In the simplest language I can express it: women are now considered human, they are not equal.
Except in few countries where they are the boss. 
Well let me being by saying that people's perception of freedom and equality vary from place to place, and often freedom is restricted for very good reasons. I think it is rather the over-protective nature of men that has become a perceived barrier to freedom by women, while not thinking of it like this would bring greater felicity.
However, in every society, there are and forever will be bad aspects. Men will be unkind, even brutal to their wives. Women will be the same, some women being unfaithful and so will men. The truth is, I think it is the generalization, that they can replace men, and command them that, lead them, and not be what they have been for the past few centuries. In simple terms: boredom, and an urge to prove superiority.
Yes, there have been cruelty towards women, I have read more cruelty towards women than towards men. Women have been suppressed, but so have men. In truth, so many writers have joined in trying to become famous by demagogy that often, exaggeration of cruelties have often been overlooked. But, I do not agree to the predominant idea, that women can do anything they please. They are separate beings, and so are men, and their differences respected. But, what has recently been occurring is breaking away from the conformities of society to create something new, but in doing so, the collapse of society is all that we are seeing.
Ambition often leads to personal satisfaction, but I have seen (many) women who are achieved but certainly not happy.
In truth, both man and woman have been blinded by the quest for the ether, to reach higher and higher, in short the lech of rank and respect, that serenity and tranquility is overlooked.
Trying to disprove the very nature of human beings is now the aim. I never believe a woman is confined from anything good for her in a moral society, but what concerns me is the insatiable thirst for changing what cannot be changed.
So is a man (following conformity), a man is also restricted to many things.
Equality was always there in societies that followed their conscience. But to think, the very idea where women refuse to have children at all, where it becomes a novelty that everyone wants to experience, where women will not want to be committed to marriage. I can tell you this, I have no problem with a woman being my boss, my leader or in fact anyone above me. What I do have a problem with is ceasing the very nature of mankind, ceasing to create new lines of kinship.
There are limits, for very good reasons. There are laws, that are meant to be broken. But to break, the most fundamental one, I assure all that, there is going to be chaos, so very soon.