I would like you all to not even mention Islam, if you want to justify a cause, then do it through normal means, refrain from including religeon in your arguments. That goes for all of you.
It seems now a days, it is not a shame to have casual relationships with a woman, or a man, and so the reason for marriage has degraded. Let me make this clear, marriage puts responsibility in the relationship, one person simply cannot quit on the other, they need to work together as a team, and help raise their next generation.
Let me make this clear, a woman is independent, you can do whatever you like, but if you did not need protection, if you did not need someone to protect you at times, there would no no incidents of rape in this world, none at all. You need to realize, a tazer will only work once, and one a whole gang gains up on you, you cant do much.
And would you not want to love a man in your life, as a man does a woman. I mean, that is the purpose of the whole thing, to unite a couple, under an understanding between their two sides. Marriage has often lead to the downfall of many disputes between families.
You can keep on defying it, but I am sure you will at one point in your life want a man to love you, someone to care for you. You parents will not be there forever.
And no-one is all powerful, the human race is made up of man and woman. If a child is born without a mother or father, then it is a hardship for the child, regardless of what people say!