"Kindly let me know when you change your name, parents and gender"
I cannot actually remember where you wrote it but actually I was a bit, I emphasise, a bit, offended when you spoke about my parents.
Now lets get it straight: You wrote the above when I changed my ID. So yesterday or so when you changed your ID yourself, I did not want to let the opportunity slip by. I made every effort to offend and humiliate you in every way possible. Also, you propagated the thing (increased my opportunity) when you changed back to ~Alpha.
Reading your last reply, I realize I have been really foolish to think like that. It is I who have been purposeless and pointless. I have been childish all the way to think like that and offend or humiliate you in the 'professional' and 'strict business like' tone I adapted. I myself have created many topics which were very unpopular and pointless. Your topic is not at all pointless or purposeless. It does hold a much greater degree of purpose than the topics which I created. Otherwise it would not have got so many replies. Its just that your and mine opinions are different about this topic.
So please forgive me if it is possible. I will never taunt you or try to humiliate you in any way in the future, whatever you say or do to me.
If you do forgive me, there is one last thing. Yesterday in one of your post, you mentioned that you will never give up, whatever I say or do. But, I guess, you didn't stick to that. Did you change your ID back to ~Alpha because of me? If it is so, please feel free to change your ID back to Cleo~patra again. You deserve to be a Queen!
You can be sincere when you want to.

That was so natural...
My apologies, I was joking when I talked about changing your "name, gender and parents". Wasn't meant to offend, it was supposed to indicate the importance of your ID. Nevertheless, I did apologize.

But, maybe, you still hold it against me. -_-
I don't know what to say... You said it all...
Borakk, I know, everyone has a certain amount of "amour propre". It's okay, you justified what you did.
I won't say or do anything. I have no enmities with anyone. Everybody is equal, and deserves equal treatment therein.
Rest assured,
I have nothing against you nor anyone else.
Thank you for being sincere. It's the first time.

For me, "~Alpha" is better than any Queen.

It's me. Noone else. That's why I changed.
Forget everything which may be hurtful and move on. I repeat, have
nothing against you.
@ Astar "Will there be anyone left here soon?"

Good analysis. One of the answers I was expecting, you're the first one to mention.
@ Youcef Thank you for coming, late.

The later, the better?