Call your 'father' father then. 
Wikipedia has been written by humans. I don't trust humans. 
Nope, calling him GOD reminds that I'm a GOD too.

(Thanks for the suggestion though

(uhhm,I wonder whose name has got H~u~m~a~n written under it.

so u dont trust humans huh?

that's too bad.

means u don't even trust urself.
(people who dont trust themselves are called pyschotics i guess).means u don't even trust that u r alive.u shouldn't say serious stuff like that so easily though.I mean calling urself god might be a sin but not trusting creation and urself is THE GREATEST SIN.It haunts ur mind till INFINITY(u don't even get to reach omega and it continues for infinity. thats the worst thing possible in existence, dying is a lot easier) .So I suggest that U get urself a pscyhiatrist.

(i got u there didn't i?

@ Shoushou -me, hurt? in ur dreams.Not even Goku's full powered Spirit Bomb can hurt me.
I'm having fun too

- thats why I'm answering ur posts. :DAlways good to have more people to talk with.

(In his mind he's thinking - haha u fools, u guys are helping me to have the longest intro page.

In a way my conquest is already 1% complete.

)(joking- hope i'm not offfensive)