As I said, you are not posting ANY facts so all what you are saying is just an opinion of yours which only matters to no one but you. =]
No one said marriage is the happily after life. Problems and fights happens, even between my mother and my father. This is life people who love each other fight, friends, sisters, parents etc etc
You want to stay alone, live alone and DIE ALONE then LOL sweety that's your choice. Your parents won't live forever, your friends will have their own lives even your siblings will find someone they love whom they will want to get married to, it will just be you earning money, being successful and spending it all on YOURSELF, yes only yourself because you are a person who wants to live alone.
I follow my religion which is common sense and logic. Nothing matters to me after that. =]
I don't believe in luck to be honest, so I'd rather tell you please pray for me to have a leading life with children who would be LEADERS, children who would take care of their mother when she gets old n sick, children who would pray for me when I am in my grave (just like my mom prays for her parents), children who I would have a non-stopping good deeds for what they do in this world (sadqa jariaha ya3ni), children who would change this world to the better and after all a husband who stays with me in my life forever and in my afterlife together in paradise inshAllah. =]
I was always strong with personality, no girl in this world could beat my strong personality, I don't even have MANY crushes like you, I don't even care about men and in my 16 years I achieved a lot but still I have logic. =]