New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
i lost my all creativity when my results were released
Awwwwwwwww. Was it that bad?
yyuupp but what can i do i tried my level best but still it was not enough so i will try to get my creativity back soon
Aw. Don't worry. Everything happens for a reason. Work extra hard in the coming time. (:
started from now itself
Do yer best!
will do that because i want to clear those subs with good grades any how
^ Nice My fail photography using a cell camera You have to open the 2nd one to actually see it, It looks like a painting or something but in real I took it while walking on the road . The clouds/sky inspired me
Ok, here's a new wallpaper after a long long fallow...Hope you guys like it!
Islamabad! Japanese Park, I'm guessing.. Right? Ok, here's a new wallpaper after a long long fallow...Hope you guys like it!