Hmmm. I was actually going through a rebellious phase right then, and afterwards I kept the name for recognition purposes. Now, the pure amount of raised eyebrows has forced me to choose my real-life nick...
Thank you!
What colors did you use? Ant the "yellow-red thing", as you say,
is supposed to be flower, expressed fractally...
Thanks for the kind comments! I've never actually taken arts as a subject, so you would know the philosophy of the harmony better... =D
Yup.. why?
Oops. In bold, that is for me?

Ah, rebellion. You must've been a typical teenage guy in the 'rebellion phase'... they all seem to follow the same pattern of choosing nicks. Ibbi is nice though.

Well, actually, I'd use only the primary colors for painting. Yellow, blue and red. For the sky, if I remember well, I used blue mostly and a bit of those: black, red, white, yellow, green.

Oh, flower. I took it as an abstract pattern.

The flower is nice too, but I liked the background most. It's dominant.

Harmony, I mean the colours blend together well. Like there's no sharp contrast between them. And a good balance too.
Having a name isn't a crime. Me just asking.