Qualification > Sciences

co-ord. sciences

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i thought the grade boundaries were low? the one last year was quite low...


--- Quote from: RoyTheToy on June 07, 2010, 12:06:23 am ---i thought the grade boundaries were low? the one last year was quite low...

--- End quote ---

Low grade boundary? I don't think so, as mentioned above, p6 was hard, p1 was normal, p3 was really easy so the grade boundary will remain normal, according to me. I'm not sure though. Just wait until 12th August ;) Chill out :D

Have you been to freeexampastpapers.com ?

Go to last years paper and get the grade thresholds, the grade for an A is like 60%...


--- Quote from: RoyTheToy on June 07, 2010, 06:15:58 am ---Have you been to freeexampastpapers.com ?

Go to last years paper and get the grade thresholds, the grade for an A is like 60%...

--- End quote ---

freeexampapers.com dude


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