiti!!Thanks Wotever :)
@Saud: you changed your name to Romeesa_Chan??!! :O
@everyone: Thankzz!!! Okay here's another ... errr.... digital painting you could say, one of my first tries.....
Thanks Wotever :)
Thank You so much romy!! :)
Liked it, chere?Yes, it was totally awesome :)
Yes, it was totally awesome :)
Hooorraaayyy! :Pi am glad :)
That made me happy! :D
i am glad :)
i will make new one for ya :)
Saud, only if yer hand is EXCELLENT NOW.hmm, its almost okay ::)
I will make one too, IA. :D
hmm, its almost okay ::)
Woaw, that one is nice :D
No need to make then. ::)Why so :(
Thanks. (:
Why so :(Yer hand should be in excellent condition. Plus, you owe many people to draw for already. ;)
Welcome :D
Yer hand should be in excellent condition. Plus, you owe many people to draw for already. ;)Mujtaba only i guess ::)
Mujtaba only i guess ::)I assume MU and exam too. ::)
my hand is almost okay na :)
I assume MU and exam too. ::)Not for MU :P
Finish theirs first. :P
Hey! You have fantastic conversational skill too! ;)
Some who? :o Does it include me? ::)
Welcome! :D
ps- To Mods: Shouldn't the poll be changed? Just suggesting. (:
Thanks Wotever :)
Made this when I was bored. :P
Actually, no....Neither do I. ;)
Looks like Saud changed it back... :/ he lost that crush he had on you? :P (awwwwwwwww :'( :'( :P)
Fantastabulous!! =D
Actually, no....Change back what? :o :P
Looks like Saud changed it back... :/ he lost that crush he had on you? :P (awwwwwwwww :'( :'( :P)
Welcome!! :)
Fantastabulous!! =D
Some more. . . I couldn't fit them in one post. ::)
PS: Can I ask you for one like Crooky's? ;D ;)
Awww! I am glad that yuh liked it. :D
Thanks! :-[
PS: Insha Allah :D
PPS: Welcome back! :P
QQQS: Welcome back double...it was nice ;D
The one I did fer Crooky. . . Ummm. . . . Same color?
Whisper: Temme a different color. :P
Whooooooa! There are colour choices? :D Wow ur like a paint box 8)
Ok so how about pink? No thats too girly ::)......hmmm how about maroonaquise? I invented that colour 8)...no no i choose 'green' ;D
Yuh called me a paint-box??!!! >_______________<
Batameez bacha! >:( :P
It's just that I am too kind. :P
Thank God yuh decided to leave pink. :P
I go with green, yo. :P 8)
Paint box is a good term :-\....it means that you have a diverse personality and wide ranging qualities ;)
Yup ur too kind :D
Ah I had to force myself to leave pink ::) :P I barely made it :D
I know. ;) :P
Stop flattering me. :P ;D
I hate it when guys like pink. :-X :-X :-X
I wasn't flattering....that isn't my quality =.=
And I don't like pink..I was kiddin....no boy should 8)
WOAH. Someone is being all ummmm. . . . SERIOUS. ::)
Ummmm what? :-\ *fingers crossed* Nice dots though :)
Ummmm what? :-\ *fingers crossed* Nice dots though :)
Yuh read what I wrote. ::)
Ya I read it Whotever :)...it looked like a dash to me ::)
Painbox? Yup thats what we should call her >:D
Rom Serious? No i wasn't lying ;)
I offer a tip on reading such; copy and paste into the address bar on a new tab! :)
AAAAnndd, nice sobriquet for Romy-chan; I'm gonna call her "paint-box" from now on... maybe... fine with you, Mademoiselle Romeesa Chan? :)
Ya I read it Whotever :)...it looked like a dash to me ::)
Painbox? Yup thats what we should call her >:D
Rom Serious? No i wasn't lying ;)
Fine with me! :P
Andha bacha. ::)
Paint box? Ummmm. . . . I dunno. :P
Fine with me! :P
Andha bacha. ::)
Paint box? Ummmm. . . . I dunno. :P
LOL it was sooo small....it really looked like a dash u see ;D
Ummm. . . . I am re-thinking of paint-box. :P
Yuh and wotever will be dead IF this was planned behind my back somehow. ::)
Yuh guys are so mean! >:( >:( >:(
I ain't talking to yuh both. :'( :'(
Yuh guys are so mean! >:( >:( >:(
I ain't talking to yuh both. :'( :'(
Mean jerks.
Muj - Yuh ain't getting that drawing now. ::)
But I said sorry :'(
Meanie :'(
ROFL Ok i'm sorry....arigatou :D
and I agree with wotever :)
Mean jerks.
Muj - Yuh ain't getting that drawing now. ::)
Keep crying.
Keep crying. ::)
Ikr? >:D
In one thread you are breakin hearts and in the other you say your own heart is getting broken.... make your mind up woman!! :P
@MujY: ROFL!! amazing description!! :P
In one thread you are breakin hearts and in the other you say your own heart is getting broken.... make your mind up woman!! :P
@MujY: ROFL!! amazing description!! :P
Ya but one way is left....thats still unknown as of 21 Jun 2011. ;D
@Nikita: no it doesn't, todays just an off-day ::)
Jun or July ? ::)
Ooops, u see when you say july i get upset that the holidays are finishing so fast :'(
One week left fer me. ::) :P
Seriously? Thats too bad because then Ramadan is starting...your school is during Ramadan? :o
Ramadan is gonna be busy fer me so I don't consider it as a holiday! :P
I am gonna start Uni, ullu. ::)
Hmm... you got admitted already... which uni? which field?
Yes. I have to pay the fees though before Uni starts. :P
Some Uni . . . :P
Dentistry! (IA) ;D
No seriously which Uni? are you studying abroad? And when is the semester starting?
Some uni in UAE, ullu. :P
September. :D
Ok I got it....because in UAE there are only 3...
Good luck By the way...dentist artist ;)
I know. :P
Lol . . . Dentist Artist . . . ;D
I was pulling yer leg ;)What is this bakwas? >:( :P
What is this bakwas? >:( :P
Stick to one language Rom ::)Can't help being a multi-language speaker! ;)
Yeah. . . well . . . hope yuh both like it, Ang3l and MU. :P
Saud and Muj - both of yours is still under construction. :P
WOW!!! Its AWESOME!!! Thank you so muchhhhhhhh ROMY!!!! <3 + 2 Rep for putting your time drawing for us!Awwww! I am glad that you like it! ;D
Wow Angels' is so sophisticated...and MU's is very colourful :D
Wow Angels' is so sophisticated...and MU's is very colourful :D
Something I just did ::)
Again manipulation
Something I just did ::)
Again manipulation
@Muj: Photoshop
Wotever: Thanks :)
Another one:
Nice manip!! :)This one isnt a manip :D
This one isnt a manip :D
Just a bit of color changes and blending
And a text :D
@Muj: Sure :P
Since it aint a manip, what would you call it?LOL, Are you testing me ::)
LOL, Are you testing me ::)
I would just call it modification :P
nahin nahin mein aisa gira huwa kaam nahin karun ga!! :PHaha, So you were actually asking :P
Actually I don't know myself...
I got goose bumps when I saw the first picture :$ I guess it reminds me of Makka <3
Amazing Once Again mashAllah =D
Thankyou!! :)
and of all those buildings you see, most have two stories... If you wanna see how high this is, check out the cars... and it is Madina... :)
Thankyou!! :)
and of all those buildings you see, most have two stories... If you wanna see how high this is, check out the cars... and it is Madina... :)
Nice whotever!Yup that is Madinah !
I was standing there 2 weeks ago...on the other side of Uhud....there is a small cave (actually just big crack in the mountain) where the Prophet P.B.U.H took refuge....the scent is 'MashaAllah' :)
You're Welcome =D
Madina , Nice <3 ..WOW that is REALLY HIGH MashAllah ..Dude you got all the way up to take a pic ? MashAllah =]
Yeah I went there too... the scent is actually put there by someone I think (its too strong, that's why I think that way)
Nope, I didn't go all that way just to take a pic, I went there for the experience... :)
Nope whotever, I went their with my Dads buddy....he said that ppl have actually discouraged others from going there because then they'll start worshipping it and all that.....but the scent is true and is of the Prophet PBUH ;)
I liked the second the most =D
Everyone has their own preferences....
I have the last one on at the moment...
Indeed that is true. 8)
I have to go for now , talk to you later inshAllah =]
Whatever you say...
Ok, here's a new batch of wallpapers, same design in all but different color schemes...
here something new
^ Nice :D
My fail photography using a cell camera ::)
You have to open the 2nd one to actually see it, It looks like a painting or something but in real I took it while walking on the road :D. The clouds/sky inspired me 8)
good stuff :)
i lost my all creativity when my results were released
Awwwwwwwww. Was it that bad? :-\ :-X :-Xyyuupp but what can i do i tried my level best but still it was not enough so i will try to get my creativity back soon
yyuupp but what can i do i tried my level best but still it was not enough so i will try to get my creativity back soonAw. Don't worry. Everything happens for a reason. Work extra hard in the coming time. (:
Aw. Don't worry. Everything happens for a reason. Work extra hard in the coming time. (:started from now itself
started from now itselfDo yer best! ;D
Do yer best! ;Dwill do that because i want to clear those subs with good grades any how
will do that because i want to clear those subs with good grades any howAll the very best! ;D
^ Nice :D
My fail photography using a cell camera ::)
You have to open the 2nd one to actually see it, It looks like a painting or something but in real I took it while walking on the road :D. The clouds/sky inspired me 8)
Simply beautiful. (Y)
Ok, here's a new wallpaper after a long long fallow...Hope you guys like it! :)
Islamabad! Japanese Park, I'm guessing.. Right? :PLOOL, no :P
Ok, here's a new wallpaper after a long long fallow...Hope you guys like it! :)
Thanks everybody! =DIt looks so cute. <3
I was too preoccupied with my results on the 14th, only had time to make this now... Sorry all..
Hope you enjoy and a belated Jashne Azadi Mubarak to tum sub!! :)
Thanks everybody! =DWow it looks really good =] !
I was too preoccupied with my results on the 14th, only had time to make this now... Sorry all..
Hope you enjoy and a belated Jashne Azadi Mubarak to tum sub!! :)
wotever MashAlah it's cool 8) :D
It looks so cute. <3
Wow it looks really good =] !
LOOL, no :P
Wow, amazing. Its beautiful, love the colors. *you should teach me* ::)
Cute? That's a first!
Of course! Take pride in your work and your country! :PYeah... :P
Yeah... :P
hmm nice one Romeesa, it looks like Deira..where is this place ?
I asked the same question :P
Oh what a coincidence :o ! :P
I asked her where is this place, and just included my guess in it :P there's a difference ;D
hahah okay but I don't think so she'll be disclosing it eh :-\
^ Lol, yes, it is dubai as she lives there :P 8)
Haha...I lived in dubai for 5 yrs and even I don't recognize it...it changed sooo much :DOh no wait, She told me its UAE ::) I always confuse dubai with UAE. :-[
Oh no wait, She told me its UAE ::) I always confuse dubai with UAE. :-[
Now i dont know what that place is except that its in UAE. ::)
Coincidence? LOL... :P
So whats the point in putting a photo and then not revealing the location? ;)
First time for everything. ;)
This is from my Aunt's place. Love the view. It was 6 am in the morning. :D
Sky was just breath taking.
The picture cannot justify the real beauty.
Its a name of a shop in UAE ;)
WHAAAAAAT ..It's obviously on the sea o.O :-\
Don't panic...I was jokin' ::)
Now I no longer know when you're kidding =,= ::) :P
Thats what I told you before ::)
Copy Cat =,=
You stole my SUPER Powers ,go get your OWN :P
Use your creativity/Imagination kid ;)
@Rom: Sharjah? Whooooooooooooooo! What a change :D....seems like dubai though 8)
Copy Cat? LOL...yeah you copied me :P
So copying was your SUPER power? No problem you can have it all back ;)
Rom : I seldom go to Sharjah..Last I went there was at least 3-5 years ago :-[ ::)
Lol. Yuh speak same like my Dubai friends. ::) :P
Excuse me, I'm an AD Berson ::) :P
Really ? I thought you were DXB person. :-[ :-[ :-[
I go there every now and then but I'm an AD Berson originally :P =]
the water and morning mist were breathtaking.. :)
I see. :o
I don't like AD much. :P Just Sharjah and Dubai. :D
It ain't that cool in the first place :P ::)
I go there every now and then but I'm an AD Berson originally :P =]
The land of Benzene ;D
Chemistry much ? ::)
Nope it just crossed my mind ::)
Whenever I visited AD, some or the other misfortune has occurred so I kinda despise it. :P
No wonder yer abnormal. ::)
OMG , What kind of misfortunes :o
It is Crowded but what kind of misfortunes , seriously :-[ ::)
Stupid guys there. ;)
Muj: Jokes. ;)
Stupid Guys are EVERYWHERE these Days ::) ::)
Ikr ? ::)
These were real jerks. ::)
After that, I didn't visit AD. :(
My BFF used to live there as well. :(
WOW .. I did see many REAL Jerks here but I live my life like they never existed cuz that's what I want really :P
Ohh don't think that HORRIBLY about AD , I live there ya know :P
I am sure you brighten it up with yer golden charm! ;)
Thanks/Arigatou Guzaimas :-[ :)
To dear 'banana' ::)
Hope you like it. ;)
I ran out of my moons, stars and hearts . . . so yeah. :-[
I made it on Eid night but never got time to post it. :-[ My apologies for being 'late'.
I am glad you liked it! ;D
Sweet sweeet sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet :D :D
And no it looks GREAT...don't worry ;)
Thanks Romy...Good luck to you toooooooooo :D
I am glad you liked it! ;D
Thank you. :D
I can be little bweet sweet at times. :P :D
I loved it ;D...LOL so this was my lucky day? ::)
Seems like a little love story's evolving? ::) :P
A wedding?! :o Am I invited? And will there be lots of cake?? ;D
:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P (enough perhaps? :P )
I shall attend as long as I get a glass of Pepsi there! Haha. :P
^GG- your friend's idea kinda made sense. :-\
Hahahahaha! ;D You should become a Comedian! Haha! :P
Now we know the bride and groom will be there, we just need to find some guests! ;D
And yes, There'll be lots of cake and pepsi! And even if there isn't, I'm sure you can't miss your own wedding! :P
Hahahahaha! ;D You should become a Comedian! Haha! :P
Fortunately OR unfortunately, I am already booked. :P :P :P
^ yo lad , can ya help me in the chem thread cuz my mind is BLANK =,=
And I admit I'm a Nerdy , habby ? :P
ahaha. I'm not funny enough to be a comedian :P
Unfortunately? Fortunately? Seems like you can't make up your mind, perhaps you'll be better off with the groom here :P :P
Post the link... ;)
A part of it wasn't scanned =[
upper pic was cool so posted it :P
eeettt is cool, maybe, it'll go into this month's magazine. ;D
really :o :o OMG OMG *dances the dance of victory* :P .. That'll definitely be Cool 8) ;D
dance of victory *scratches head and whispers: it's sounds SO familiar o__O* ..... I miss that guy 'AboD ::)' :P
Yeah, I just hope Roxy man isn't lost in the wilderness. ::) :P
He must have heard you, on his way. :P
Yeah, I just hope Roxy man isn't lost in the wilderness. ::) :P
He must have heard you, on his way. :P
LOL I hope not :Peh what? you sure? :P
No idea , he's so predictable though ::) :P
uh whatever.
You don't have to tell, and i don't want to know :P
ahaha. I'm not funny enough to be a comedian :P
Unfortunately? Fortunately? Seems like you can't make up your mind, perhaps you'll be better off with the groom here :P :P
Here is something I did out of boredom :P
Attached =]
Awwwwwwwwwwesome ;D
Epic beoble?? :P
I knew it I kneeeeeeeeeeeeeew it =>The fact that you'll comment on it ::) :P
Well turns out it was just a Phase , tried to keep it for a longer time but seems it isn't flexible/stretchable. ::) :P
How come?? :o Am I that predictable? No bluffin' puhlease :P
Interesting bhase :P
Here is something I did out of boredom :P
Attached =]
This is completely AWWESOMMEEE!!!
So what are all you guyses and galses up to nowadays?
The first pic there is a digi painting, the second one is a pic from my N95... unedited. ok, nearly unedited, I only increased the contrast a bit..
The first pic there is a digi painting, the second one is a pic from my N95... unedited. ok, nearly unedited, I only increased the contrast a bit..
1st - LOVE the colour used.
2nd- LOVE the angle used for the shot. Perfect. (:
MA. :D
Now that is COOL ..You're making me LIKE photography even more lol xD [ thing is I suck @ using cameras =,= ] .... cooly MashAllah =]
This is completely AWWESOMMEEE!!!
So what are all you guyses and galses up to nowadays?
The first pic there is a digi painting, the second one is a pic from my N95... unedited. ok, nearly unedited, I only increased the contrast a bit..
awesomeness :)
This one I made :PAwesome! Love it! :D
stole the pic from google and the words are the lyrics of a song <3 :P
My FIRST Edit ,so No big deal ::) :P
Attached =]
what does Bohot mean :$
Wa Jazak =D
Wow. Breath taking. <3I've got one thing to say; "Orange, chocolate and lemon cream. Deliciously swirly."
-----End of communique-----
I've got one thing to say; "Orange, chocolate and lemon cream. Deliciously swirly."
-----End of communique-----
I've got one thing to say; "Orange, chocolate and lemon cream. Deliciously swirly."
-----End of communique-----
'jaw drops ' the flower ROCKS mashAllah .
I think that the flower will stand out in a much Cooler way if you chose a different color for the background ;) it's SO AMAZING mashAllah =D
Wow. Breath taking. <3
Amazing mA :D Keep 'painting' ;)
Wow, now I'm looking at your work Woteverr (and why did you choose such a nick? :P).
It's beautiful in every sense of the word. I really loved the blue background! :) Deep night. You've made it stark. I remember for my last art exams, I did exactly the same thing but with paint and sponge. :D
The yellow red thing is an addition though. But it's well placed too. :)
And the second one displays such an harmonious choice of colours. Congrats for this one too. :)
By the way, your name is Ibrahim? :)
Hmmm. I was actually going through a rebellious phase right then, and afterwards I kept the name for recognition purposes. Now, the pure amount of raised eyebrows has forced me to choose my real-life nick...
Thank you! :) What colors did you use? Ant the "yellow-red thing", as you say, :P is supposed to be flower, expressed fractally...
Thanks for the kind comments! I've never actually taken arts as a subject, so you would know the philosophy of the harmony better... =D
Yup.. why?
You are right, of course. I actually wanted to experiment with backgrounds. If you see closely when it is enlarged, you will notice it has a midnight blue and black fleck marble pattern. Thanks for the encouragement and advice! :)
Oops. In bold, that is for me? ::)
Ah, rebellion. You must've been a typical teenage guy in the 'rebellion phase'... they all seem to follow the same pattern of choosing nicks. Ibbi is nice though. :)
Well, actually, I'd use only the primary colors for painting. Yellow, blue and red. For the sky, if I remember well, I used blue mostly and a bit of those: black, red, white, yellow, green. :)
Oh, flower. I took it as an abstract pattern. ;D The flower is nice too, but I liked the background most. It's dominant. :)
Harmony, I mean the colours blend together well. Like there's no sharp contrast between them. And a good balance too.
Having a name isn't a crime. Me just asking. :P
I might be wrong you know ::) :P ... it's my desktop wallpaper so I can see that =D .. Welcome =D
Not only you.. Many people said that it looks stupid, and I must agree that it does...
And girls don't? ::) :P
It is an abstract flower... here, let me get it for you: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=fractals+ :P How is the background dominant? technique-wise?
Good. Cuz I felt that the red would be too sharp on those urbane, smooth metallic gradients.
But how did you know?? ???
Ok :P Then let me complete my sentence, you are right of course, for your own self. Cuz everyone has their own sense of aesthetics, and yours may differ from mine. Thus, you are right in your own regard. :P
So I seem to be the preferred supplier of desktop wallpapers then... I like that! =D ;D ;D
So there are no copyright restrictions on your setting your art as desktop backgrounds, eh Ibbi? I mean even if there was... >:D
Its awesome! ;DI know right ? ;D
I know right ? ;D
The colours used were beautiful. :D
Yeah! Especially how the photomanipper seamlessly integrates all the disparate elements...Exactly. ::)
Exactly. ::)
What were those rolling eyes for?My usual look. :P
Annyway, here's something for all of you guys, though I guess most of you have already seen it..
What were those rolling eyes for?
Annyway, here's something for all of you guys, though I guess most of you have already seen it..
My usual look. :P
It's pretty, mA. :D
Specially the below one. :D
Both of them are superb. You're advancing on the quality latter. Rather galloping. :D
Do you mind if we use some of your works for the Newsletter layout? :)
How is the background dominant? technique-wise?
Good. Cuz I felt that the red would be too sharp on those urbane, smooth metallic gradients.
thats really motivating! +rep :)
And Ibbi, for you:
The technique and the colours. Deep dark night. It gives the impression that you can travel further into it. :)
Oh and sharp and smooth do make a good combination. Actually, they make a perfect combination. But that doesn't mean sharp and sharp won't do. You know, it's Art. And till Art is You, Art is never wrong.
But by sharp here I meant there doesn't seem to be a 'jump' in colour or technique from your foreground to the background. Like see, in the blue pic, there's nothing that relates the dark blue and green with the shiny yellow and crimson red. That is a sharp contrast. On a spectrum of rainbow colours, these two are well apart.
Harmony can be in the way you arrange your main objects, or in your selection of colours.
You know, the first thing I learned in an Art class is that everyone can draw, paint, or strike out lines, but no one can do it the way you do. It's all a journey into self-discovery. You need to keep on travelling further and discover the things that you can do, not necessarily better, but in a way that no one else can.
You may be wondering why this lecture... You said you never attended an art lesson, I'm telling you that art requires no lesson. :)
Saud, nice perspective. +rep for sharing. :)
And Ibbi, for you:
The technique and the colours. Deep dark night. It gives the impression that you can travel further into it. :)
Oh and sharp and smooth do make a good combination. Actually, they make a perfect combination. But that doesn't mean sharp and sharp won't do. You know, it's Art. And till Art is You, Art is never wrong.
But by sharp here I meant there doesn't seem to be a 'jump' in colour or technique from your foreground to the background. Like see, in the blue pic, there's nothing that relates the dark blue and green with the shiny yellow and crimson red. That is a sharp contrast. On a spectrum of rainbow colours, these two are well apart.
Harmony can be in the way you arrange your main objects, or in your selection of colours.
You know, the first thing I learned in an Art class is that everyone can draw, paint, or strike out lines, but no one can do it the way you do. It's all a journey into self-discovery. You need to keep on travelling further and discover the things that you can do, not necessarily better, but in a way that no one else can.
You may be wondering why this lecture... You said you never attended an art lesson, I'm telling you that art requires no lesson. :)
Thank you for the morale-boosting way you explained how the deficiency of formal art classes in my education doesn't affect the art in what I make, or at least the essence of it. Me, I just judge by what seems sufficiently good enough to me... :)
Thank you Cornelia. :)your welcome!! :)
Well, most of the famous artists the world knows have never been in an art class. ;)
Perhaps your photos are too big. Try reducing their size.
No worries. I judge my own on people's reactions. :)
i found this on the internet. How do they do it?! Its totally fab!!! ;D
i found this on the internet. How do they do it?! Its totally fab!!! ;Dawesome!!
i found this on the internet. How do they do it?! Its totally fab!!! ;D
Some food for thought:
Not bad, yer catching up. 8)
*hehe* :P
i found this on the internet. How do they do it?! Its totally fab!!! ;Dphotoshop.
Catching up with...? That Reebok ad? I just hope I can do half as better; even that would be wayy beyond my humble skills... :P
rebook advertisement (mid left)
i think they are standing on glass! it makes it look like ice...?
they have painted a 3D picture on the road. :)
@ibbi: you have got an amazing talent. Do you draw or sketch?
Really? I was thinking of rotoscoping the road out of a picture of a clear street, greenscreening the guys and their work equipment, then photomanipping it all together with a bit of 3D art tossed in... silly me.... ::) :P
I photoshop; subcategory is mainly wallpapers, though I do edit a bit of photos on the side... :)
One more for you guys:
EDIT: Full view is best! :)
i found this on the internet. How do they do it?! Its totally fab!!! ;DI think its Photoshopped
Really? I was thinking of rotoscoping the road out of a picture of a clear street, greenscreening the guys and their work equipment, then photomanipping it all together with a bit of 3D art tossed in... silly me.... ::) :Pi thought the same when i saw it first. But it is definitely 3D art.
I photoshop; subcategory is mainly wallpapers, though I do edit a bit of photos on the side... :)
One more for you guys:
EDIT: Full view is best! :)
Nice. :)
Now, this is something different. :) It looks like one of Picasso's works, but in graphical form with a classy touch.
If I wore a hat, would have hats off for you. :)
i thought the same when i saw it first. But it is definitely 3D art.
Its called sidewalk/street painting using chalk. 3D artists render 2-dimensional images to make them look like 3-dimensional images. I could put on more pics if you guys wanna see. :)
oh,i see. I am nil at editing, dont know a thing about it. ::) but you do real nice work. Keep it up!!;)
Thanks! :)
PLEASE!! Don't compare me to picasso, I would feel that you are insulting me! :P (i.e. I hate Picasso)
Thank you for the sentiment! :)
Wonderful. Just wondering, how many hours per week must they waste for a form of art that's just waiting for a pedestrian or a car to cross over and mar the whole pic...? Must feel terrible when it happens...
Thank you! :)
Hate Picasso? Why? :o
HOW in the whole wide universe does it make sense that THIS is called "art" when my brother doodles better than that....Maybe I should declare his doodles to be priceless masterpieces of art and sell em for millions, eh? ;)
Picasso's paintings sell the most expensive in the whole world.
It's because his style is something unique of his time, which cannot be replicated. That's what I told you, Art doesn't have to be good to be Art, it has to be you. ;)
If he made that when he was 10 or below, I would encourage him.... But as a grown man, well.... I would have said he should have been too ashamed to even let that atrocious piece live, but I have learned not to argue with gals.... I always lose, you see.... :P
No matter how hard I try, I cannot paint like a 10 or below. ::)
Good. You are a well-learned man. :P
See what I mean?
A well-learned man in the ill-fated ways of the world... :P
I was pointed to the difficulty* of painting like him. :P
Poor you... Tea as consolation? :D
By the way, you've to answer Amelia's questions. ::)
It is very difficult for an adult to act (and paint) like an adolescent, right? :P
AAHHH!! I have thorns in my throat now!! The tea was spiked with glitter roses with glitter thorns their glitter thorns deep in the brew!! Now when I go to the ENT doc he'll be like, "Why the hell does your throat glitter inside?" And I'll be like, "Doc, it was an insidious plot, by a person I will not name, to get me ripped glowing throat, under the cover of her warmest sympathies and warmer tea.... Capische?" :P
Which questions??
Oh yes, it is. Hail to kids and their innocence.^
Ah, tell your doctor to give you a glitter syringe as a glitter remedy against the glitter lady who glittered your throat with her glitter sympathies. Problems would all glitter for you then. :P
About the Impression. Do give your entry too.
I gotta go sleep now. Shabba khair. :)
That would be too pretentiously glittery, and I am leery of so much glitter you see...
yeah... its a WIP...
K... WS! :)
You are glittering your English as far as my brain allows me to go. :D
Okay, that makes no sense. ::)
Salaam.* :)
Back to creativity^.
Yess!! Mission accomplished!! :P
WIP=Work in progress... I've answered Q1 and 3 in more words than the limit allowed, but the answer to Q2 remains unfortunately way lower than the selfsame limit.... in fact, if I am not mistaken, it currently rests at a blissful 0 words... :P
I studied Accounting (too?). ;)
It's fine with the word limit. I added it to prevent people from making dissertations. Even if you've one word to say, no problemo. Till it makes sense. :)
And I request those who haven't submitted their entries to please do the necessary. :)
well, it depends on the size or complexity of the image. It takes hours and days. Yeah, you are right,eventhough they try to cover it with plastic or a trauplin, the painting fades away eventually cos of weather, wind, pedestrians... And it's total disaster for them if it starts to rain. :P ;)
Wonderful. Just wondering, how many hours per week must they waste for a form of art that's just waiting for a pedestrian or a car to cross over and mar the whole pic...? Must feel terrible when it happens...
Thank you! :)
well, it depends on the size or complexity of the image. It takes hours and days. Yeah, you are right,eventhough they try to cover it with plastic or a trauplin, the painting fades away eventually cos of weather, wind, pedestrians... And it's total disaster for them if it starts to rain. :P ;)
@ cornelia : here are a few works of 3D art. :)
and they arent real, they are '2-dimensional'. They only appear 3-dimensional when seen from the right angle. they appear a total distortation and dont make any sense if seen from the wrong side.
hmmm... If they would be allowed to spray a lacquer over it all, maybe it would remain for a longer time...
But these are amazing works of art and amazing artists too... even if their talents are wasted on the streets...
well, it depends on the size or complexity of the image. It takes hours and days. Yeah, you are right,eventhough they try to cover it with plastic or a trauplin, the painting fades away eventually cos of weather, wind, pedestrians... And it's total disaster for them if it starts to rain. :P ;)omg! they are beautiful!!
@ cornelia : here are a few works of 3D art. :)
and they arent real, they are '2-dimensional'. They only appear 3-dimensional when seen from the right angle. they appear a total distortation and dont make any sense if seen from the wrong side.
omg! they are beautiful!!same here!
they did one 3D art in a music video and i loved these from then on! :D
i dont think so, cos spraying lacquer could spoil the chalkwork.well, they must be taking measures to preserve their art, which we dont know about.
Yes,you are right, they are amazing!! I sooo wanna learn it. But these artists to paint indoors and their works are displayed in museums,galleries etc. :)
same here!
I love 3D art, i am a complete fan. I'm really good at drawing and sketching, so i wanna learn 3D too. How about you? Do any arts?
Yeah....definitely...*Jaw drops*
Check this out: (I've posted it before but doing so again cuz I can't seem to find the page... >.< )
same here!:D
I love 3D art, i am a complete fan. I'm really good at drawing and sketching, so i wanna learn 3D too. How about you? Do any arts?
sometimes i even do Graffiti which a friend thought me. :)
Do not lie. I taught ye.i dont lie lil girl. :P
Don't give me credit to someone else, little girl. ::)
i dont lie lil girl. :PI am elder to you.
arent you my friend?? ::)
I am elder to you.its just a year difference, ::) dont belittle me! :P
Nope, you are my sister. ::) :P
its just a year difference, ::) dont belittle me! :PWill try not to. ::)
its an honor, madame :P
*Jaw drops*
nice one! +rep
Nice one, Ibbi.
Reminds me of those castles in games. ::) :P
I've posted it in this selfsame thread before too... ::)
And yeah, I know its nice... :P
But too complicated for one in games, don't you think?
Yeah....definitely...absolutely fantabulous!! :o ;D
Check this out: (I've posted it before but doing so again cuz I can't seem to find the page... >.< )
@cornelia : wow,nice. :) i draw and sketch beautifully, and my friends say i should become an artist,that with a little more practice i could become an expert. (but i suck at painting :P)
I am new, remember ? LOL. :P
Don't flatter yerself. -.-
Nope. :P Not that I play any. ::)
absolutely fantabulous!! :o ;D
Doesn't mean the pages are gone... -_-
I am a flatterer.... stands to reason that I'd flatter myself too! :P
The experience you quote yourself as having in games is insufficient to make such judgments as you proclaim...
^See, Rome? :P
PS. EVERYONE is encouraged to share his/her/its creativity here!! :P
Laziness kicks in. :P
Oh, right. ::)
My experience by visualization. -.-
Her fantabulous = my nice. :P
Indeed. :)
Experiencing the real thing far outweighs the imagination; for in imagination, all things tend to edge towards the extremes. Either dreams will be too fairy-taled, or nightmares to vividly horrifying... (put this in the quotes section imo... :P)I did experience it. That's for sure, I stopped cos it was affecting my eye-sight plus I don't like being addicted to anything.
See? Girls like you set their sights sooo high that you people balk at pure, gritty, down-to-earth efforts ... ::) :P
I did experience it. That's for sure, I stopped cos it was affecting my eye-sight plus I don't like being addicted to anything.
Dreams can be in between those two categories as well. ;)
Girls like me ? Ouch. -.- I didn't in any way put down your effort, neither would I ever do such a thing (unless, I was kidding). ::)
I wasn't sniping at you; that's just my twisted humour acting out... take no offence please... :P
Good at experiencing games or leaving it ? :P
I know how to handle it by now. :D
Both...Alhamdulillah. :D
I bite... :P
thats awesome, I wanted to become an artist and a writer full time. but Romeesa told me to keep it as a side job :P (there take the credit chan :P)
@cornelia : wow,nice. :) i draw and sketch beautifully, and my friends say i should become an artist,that with a little more practice i could become an expert. (but i suck at painting :P)
Do share some of your creativity!well why dont you come over and teach how to properly work this forum, because i tried last time but no luck...
If you don't mind that is ... ;D
thats awesome, I wanted to become an artist and a writer full time. but Romeesa told me to keep it as a side job :P (there take the credit chan :P)wonderful. Oh! If you write a book or a story, do tell me, i am a crazy reader.i love reading :D Yeah, my sis said the same, about me taking art as a sidejob.same here, i've never taken classes myself.
but im not that good, i never took classes so i just draw random stuff. :-\
well why dont you come over and teach how to properly work this forum, because i tried last time but no luck...
and i yeah i do mind. some of them arent good but i still cant bare throwing them away :P :-X
wonderful. Oh! If you write a book or a story, do tell me, i am a crazy reader.i love reading :D Yeah, my sis said the same, about me taking art as a sidejob.same here, i've never taken classes myself.InshAllah, i will. :)
I'll share some of my drawings soon, In shaa Allah. But right now Alevels killing me. ::)
InshAllah, i will. :)really?! What authors have you read? Who's your favourite? :)
me too i love reading! <3
i have the same problem, these As level days never get over! *sigh*
really?! What authors have you read? Who's your favourite? :)i cant remember all the books i have read...but in memory, i loved Johanna Spyri, Jane Austen, J.K Rowling, Nicolas Sparks, Frances Hodgson Burnett etc
same here.i'm in As too, doing CIE. You doing CIE too?
i cant remember all the books i have read...but in memory, i loved Johanna Spyri, Jane Austen, J.K Rowling, Nicolas Sparks, Frances Hodgson Burnett etcnice. I have read some of them :) yeah, mine is a long list too. :P
yeah, im doing CIE too. :o In which subjects?
nice. I have read some of them :) yeah, mine is a long list too. :Pwhos ur favourite? :)
chemistry,biology,maths,physics. Yours?
whos ur favourite? :)i've read Dan Brown, Sidney Sheldon, John Grisham, Judith Mcnaught, Nora Roberts, Sophie Kinsella, Agatha Christie, Paolo Coelho, Khalid Hosseini, Jonathan Kellerman, Jeff Abott, Stieg Larsson, J.K. Rowling, LJ smith, PC Cast, Kristin Cast........ And many more. ;D
economics, bussiness, accounts. ;)
i've read Dan Brown, Sidney Sheldon, John Grisham, Judith Mcnaught, Nora Roberts, Sophie Kinsella, Agatha Christie, Paolo Coelho, Khalid Hosseini, Jonathan Kellerman, Jeff Abott, Stieg Larsson, J.K. Rowling, LJ smith, PC Cast, Kristin Cast........ And many more. ;D:P well i know 9 of the authors you mentioned above!
I like them all but i like Dan Brown the best and Agatha Christie. :)
i like reading thriller. What genre do you prefer? :)
i see, well, goodluck with your studies! ;)
Ocean, grab it before it gets deleted :P
Here is ONE I just made =D
Picture stolen though =]
The last one says "LIVE United" i.e. May this Union last forever =D
And Happy National Day :)
My creative fishing expedition 8):
Locke Lamora ( 07:58:26 pm Viewing Who's Online.
"Nothing, or nothing you can see" -_- :P
Here is ONE I just made =D
Picture stolen though =]
The last one says "LIVE United" i.e. May this Union last forever =D
I was bored so I made this.You made it more special :D
Picture taken from google Here to be more precise (http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lk5g76CNKI1qcyl4ko1_500.jpg)and edited by GG =D
It ain't that special but I loved the pic <3