Author Topic: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?  (Read 16454 times)


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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #30 on: January 31, 2010, 12:43:40 pm »
Hehehe. That was nice Hindi.  :D

But rules are rules. I'm not oversensitive, I'm cautious. :)

Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #31 on: January 31, 2010, 01:03:47 pm »
Oh not again!

Ok tum post karo. Eiye mera jimmedari hai agar kuch garbar ho jai. +roll eyes!+ satisfied? Mei dekhna chahtahu ki duniya mein sab lok kis lien jii rehahen! Aur kitne lok mere tara jirahahe.


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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #32 on: January 31, 2010, 01:17:50 pm »
Okay, 2 requests.

From The Evolution:


we must live to make our surroundings happy.


Life is once. We cant say whether we'll have next birth, so we must live meaningful life in this birth itself. According to me we shouldn't live a selfish life. We must be helpful to others also. We should achieve something in our life.. Life shouldnt be like I LIVE ONLY FOR MY FAMILY MEMBERS.. WE MUST LIVE FOR OTHERS TOO, I mean should help others too(poor people). Only then it will be called as fulfilled life and there will be some meaning to our life.. :-)


Well, it is so diffecult question when i leave aside religious!
However I live becouse I still breathing and I have a SOUL ha ha ha ....
Oh!!! Sis let me be more serious , i live because I have aims and dreams .
If we are not created in this land that means its no life no humans no animals but may be their will be some ghost ha ha ha .
Really diffecult question Sis .I cant answer it !

Nyle (modified reply):

My apologies..hehehe I haven't give a full thought to the question.My previous answer more like to answer "what's the importance of me in life?"
Anyway,back to the question that has been raised by Alpha,on why must we live,I'd like to give my simple answer..
We (you,I and them) must live in this world since we have to make the world(Earth) live..Why do we need to make the Earth live? Cuz scientifically,Earth will never function well as planet without any living things.We are the "living things"..Only us who have the power to make the world(Earth) lively..Have you ever imagine why we don't we live in other planet aside of Earth?.That's because other planets don't need living things to make them functioning...Yes we die,but then we are replaced by other people to keep Earth functioning...


IN simple terms, we live to die as we die to live!:) It's quite complicated or perhaps the right term is "confusing". Aside from our own individual purposes, there is this main goal of our Creator (that's why it seems difficult not to consider religious belief) which is really unknown to us. We must live to compensate or support others which is passed from one generation to another.

IN math: (1.) Father + Mother = Children. Father/Mother support the children until they grow up. Children became (2.) Father + Mother = Children and (1.) became grandparents and their time will come to an end and so on and so forth!

Ahhhhhh.... can't think of the right terms to use......hehehehe


those who live want to die.those who died want to live.hmm... your came up with a complicated question for me. ;)

i dont want to sit in one place and do nothing and waiting to die.its boring and frustating.i might get a gun and shoot in my,i dont want to do that :(


There is no imposition on us, no one is forcing us to live, we are free to choose between life or death....
we are the decision makers, we can stay alive or rush to put an end to it by killing oneself "suicide".
We live to live, no one can know what others are living for???


I think that Life and all its complexities belong to a higher field of interests webbed with eternity, prolongeance, macrocosmos and others.
But seeing life as a MUST seems to be a very pessimistic way of facing this beautiful lapsus of exitence. some say it is neutral and that we make it good or bad.
Anyway, here is a peom i wrote someday about this fascinating and challenging episode we so innocently call life:

The Song Of Life

It starts as a blank page, no lines, no words, no notes.
Gradually the staff of life appears, and music around it floats.

The title flickers as a name is given and then takes hold,
A soft steady beat begins, new, yet ancient and old.

It will grow and build during the teen years then in midlife slow,
A melody soft, gently rising high then fading again to low.

Sometimes moving with a frenzy of motion, then only a steady drone,
Each phase of life moves along with a melody and rhythm all it's own.

The harmony of thousands of interests and voices intermixes with this song.
Here a cordial harmony, there a contrapuntal melody from the throng.

There are no repeats, no 2nd endings, the bars move steadily on,
Measuring life's passage, as do the sunset and the dawn.

The beat accelerates, the rhythm driven on before pausing for a bird's eye view,
Feel then the strength in tragedy or joy as it is frozen in review.

Off again with a fanfare of horns, the sounds of life are made,
Crescendoing until the final cymbal crash of the symphony is played.

And when the overture is complete and deaths silence reigns at last,
Will the audience stand and applaud for the song of life which past?

May the music of this life be remembered then with joyful tears,
And may the song be


Well God brings us to life with one we must complete our mission in life,,,,Thats why we need to live.....To give Love and to be loved!


we must live to fulfill the task that god gave us to do.a person who does not do anything is considered to be lazy and often never is judged goodly.he is ignored in the society.and i call it the exam of life and when u pass u get a reward a imortality.when u have good results by doing good wroks then u get imortality or go tio heaven and when u do bad works u go to hell.its a commonly said like we must live to do great task which we r delivered and we have to live for it.and as for dieing its necesary becoz wat comes on earth should one day go fom it.its as if he is renting not owinig his private property


Roses bloom and fade away. Spring comes and fade to yet another evanescent summer. We come and go. The process keeps on going. It seems, to me, we live keep to keep our nature in a state of dynamic equilibrium( I don't know what exactly this thing called nature is). Our life is entirely connected with the life of others. We live for others, knowingly or unknowingly.


Well ,,..We must Live in order to Die,,

If we can't live then there will be no such word called "Death"...

so to make alive the word death,,,,,We must live,,,,whether we die soon or later,,

Note: I excluded answers relating to religion only, which may be considered offensive to some.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2010, 01:24:42 pm by Cleo~patra »


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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #33 on: January 31, 2010, 01:23:43 pm »
Yahoo Answers:


This living is not our choice. We never opted to be born at this place to this parents at this time. It is a natural happening that we are here. We dont have any other choice. Life and death comes upon us without our choice. It is a better option or way of thinking to do research on how to live. Time starts for each of us when we come out of our mother's womb. It ends when we die. Time is a dimension based on which we measure everything on this world. After death this time dimension is not there for each individual. To understand this if we analyse sleeping, we can infer something important. Daily when we sleep and get up after few hours, we know that we have slept for so many hours only after seeing the clock or the sun. So we are not aware of the clock ticking when we sleep. Death is same. Till now time has not been defined by the scientific community. They only predict it keeps on moving forward as long as our universe is expanding. This is happening at the speed of light. At some instant, the time will start reversing. Every one of us will be awakened from our grave yard, as time will go in reverse direction, we will see our worldly actions before us. This is the judgement day. We cant imagine that day as we are now living on an opposite plane. All good actions will be rewarded and people will go to heaven and hell based on their worldly deeds. After that the life will become eternal. No time dimension at all.

Joeseph M:

i sometimes think that maybe the fact that we can come up with these questions is bigger, like we are meant to live and die but we kinda just happened to quesion our existence

as for the "must" live thing; things must end eventually
and what would there be if no one lived?


Well its a beautiful thing to waste. Every human is naturally happy it's the thought patterns we are brought up in that bring us down. So believe in what ever you must to keep your spirit high. I suggest taking up love as your religion, I think it is the only choice we have, all else is nonsense.

Idiots Academy:

In directly If I put your question:
What are the determinants of your life? Is it you alone?
If you alone determine your life, you could answer it.
If I alone determine your life, I could answer it.

There is no answer.

If you want some vague answer, you can find here:



no really though, you probably won't like this answer, but is some of my studies, I have came to understand that we are to create balance between heaven, or the universe, or whatever you want to call it and earth.


Maybe being born is like entering into a contract that states you are alive until the day where your life came from decides to take it back.


Well, since you put it that way, the only answer is we are under no obligation to live at all!


It's the road that you travelled that counts, not the destination.

98 Bones:

I see no reason why anyone MUST live at all.

No Real Help:

Your life, your body, your choice, your business.

no one is forcing anyone to stay.


no reason at all

Plus Elee's answer, I gave already in the last post. You may vote for what you think is the best answer.

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #34 on: January 31, 2010, 01:36:09 pm »
i love zahir's n pooja's answers most!!! :-* the others i must chek ance more i read them pretty kwikly :)


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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #35 on: January 31, 2010, 01:39:13 pm »
i love zahir's n pooja's answers most!!! :-* the others i must chek ance more i read them pretty kwikly :)

Someone voted for your answer too there. :)

Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #36 on: January 31, 2010, 01:39:50 pm »
Hmmmmmm. I am surprised by the number of people adopting a pessimistic view of life! No offences though. :)

Dhannyabad Cleopatra!

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #37 on: January 31, 2010, 01:43:15 pm »
Someone voted for your answer too there. :)
wah!! coo00!! 8) :o


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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #38 on: January 31, 2010, 01:44:42 pm »
Galih Satria from The Evolution (just answered):

No one will ever die if he never lives.
No one ever will go to hell if he does
not do wrong things and works otherwise for heaven's case.
And no one will enjoy this short, yet pretty life, learn and understand our existence before HIM.
That He deserves to make the "must live" and any other "must" thing.
If any mere human thinks otherwise, he must try to debate HIM for whole his life just to find the truth that He is Undebatable.

We MUST live for those reasons, since God is fair in cause and effect law.
Sorry to trash with this cheap comment

>>> No sarcasm, Borakk.

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #39 on: January 31, 2010, 02:13:59 pm »
LOL, nice try Cleo! But I am sorry to inform that you have failed!

Everybody Say: ALLL IZZZ WELLL!!!


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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #40 on: January 31, 2010, 02:19:37 pm »
LOL, nice try Cleo! But I am sorry to inform that you have failed!

Everybody Say: ALLL IZZZ WELLL!!!

 Try for what? ? ? !
« Last Edit: January 31, 2010, 02:22:30 pm by Cleo~patra »


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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #41 on: January 31, 2010, 02:35:52 pm »
Galih Satria from The Evolution (this one's interesting :)):

when the question was emphasized on "MUST" did not this mean that an outer power pushed the life?
Otherwise the question would prefer "WANT TO"
well,I am not a religious person (Unfortunately T_T).
But I agree to the question that most-not to say all- of my life is about 'MUST'.
When I was a baby, (1)I never wanted to breath but My lung said It needed oxygen.
(2)I never wanted to eat but my stomach growld n ma body shivered out of control.
(3)I never wanted to step on the ground but gravity hugd me
--so, umm well, should I say we MUST live so that the oxygen n food n gravity function as it MUST--

Or else, someone is playing mario bross with me as the avatar except I dont jump all day long and I cry when the boss beats me (this one is real) LoL

I LOVE this forum,Alpha....

Alpha said:

    Okay, part of your answer is good.
    "And no one will enjoy this short, yet pretty life, learn and understand our existence". :)

    Just try not to include God here, he did not ask for it please. Comment is not "cheap", but it should be for everyone. Everyone.

    Thank you for the reply. ;)

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #42 on: February 01, 2010, 03:05:17 pm »
discuss something factual, which can be proved using facts :D

Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #43 on: February 01, 2010, 04:05:29 pm »
discuss something factual, which can be proved using facts :D

Exactly. Thats the point. This topic is purposeless, to be frank. Treatising on theories is of NO use if we have no practical purpose/motive behind it.


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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #44 on: February 01, 2010, 04:26:38 pm »
Fine, if it's "purposeless" for you, should I delete it then??

Will not matter to me, frankly, since I can still have people's views on Yahoo Answers and The Evolution, people for whom talking about life has a purpose.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2010, 04:28:45 pm by Cleo~patra »