all those ...put in effort .. but woteverr .. cant beat you
Amazing if you just started now... custom brushes?

Personally, I haven't even started dabbling with brushes....
people these days....
have very short term memory.
yeh .. what do you use?
and how do u do it ?
but how do you get this or create this all
and meaning explained by qudz
Yup, but I only used a background texture and the peace and shield signs in making these two "peace" images.... And no Apophysis was used (in these two), Photoshop only....

i get it .. i think ..
there's a shield .... anti-ppeace .. 
then there's peace ... on the other side
2 opposite sides
hmmm... actually, its supposed to represent that evil (nuclear sign) usually hides behind a pretext of wishing well for others (radioactive fake peace shield) while true peace (right bottom; peace signs) cowers in fear (suggesting that it can never be realized).... I wish I could explain better....