Qualification > Sciences
co-ord. sciences
i ddnt finish studyin anythn 4 paper 3 :(
do uu think i can manage?
--- Quote from: abuelzouz on May 25, 2010, 10:36:23 am ---i ddnt finish studyin anythn 4 paper 3 :(
do uu think i can manage?
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Don't worried, you are not the only one who haven't finished revising.
For p3, I strongly suggest you start revising now. It's better late than never. Otherwise doing p3 without anything in your head is like suicide.
I'm cramming chemistry & phys and hoping to finish them tonight :-[
u knw 4 the core section i finished everythin.. but the supplement :S:S
--- Quote from: abuelzouz on May 25, 2010, 10:54:43 am ---u knw 4 the core section i finished everythin.. but the supplement :S:S
--- End quote ---
Paper 3 is all about supplement so they are a MUST :D
I finished the supplement but not the core :-\ :P
its abt both dear :)
i hope i can finish
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