Qualification > Sciences

co-ord. sciences

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any1 takin co-rd. ??
how did u do in paper 6?
hw r u preparing 4 paper 1 and 3?

plz answer :)

hi i did this science and i must say that paper 6 was a hard paper and lengthy. i hope to 40 on 60 and paper 1 just do alll past papers becax most questions are repeated but paper 3 you must read your textbook especially the hard topics that you find................................................... thats actually my way and ya did you do accounting

man I found paper 6 very easy!
the problem is dat i didn't finish studyin the whole syllabus 4 paper 3.. do u think i can manage my time?
no i didnt do account.

which variant you did and the first question was to measure 20 leaves

and hey i have a 2B pencil is it good for multiple choice paper becax they said HB and B are good


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