Qualification > Sciences

co-ord. sciences

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--- Quote from: abuelzouz on May 25, 2010, 11:08:48 am ---its abt both dear :)
i hope i can finish

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Same I hope I can finish cramming too ;).
Gosh never ever cram exams, especially science. Ughh :-\


--- Quote from: BlackBunny103 on May 25, 2010, 10:51:29 am ---Don't worried, you are not the only one who haven't finished revising.
For p3, I strongly suggest you start revising now. It's better late than never. Otherwise doing p3 without anything in your head is like suicide.

I'm cramming chemistry & phys and hoping to finish them tonight :-[

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thanks after revising i fell confident about the papers

Hey, I'm also doing co-ord science... Good luck for multiple choice tomorrow ;)

hw did u do paper 6? wt variant did u take?

I did coursework so i didn't do paper 6


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