Author Topic: It's still a man's world? Do you agree?  (Read 7461 times)


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It's still a man's world? Do you agree?
« on: August 02, 2010, 04:49:08 pm »
Post your views with evidence to back it up.

Offline The Golden Girl =D

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Re: It's still a man's world? Do you agree?
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2010, 05:20:08 pm »
I don't agree . I  believe it is a world for both genders ..I got a lot to say but i guess will post later iA ;)
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Re: It's still a man's world? Do you agree?
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2010, 06:34:19 pm »
Golden Girl why are you postponing things  :P

YES. Arabdom is a man;s world apparently.

Offline The Golden Girl =D

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Re: It's still a man's world? Do you agree?
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2010, 08:00:36 pm »
Cuz i need to think lol :)

 I believe Men Need Women and Women Need Men . I'll give u two examples they may lack some of the good qualities that r in men and women but I'm trying to do my best here ::)

An Evidence to what Nid said is that most countries Are ruled by Men and the ones ruled by Women are a small number .

Ex.1. :
When ur dad comes from work and He is in a Bad Mood  or Angry and ur Mom talks to him , You'll notice that ur dad calmed down and is Relaxed . What I'm trying to say is that Women are Good when it comes to such kind of situations.

A Fact :
Women are much better in Caring for their children and giving them the kind of Love ...etc feelings they need While Men aren't really Superb in this Field.

In some cases ; U might find a dad who has a lot of daughters and A Son ...U'll find him kind of favoring His Son more than his daughters While the Mom will LUB all her kids the same way cuz she had to go through a lot to get every and each one of them.

I don't know y i get the feeling that i didn't Get what Nid is trying to ask ....Well anyways that's ALL i have in mind for now ;)

(My lil bro thinks what i said is not Good I'm sick of this ...Anyways i gtg )
Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest(13:28)

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Re: It's still a man's world? Do you agree?
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2010, 08:10:51 pm »
Cuz i need to think lol :)

 I believe Men Need Women and Women Need Men . I'll give u two examples they may lack some of the good qualities that r in men and women but I'm trying to do my best here ::)

An Evidence to what Nid said is that most countries Are ruled by Men and the ones ruled by Women are a small number .

Ex.1. :
When ur dad comes from work and He is in a Bad Mood  or Angry and ur Mom talks to him , You'll notice that ur dad calmed down and is Relaxed . What I'm trying to say is that Women are Good when it comes to such kind of situations.

A Fact :
Women are much better in Caring for their children and giving them the kind of Love ...etc feelings they need While Men aren't really Superb in this Field.

In some cases ; U might find a dad who has a lot of daughters and A Son ...U'll find him kind of favoring His Son more than his daughters While the Mom will LUB all her kids the same way cuz she had to go through a lot to get every and each one of them.

I don't know y i get the feeling that i didn't Get what Nid is trying to ask ....Well anyways that's ALL i have in mind for now ;)

(My lil bro thinks what i said is not Good I'm sick of this ...Anyways i gtg )

I swear i am not sugarcoating you but this post was bull's eye.

Women just dont seem to understand their place.


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Re: It's still a man's world? Do you agree?
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2010, 01:43:35 am »
It's still a man's world. Women, with a few exceptions, have no life.


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Re: It's still a man's world? Do you agree?
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2010, 12:39:42 pm »
Ex.1. :
When ur dad comes from work and He is in a Bad Mood  or Angry and ur Mom talks to him , You'll notice that ur dad calmed down and is Relaxed . What I'm trying to say is that Women are Good when it comes to such kind of situations.
Women and men are both influential in their way when it comes to family.
Who's authoritative? Look around you...who's is the final word?

A Fact :
Women are much better in Caring for their children and giving them the kind of Love ...etc feelings they need While Men aren't really Superb in this Field.

In some cases ; U might find a dad who has a lot of daughters and A Son ...U'll find him kind of favoring His Son more than his daughters While the Mom will LUB all her kids the same way cuz she had to go through a lot to get every and each one of them.

Yes. Women are much better at things....but are they given the credit?

I don't know y i get the feeling that i didn't Get what Nid is trying to ask ....Well anyways that's ALL i have in mind for now ;)

(My lil bro thinks what i said is not Good I'm sick of this ...Anyways i gtg )

oops...haha..yup you haven't really gotten me  :P

Anyway what I meant to ask was how men are given preference in certain cases.

We talk abt equality...yes, women are doing much better COMPARATIVELY...but still haven't been able to reach that level

Also when we talk of sports. Do you see anyone on the forum talking about the Women's FIFA World cup? I doubt if ppl know abt it?
This is also the case with Cricket/hockey
Tennis is one sport wherein both male and female players have made their mark...but women still earn lesser as compared to their male counterparts.

We may give a few examples of successful women. We know them because they are only a Hillary Clinton,Oprah Wimfrey or so.

Women weren't allowed to join the armed forces until recently.

I still don't see women being equivalent.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2010, 01:19:05 pm by ~Ahana~ »


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Re: It's still a man's world? Do you agree?
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2010, 10:21:04 pm »
This is a debate that can rival the divinity of Jesus along with Non canonical Bibles cos it is that old.

I wonder if any one can bring a new spin to it.

Offline The Golden Girl =D

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Re: It's still a man's world? Do you agree?
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2010, 10:23:57 pm »
I guess i have seen a thread like this decades ago but don't remember the name -_-
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Re: It's still a man's world? Do you agree?
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2010, 07:36:10 pm »
Totally agree with the fact that its a men's world..
dont care how many rights women have at the moment but starting from the root level they all are made by men.. by suppressing women :P
Let me generalize my view!

For example, today we gotta see a lot of women in entertainment and women do feel proud of doing such work and entertaining us! Infact MEN! they are suppress in a way that they are not treated equally. Recent example is of those cheer leaders in South Africa IPL season 2.. where women were cheering the crowd up in 2 pieces in the chill cold weather.. no MEN, why? and if there were why not 2 piece???! LOL!
they gonna dance in minimum clothes in the snowy weather where as you'll see men wearing suits! :P even though its a women choice to work this way but for MEN, to entertain them, circle is complete over here.! :P

another example is of women smuggling which is now largest after drug smuggling! who and why are the  questions giving answers to this topic. Men smuggle them for their satisfaction! Its common worldwide... No rules and proper action taken for it.. no one able to stop this all. Israel on the top with these activities! can give you more detail cos i am now a days searching on it ;)

Women are the only subject of mainly all the songs for men's satisfaction ;)

and especially when it comes to under developed countries.. women is treated with such cruelty which shows the humanity in us is completely vanished!
Football on such a high standard, not for women? WHY???!! cos of older generation of MEN or we are continuing that trend?

and top of all.. Women who are highly educated are not tolerated by normal men who are not much educated cos of their ego. ;)
women mainly depends on the society and thanks to men who leads it taking advantage of them :P

All i Ever Did Was Love...And All You Did Was Lie... Never Understood It.But Never Asked You Why!?!?


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Re: It's still a man's world? Do you agree?
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2010, 07:25:56 am »
Many of you speak from a Middle Eastern perspective.

Women in the west have long been emancipated.

15.7 % (as of 2008) of High ranking corporates in the US alone are women.

Thats a big jump from when women weren't even allowed to vote.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2010, 08:02:20 am by Ari Ben Canaan »

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Re: It's still a man's world? Do you agree?
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2010, 03:24:46 am »
It may still be a mans world in the eastern side, but be aware that it will soon be a woman's world. The ratio of Male:Female is getting less day by day. In KL, there are more females than males. With more developments, the third world countries will also see this trend. And it will be interesting to see how a "woman's world" would look like as oppposed to a "mans world".

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Re: It's still a man's world? Do you agree?
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2010, 10:37:58 am »
It may still be a mans world in the eastern side, but be aware that it will soon be a woman's world. The ratio of Male:Female is getting less day by day. In KL, there are more females than males. With more developments, the third world countries will also see this trend. And it will be interesting to see how a "woman's world" would look like as oppposed to a "mans world".

LOL! Check out the pictures gg posted in the funny pictures thread....

The question was "What if women ruled the world?"

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Re: It's still a man's world? Do you agree?
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2010, 08:38:09 am »
Many of you speak from a Middle Eastern perspective.

Women in the west have long been emancipated.

15.7 % (as of 2008) of High ranking corporates in the US alone are women.

Thats a big jump from when women weren't even allowed to vote.

And what exactly would that prove? Is freedom is the ability of a living creature to sustain on its own? Or is freedom the meaning of being allowed to do everything men are allowed to do?

This debate is as old as, idk, Adam and Eve. :P Reason(s) being; there is no set standard of woman and man equality. Saying that women and men should be treated the same is somewhat absurd and contradicts science, seeing there is a big difference between the physical and emotional strengths and weaknesses of a woman against a man's. (And yes, I know some women are stronger than some men.) I'm not saying women are weak and fragile and all that, but they are a different system of thought.

Also, some of us don't think being a housewife is unproductive, while some of us do. I don't see why it's unproductive in any way; even if we demean it, for a true housewife who controls most of the chores of the house as well as the grooming of her children, when we calculate her 'pay' given she was paid for all her hard-work, she might be earning much more than her husband. ;D Bringing money into the house isn't the only deciding factor in the 'productivity' of an individual.

So, unless feminists know what they're fighting for, and why, and they somehow manage to remember that just because America is a superpower it's not the only vote, only then, maybe, we can get better answers. xD
All that is on earth will perish:
But will abide (forever) the Face of thy Lord--full of Majesty, Bounty & Honor.
Then which of the favors of your Lord will ye deny?

Qura'n, Chapter 55: The Beneficent, Verses 26-28


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Re: It's still a man's world? Do you agree?
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2010, 12:36:35 pm »
And what exactly would that prove? Is freedom is the ability of a living creature to sustain on its own? Or is freedom the meaning of being allowed to do everything men are allowed to do?

This debate is as old as, idk, Adam and Eve. :P Reason(s) being; there is no set standard of woman and man equality. Saying that women and men should be treated the same is somewhat absurd and contradicts science, seeing there is a big difference between the physical and emotional strengths and weaknesses of a woman against a man's. (And yes, I know some women are stronger than some men.) I'm not saying women are weak and fragile and all that, but they are a different system of thought.

Also, some of us don't think being a housewife is unproductive, while some of us do. I don't see why it's unproductive in any way; even if we demean it, for a true housewife who controls most of the chores of the house as well as the grooming of her children, when we calculate her 'pay' given she was paid for all her hard-work, she might be earning much more than her husband. ;D Bringing money into the house isn't the only deciding factor in the 'productivity' of an individual.

So, unless feminists know what they're fighting for, and why, and they somehow manage to remember that just because America is a superpower it's not the only vote, only then, maybe, we can get better answers. xD

Liked this. +rep

Also, some of us don't think being a housewife is unproductive, while some of us do. I don't see why it's unproductive in any way; even if we demean it, for a true housewife who controls most of the chores of the house as well as the grooming of her children, when we calculate her 'pay' given she was paid for all her hard-work, she might be earning much more than her husband. Grin Bringing money into the house isn't the only deciding factor in the 'productivity' of an individual.

If housewives started to charge, men would be pitiful.  ::)