This is my view, perfection is a personnified word, it matters to each one differently. To me, something, to someone else, something else.
It personnifies, your aspirations, and what you would like to be, what you believe would make an Ideal human being.
And, no I did not define....
I do not view perfection like that....
You said perfection is personified… So then, it depends on an individual’s viewpoint?
And the qualities you defined are what you are looking for in your future partner?
And the one who has the above mentioned qualities will suit you well, better than any other girl?
And if you are ready to forsake the rest of the world’s girls for this special hypothetical one, she’s gonna be your one of six billion?
And if she fits in exactly, to your expectations, aspirations, and desires, is she not the perfect one?
Is it not your idea of ‘perfection’? Since it’s yours, and only yours…
You are wise, but you are also hasty to judge, i mean no offence.
No offense on comments. I don’t mind them.
The courage to speak frankly is rare, frankly speaking.

Good luck in your life, may it be one with both peace, sorrow and adventure, for if it were only peaceful, you would get bored.
Good Luck too… And may you be able to define your destiny so that you do not get bored.

By the way, can I ask how you changed the colour of your nick? Black is really nice.
No problem...whether it is in terms of wealth or for that matter intellectually inferior, I don't mind. I just want him by my side.. forever 
Together… forever.

I would look for it too.