@ alpha -yeah, I like to fight against odds. ;)U french or what??

(google translate is the best

@ roxy - I'm really sorry roxy

. plz forgive me If i hurt u.I didn't know u were going to get mad at me.....
Again, I'm sorry , sorry till infinity
Man, sometimes I am such a jerk...

For the compensation, u can call me BOOM 1 time. :(okay, 2 then.I will buy all of ur weapons too.
PLZ cheer up now ,will u ?
@ shoushou -check the post again plz.I didnt talk about religion. I talked about GOD.GOD and RELIGION are not the same thing(the rule says u can't talk about religion)Believing in god doesn't include believing in religion. ....but still I am sorry I guess i have gone off limits....

Guys, plz forgive me if u can.....