Pedophiles and sexual transgressors enjoy torturing their victims, bringing them at the verge of the lowest possible state of vulnerability. They would not be bound by some scissors and fancy blue gel.
Although, I agree with you - do you not believe we are giving them a taste of their own medicine ? By sterilizing them we strike fear into their hearts and show them what it feels like to be tortured.
However, I could also argue that sterilisation might cause an upsurge in revenge attacks from these criminals after their release.
I've always been for capital punishment, but since the world lives by an atheist law for the most part, it's not 'doable' in face of the current concept of humanity. So making cookies it is. 
Do not bring religion into this discussion.
The moment you bring religion into law and its enforcement you make it biased. The so-called Athiest Law is unbiased by anything. It simply hands out the punishment that the nature of the crime desrves.
Capital punishment may extinguish the very criminal and all future crimes but the peace we gain would simply be the silence of the dead.
Anyways, this isnt about capital punishment so lets get back to the topic.