Author Topic: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?  (Read 15945 times)

Offline happy angel

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #45 on: February 01, 2010, 04:40:15 pm »
Fine, if it's "purposeless" for you, should I delete it then??

Will not matter to me, frankly, since I can still have people's views on Yahoo Answers and The Evolution, people for whom talking about life has a purpose.

naa dnt.. its interesting to knw wat others fink... il faut de tout pour faire un monde u knw;)
u always gt inertia but it doesnt min u shud stop moving 8) 8)

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #46 on: February 01, 2010, 04:56:35 pm »
nevermind them Alpha, you're topics are always well-recieved, and many different members participate in them, them calling these topics pointless is only a value judgement that belongs to no one but these two
Borakk, vaibhav, say something of use (i.e. not pointless) or say nothing
Nothing is worse than being surrounded by people and yet you still feel lonely

Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #47 on: February 01, 2010, 06:07:04 pm »
Yes, Princess Cleopatra, feel free to delete this topic. Because, as you must have realized by now, this topic is considered to be useless and purposeless by most of us, except some minority. And, next time, try making topics which hold a definite (not vague) purpose.

Offline happy angel

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #48 on: February 02, 2010, 04:58:06 am »
Yes, Princess Cleopatra, feel free to delete this topic. Because, as you must have realized by now, this topic is considered to be useless and purposeless by most of us, except some minority. And, next time, try making topics which hold a definite (not vague) purpose.

n dear borakk, by some minority u mean how much? :P :P
just you two guys? ::) ::) :P

Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #49 on: February 02, 2010, 06:19:51 am »
I know that, dear happy angel. But you must also take another factor into account. That is, the fact that most members are afraid to blurt out that this topic is purposeless and useless, in the fear of hurting Miss Alpha-turned Princess Cleopatra-turned Alpha's sentiments. The difference is that Me and Sgvaibhav are bold enough to get this fact in front of everybody. AND we have done so. However, the ultimate decision lies in the hand of Miss Alpha-turned Princess Cleopatra-turned Alpha. She should have deleted this topic by now if she had some respect for other peoples opinions.


Offline happy angel

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #50 on: February 02, 2010, 06:25:36 am »
I know that, dear happy angel. But you must also take another factor into account. That is, the fact that most members are afraid to blurt out that this topic is purposeless and useless, in the fear of hurting Miss Alpha-turned Princess Cleopatra-turned Alpha's sentiments. The difference is that Me and Sgvaibhav are bold enough to get this fact in front of everybody. AND we have done so. However, the ultimate decision lies in the hand of Miss Alpha-turned Princess Cleopatra-turned Alpha. She should have deleted this topic by now if she had some respect for other peoples opinions.


oww dude.. shudnt make a fuss u knw..
i min the topic is interesting.. now if its not to ur taste or u prefer smfing more money related its smfing else ;) i knw these things are not ur cup of tea... but it may be sm1 else's na? :P

LOL Thanks agan.. :) :) but as i said its not yet my time :-[
am not 19 yet ( dnt wana be too but cant do anifing) my bday is the 22nd so i still have time to b called young ::) tho u guys are younger than me :P :P :-[


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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #51 on: February 02, 2010, 08:24:44 am »
Happy Angel,

         Thank you for the maturity. Thank you for the help, thank you for everything. :) Grateful for your support.


     Thank you so much also. You've always been there whenever I needed you. Appreciate and respect that. :)


   Cut the crap. Your problem is not with the topic, it's with me. Everybody must have realised it by now... It's so clear and obvious. You've been doing that everywhere.

If you find my presence irritating here, just tell it. I know where the door is. Will leave by 'respecting your opinion'.

Cleopatra was a Queen, not a Princess.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2010, 08:26:38 am by ~Alpha »

Offline happy angel

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #52 on: February 02, 2010, 09:57:51 am »
Happy Angel,

         Thank you for the maturity. Thank you for the help, thank you for everything. :) Grateful for your support.


     Thank you so much also. You've always been there whenever I needed you. Appreciate and respect that. :)


   Cut the crap. Your problem is not with the topic, it's with me. Everybody must have realised it by now... It's so clear and obvious. You've been doing that everywhere.

If you find my presence irritating here, just tell it. I know where the door is. Will leave by 'respecting your opinion'.

Cleopatra was a Queen, not a Princess.

LOL thank you n welcome :-*
hey common no fights :(
we must respect ich other's opinion na?
we all have different choices n taste.. sme pple are more on the *inside* n some are more on the *outside* we have spirituality n materialism...
it is two different things n it represents two types of mind.. so i fink we shud respect ich other's mindset... n carry out healthy debates! ::)
you two shud stop fighting ur differences... just learn to accept it....

borakk n alpha shud shake hands!!  ;D ;D n make peace!!!! >:(

Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #53 on: February 02, 2010, 11:35:23 am »

"Kindly let me know when you change your name, parents and gender"

I cannot actually remember where you wrote it but actually I was a bit, I emphasise, a bit, offended when you spoke about my parents.

Now lets get it straight: You wrote the above when I changed my ID. So yesterday or so when you changed your ID yourself, I did not want to let the opportunity slip by. I made every effort to offend and humiliate you in every way possible. Also, you propagated the thing (increased my opportunity) when you changed back to ~Alpha.

Reading your last reply, I realize I have been really foolish to think like that. It is I who have been purposeless and pointless. I have been childish all the way to think like that and offend or humiliate you in the 'professional' and 'strict business like' tone I adapted. I myself have created many topics which were very unpopular and pointless. Your topic is not at all pointless or purposeless. It does hold a much greater degree of purpose than the topics which I created. Otherwise it would not have got so many replies. Its just that your and mine opinions are different about this topic.

So please forgive me if it is possible. I will never taunt you or try to humiliate you in any way in the future, whatever you say or do to me.

If you do forgive me, there is one last thing. Yesterday in one of your post, you mentioned that you will never give up, whatever I say or do. But, I guess, you didn't stick to that. Did you change your ID back to ~Alpha because of me? If it is so, please feel free to change your ID back to Cleo~patra again. You deserve to be a Queen!


Offline happy angel

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #54 on: February 02, 2010, 12:33:30 pm »

"Kindly let me know when you change your name, parents and gender"

I cannot actually remember where you wrote it but actually I was a bit, I emphasise, a bit, offended when you spoke about my parents.

Now lets get it straight: You wrote the above when I changed my ID. So yesterday or so when you changed your ID yourself, I did not want to let the opportunity slip by. I made every effort to offend and humiliate you in every way possible. Also, you propagated the thing (increased my opportunity) when you changed back to ~Alpha.

Reading your last reply, I realize I have been really foolish to think like that. It is I who have been purposeless and pointless. I have been childish all the way to think like that and offend or humiliate you in the 'professional' and 'strict business like' tone I adapted. I myself have created many topics which were very unpopular and pointless. Your topic is not at all pointless or purposeless. It does hold a much greater degree of purpose than the topics which I created. Otherwise it would not have got so many replies. Its just that your and mine opinions are different about this topic.

So please forgive me if it is possible. I will never taunt you or try to humiliate you in any way in the future, whatever you say or do to me.

If you do forgive me, there is one last thing. Yesterday in one of your post, you mentioned that you will never give up, whatever I say or do. But, I guess, you didn't stick to that. Did you change your ID back to ~Alpha because of me? If it is so, please feel free to change your ID back to Cleo~patra again. You deserve to be a Queen!


Now thats better!!! :D :) :) :) :-* :-*

Offline astarmathsandphysics

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #55 on: February 02, 2010, 12:51:54 pm »
I hear all the time in England that people want to die because life is too much trouble. Will there be anyone left here soon?

Offline Q80BOY

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #56 on: February 02, 2010, 01:32:56 pm »
i doubt it sir :P haha

and guys please your not kids .. these pointless "fights" should not take place here .. evreyone should respect each other ;)

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #57 on: February 02, 2010, 02:37:44 pm »

"Kindly let me know when you change your name, parents and gender"

I cannot actually remember where you wrote it but actually I was a bit, I emphasise, a bit, offended when you spoke about my parents.

Now lets get it straight: You wrote the above when I changed my ID. So yesterday or so when you changed your ID yourself, I did not want to let the opportunity slip by. I made every effort to offend and humiliate you in every way possible. Also, you propagated the thing (increased my opportunity) when you changed back to ~Alpha.

Reading your last reply, I realize I have been really foolish to think like that. It is I who have been purposeless and pointless. I have been childish all the way to think like that and offend or humiliate you in the 'professional' and 'strict business like' tone I adapted. I myself have created many topics which were very unpopular and pointless. Your topic is not at all pointless or purposeless. It does hold a much greater degree of purpose than the topics which I created. Otherwise it would not have got so many replies. Its just that your and mine opinions are different about this topic.

So please forgive me if it is possible. I will never taunt you or try to humiliate you in any way in the future, whatever you say or do to me.

If you do forgive me, there is one last thing. Yesterday in one of your post, you mentioned that you will never give up, whatever I say or do. But, I guess, you didn't stick to that. Did you change your ID back to ~Alpha because of me? If it is so, please feel free to change your ID back to Cleo~patra again. You deserve to be a Queen!


You can be sincere when you want to. :) That was so natural...

My apologies, I was joking when I talked about changing your "name, gender and parents". Wasn't meant to offend, it was supposed to indicate the importance of your ID. Nevertheless, I did apologize. :( But, maybe, you still hold it against me. -_-

I don't know what to say... You said it all...

Borakk, I know, everyone has a certain amount of "amour propre". It's okay, you justified what you did.

I won't say or do anything. I have no enmities with anyone. Everybody is equal, and deserves equal treatment therein.
Rest assured, I have nothing against you nor anyone else.

Thank you for being sincere. It's the first time. :)

For me, "~Alpha" is better than any Queen. :) It's me. Noone else. That's why I changed.

Forget everything which may be hurtful and move on. I repeat, have nothing against you.


@ Astar

 "Will there be anyone left here soon?"  :) Good analysis. One of the answers I was expecting, you're the first one to mention.

@ Youcef

 Thank you for coming, late. :P The later, the better?  ;)
« Last Edit: February 02, 2010, 02:42:04 pm by ~Alpha »

Offline SGVaibhav

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #58 on: February 02, 2010, 04:09:34 pm »
dont delete.........................
if someone posts or not, dont delete.

Offline Q80BOY

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #59 on: February 02, 2010, 06:32:23 pm »

@ Youcef

 Thank you for coming, late. :P The later, the better?  ;)

well i dont spend my whole time on SF .. i do have a life you know :P haha .. yeah the later the better :D :P
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