Author Topic: Who's is Kashmir rightfully  (Read 40461 times)

Offline ~M.J~

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #60 on: May 21, 2009, 08:08:52 pm »
Thanks   :)

Offline Krissy

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #61 on: May 22, 2009, 03:54:43 pm »
Oh my god...if only india and pakistan had politicians like you a few years when our generation takes over our countries im pretty sure we'll become better friends...and decieving and cheating and lying will end...hopefully..
We all live in our yellow submarine,

Offline ~M.J~

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #62 on: May 22, 2009, 04:13:22 pm »
THANX  :-*

Offline singh993

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #63 on: June 01, 2009, 06:43:37 pm »
M.J im British-sikh and i have no real  bias as to who Kashmir should go to....but your story isnt correct for a number of reasons; i dont have the time to correct you.

posting here will just gain you support....and make you feel better about yourself.

give it up. kashmir ent going anywhere at the moment.

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #64 on: June 01, 2009, 07:01:51 pm »
M.J im British-sikh and i have no real  bias as to who Kashmir should go to....but your story isnt correct for a number of reasons; i dont have the time to correct you.

posting here will just gain you support....and make you feel better about yourself.

give it up. kashmir ent going anywhere at the moment.

Its not a campaign to free Kashmir   (Give it up - HAHAHA)
Its only a thread to create an awareness about Kashmir conflict
n if im wrong pls correct me...if u don't have time then  do it after ur IG's or whenever u like
(and pls post content from trusted sources only)

Offline singh993

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #65 on: June 02, 2009, 03:32:31 pm »
after my GCSE's , yes i will correct you :)

Offline Kim

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #66 on: June 02, 2009, 04:43:31 pm »
i dont get it!why cant kashmir just be kashmir?
why does someone have to take it?
according to me meither deserve kashmir (i m a pakistani)
its a country let it stay dat way
wat would u say if sumone came and took over where you are stayin?if u had to give your life your house for some complete stranger
i dont think id like dat
and no rudeness intended its just my view
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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #67 on: June 02, 2009, 05:27:10 pm »
@kim: i like how you use your analytical skills a little, i think you understand my position  ;D ;D lol

(the below contains some explicit stuff, so dont read if ur against like explicit stuff)
oh and something really bad happened in kashmir yesterday... two woman were kidnapped by the indian military and raped. and beaten. and raped. and they died in the end... they were murdered... and then the low lifes dumped the two bodies on the street. things like this get my blood boiling... i dont want to start swearing now... but yeah... so if any indians think their military is a nice thingy, tell them to go **** etc etc. seriously. read books. stop spam.


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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #68 on: June 02, 2009, 05:58:22 pm »
lemme tell u all something. kashmiris used to want pakistan, now they dont. because of how the pak government treats us. do u know what zardari said about kashmir? something so disgraceful, i wont even bother mentioning it. he said why dont the kashmiris just go to india and stop all this fightin. like wtf?? i hate that guy. not like it matters, but a lot of kashmiris hate him. but still. he's ur goddam president.

and now to u indians. do u know how bad some of thos indian soldiers treat kashmiris and kashmir in general? my mom's cousin died two years ago FOR NO REASON AT ALL, during ramadan, some indian soldiers picked him up near his house, and took him to a jail. not some nice jail. the ones where they put stones in your food, and dont give u any water, where u sweat and ur mind spins all the time, where its dark and people have to go to the bathroom in the cell next to you, so u can smell all that all the time. not pleasant. and its real. its not some fantasy thing, it is REAL. GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD. my mom's cousin was 16 at that time. they found out after the indian military got his beaten, dead body to his home. GET THIS IN YOUR HEAD>ITS REAL AND IT HAPPENS NOWADAYS, not some wierd story... they made him drink sewage water (nalees? <if u dont understand, js skip) so tht he would break his fast, and he refused, so they took him away. thats what his friend told his mom...

do u understand how bad that is? VERY BAD. he died of starvation and getting beaten up when he was 16. that could happen to you. imagine. he never did anything wrong. its only because he was a good muslim, and a kashmiri, so they killed him. and its not like many people knew. stuff like this happens all the time. this summer vacation, there were huge protests all over kashmir, where they were protesting against the indian tourism ministry taking a lot of land from the most beautiful places in kashmir, and giving it to the yatris. meaning the hindu pilgrimage. why did they want it? why the hell did they need to OWN some land, and make about four thousand people lose their inheritance and life time incomes? they didnt. its not like they're going to do anything with the land anyways. its just lying there...

do u know what happened in one of the protests? my cousin, who is 18-19 or something, his friend, was shot in the eye. he's blind now. BLIND. imagine if u were blind for going out and saying some stuff... its not like they were throwing stones. please dont LIE GODFATHER. it pisses me off seeing people so ignorant as you, who pretend they know anything at all... you are ignorant. you listen to the media. people like you make me sick. i want to vomit now. <barfing noise> really. stop. (actually, continue, and im going to smash you even more)

Offline chaosking

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #69 on: June 02, 2009, 06:05:03 pm »
Oh my god...if only india and pakistan had politicians like you a few years when our generation takes over our countries im pretty sure we'll become better friends...and decieving and cheating and lying will end...hopefully..

thats just the problem my friend. Our current politicians have mucked up this field so bad for us, that i dont think any educated child comtemplates that he wants to become a politician, that is why the future looks bleak, we need educated ppl to take our country forward, not some guy who graduated from a university that does not EXIST!!!( That wud be Zardari By the way i'm Pakistani)

And as for kashmir, i think that it shud be an independent state, i understand the fact how badly the indian army treats kashmiris but our government isn't doing much better
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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #70 on: June 02, 2009, 09:38:10 pm »
firstly, you guys have to know that kashmiris has full personal rights to vote what and where they want to settle or go according to Indian Constitutional Rights it is clearly stated every man or woman has the rite and freedom to choose what they want...............

secondly the whole pakistan and india together was called BHARAT / HINDUSTAN .........there was no INDIA and PAKISTAN.... it is the people who separated it .....

already BHARAT got if india loses kashmir india loses its head.............yes india is a large country but when all the states unite together we form a body...........

............. and a little advice for the person who started this i mean the person who first wrote on this thread..........U GOT UR FACTS WRONG MY DEAR FRIEND.........READ HISTORY..........
when the bristish people took over BHARAT they decided to split tat is the red line they kept between the border of pakistan and india........... and in 1947 was pakistan recognised as country moreover like a dominion in the Britsh commonwealth under the monarch as head of  the state..........and in 1956 pakistan was declared as republic...............pakistani general iskander was the first president..............his dirty martial law techiniques..........lead to the first downfall of pakistan.......then the other honourable presidents came later after overthrowing........oooh i forgot because of his dirty martial law he was over thrown he was asssassinated.......later benizir bhutto tried her best to help the country but she was also thrown down later she was assassinnated on 27 december 2007 (i think so).............. so my dear friend if you wanna debate or argue on a particular point u have to be firstly study the entire background of pakistan and what lead to the division..............
what i want to say is that pakistan is not a bad or terrorrist country...........president asif ali zardari itself said.....that pakistan is responsible for the attack on mumbai....... the country needs a proper rules and regulations and a properr hard ruler......... to govern the country.......

i'm not writing this to mock this country or insult anyone ........... but i also wanna help to change pakistan.....since i also got many friends and their families who have gone back due to the recession and other problems...............

people i'm not only a student but also was a scout in my school where i studied previously there was pakistanis and russians and americans and many........... we realised one main thing THAT IF WE FIGHT THE WORLD LAUGHS AT US BUT IF WE STAY UNITED WE CAN CHANGE ATLEAST ONE PERSONS LIFE CAN BE CHANGED AND THE WORLD WILL ENVY US........heheh

u mite feel it is easy for me to say this but lemme remind u once u condemn someone or some country in one way or the other u'll realise the mistakes you have made later.........

and lastly what difference does it make if kashmir lies with india????? what u wanna split india also...........

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #71 on: June 02, 2009, 09:47:25 pm »
Oh my god...if only india and pakistan had politicians like you a few years when our generation takes over our countries im pretty sure we'll become better friends...and decieving and cheating and lying will end...hopefully..

thats just the problem my friend. Our current politicians have mucked up this field so bad for us, that i dont think any educated child comtemplates that he wants to become a politician, that is why the future looks bleak, we need educated ppl to take our country forward, not some guy who graduated from a university that does not EXIST!!!( That wud be Zardari By the way i'm Pakistani)

And as for kashmir, i think that it shud be an independent state, i understand the fact how badly the indian army treats kashmiris but our government isn't doing much better

LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR WID U an INDIAN let me be frank wid u ......... in the past we made some grave mistakes.........very bad we accept it.........but we don't cry or groan over the mistakes we made ..........we try to change from our mistakes...........yes kashmiris were treated badly..........but now they have got freedom to speak ..........they are problems are being recognised and are now being helped..........

and one question to u my friend?????? ARE YOU READY TO BE A LEADER FOR YOUR COUNTRY???? be frank over here everyone can say big things but when it comes to reality where do we youngsters let us not condemn the nation but let us voice out against the bad things of the government.......... 

Offline indian

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #72 on: June 02, 2009, 10:21:21 pm »
lemme tell u all something. kashmiris used to want pakistan, now they dont. because of how the pak government treats us. do u know what zardari said about kashmir? something so disgraceful, i wont even bother mentioning it. he said why dont the kashmiris just go to india and stop all this fightin. like wtf?? i hate that guy. not like it matters, but a lot of kashmiris hate him. but still. he's ur goddam president.

and now to u indians. do u know how bad some of thos indian soldiers treat kashmiris and kashmir in general? my mom's cousin died two years ago FOR NO REASON AT ALL, during ramadan, some indian soldiers picked him up near his house, and took him to a jail. not some nice jail. the ones where they put stones in your food, and dont give u any water, where u sweat and ur mind spins all the time, where its dark and people have to go to the bathroom in the cell next to you, so u can smell all that all the time. not pleasant. and its real. its not some fantasy thing, it is REAL. GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD. my mom's cousin was 16 at that time. they found out after the indian military got his beaten, dead body to his home. GET THIS IN YOUR HEAD>ITS REAL AND IT HAPPENS NOWADAYS, not some wierd story... they made him drink sewage water (nalees? <if u dont understand, js skip) so tht he would break his fast, and he refused, so they took him away. thats what his friend told his mom...

do u understand how bad that is? VERY BAD. he died of starvation and getting beaten up when he was 16. that could happen to you. imagine. he never did anything wrong. its only because he was a good muslim, and a kashmiri, so they killed him. and its not like many people knew. stuff like this happens all the time. this summer vacation, there were huge protests all over kashmir, where they were protesting against the indian tourism ministry taking a lot of land from the most beautiful places in kashmir, and giving it to the yatris. meaning the hindu pilgrimage. why did they want it? why the hell did they need to OWN some land, and make about four thousand people lose their inheritance and life time incomes? they didnt. its not like they're going to do anything with the land anyways. its just lying there...

do u know what happened in one of the protests? my cousin, who is 18-19 or something, his friend, was shot in the eye. he's blind now. BLIND. imagine if u were blind for going out and saying some stuff... its not like they were throwing stones. please dont LIE GODFATHER. it pisses me off seeing people so ignorant as you, who pretend they know anything at all... you are ignorant. you listen to the media. people like you make me sick. i want to vomit now. <barfing noise> really. stop. (actually, continue, and im going to smash you even more)

........pall you are really good to make stories i srsly doubt are there any facts in are just making up something and trying to criticise over nothing........... an indian lemme say tat we made some very bad crucial mistakes in the past.............let me quote one for you .......(FACTUAL NOT MADE UP) the incident which happend in srilanka.............those who have STUDIED HISTORY should know that RAJIV GANDHI the LATE PM of india.......was assassinsated due to his one small misstake of sendin soldiers to protect sri lanka.........but th esoldiers took advn.........of his decision.......... india had to pay a heavy loss for it.............

we have made mistakes now we change.........AND BY THE WAY WHO ARE YOU TO CONDEMN INDIA .............and make blank attrocious LAME stories ..........
u just know how to bluff..............u don't know how to HELP...........

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #73 on: June 03, 2009, 07:28:23 am »
lemme tell u all something. kashmiris used to want pakistan, now they dont. because of how the pak government treats us. do u know what zardari said about kashmir? something so disgraceful, i wont even bother mentioning it. he said why dont the kashmiris just go to india and stop all this fightin. like wtf?? i hate that guy. not like it matters, but a lot of kashmiris hate him. but still. he's ur goddam president.

and now to u indians. do u know how bad some of thos indian soldiers treat kashmiris and kashmir in general? my mom's cousin died two years ago FOR NO REASON AT ALL, during ramadan, some indian soldiers picked him up near his house, and took him to a jail. not some nice jail. the ones where they put stones in your food, and dont give u any water, where u sweat and ur mind spins all the time, where its dark and people have to go to the bathroom in the cell next to you, so u can smell all that all the time. not pleasant. and its real. its not some fantasy thing, it is REAL. GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD. my mom's cousin was 16 at that time. they found out after the indian military got his beaten, dead body to his home. GET THIS IN YOUR HEAD>ITS REAL AND IT HAPPENS NOWADAYS, not some wierd story... they made him drink sewage water (nalees? <if u dont understand, js skip) so tht he would break his fast, and he refused, so they took him away. thats what his friend told his mom...

do u understand how bad that is? VERY BAD. he died of starvation and getting beaten up when he was 16. that could happen to you. imagine. he never did anything wrong. its only because he was a good muslim, and a kashmiri, so they killed him. and its not like many people knew. stuff like this happens all the time. this summer vacation, there were huge protests all over kashmir, where they were protesting against the indian tourism ministry taking a lot of land from the most beautiful places in kashmir, and giving it to the yatris. meaning the hindu pilgrimage. why did they want it? why the hell did they need to OWN some land, and make about four thousand people lose their inheritance and life time incomes? they didnt. its not like they're going to do anything with the land anyways. its just lying there...

do u know what happened in one of the protests? my cousin, who is 18-19 or something, his friend, was shot in the eye. he's blind now. BLIND. imagine if u were blind for going out and saying some stuff... its not like they were throwing stones. please dont LIE GODFATHER. it pisses me off seeing people so ignorant as you, who pretend they know anything at all... you are ignorant. you listen to the media. people like you make me sick. i want to vomit now. <barfing noise> really. stop. (actually, continue, and im going to smash you even more)

u know what the way u r simply insulting me over here, means u are simply anti - indian.
can i know where u r from exactly?
ur mentioning so much about kashmir and how it must be split up. May i ask u about the Punjabi sikhs living in pakistan? They are being taxed heavily by the Taliban (known as the Jaziya), and nothing is being done about it. they r being mistreated as well.

i totally agree with u india is at fault. everything is the fault of india. nothing like this ever happenned in pakistan. (note the *SARCASM*)

i want to make it clear that I AM NOT AGAINST PAKISTAN. The only difference i see between us is Religion, but that should not bar us from being good allies and one of the better citizens of the world. Both countries have made mistakes in the past, and like "indian" said we must learn from our mistakes.

Rfi, ur manner of speaking is simply vile. Learn to argue without making stupid comments about the person.

By the way, u tell me i listen to media. Who do u what do u want me to listen to - YOU?
« Last Edit: June 03, 2009, 07:31:53 am by godfather93 »


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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #74 on: June 03, 2009, 08:13:36 am »
This is small note for the kashmiris
some Muslims in Kashmir really don't think they're indians.....i don't really know why. They think muslims in India are not respected and not given good ranks in government jobs, which is all nonsense

Do u guys even know that one of the most respected men in India is Mr.Abdul Kalam(our ex-president)?? The president has the highest rank in the army. A muslim has governed India. and still ull want more proof. If for any reason muslims are not given jobs it's because they're not qualified and there's nothing to do with their faith. And literacy rate of muslims is low because muslims don't send their kids to school(especially girls) and the average no. of children in muslim families is high.