Author Topic: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!  (Read 84917 times)

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #360 on: June 26, 2009, 02:12:02 am »

If u can still survive, which would suck more, being stuck in the deep oceans or in outer-space ?? out-space..atleast i can wander around lool

Do u like sneezing ?? sometimes yes cuz it takes me out of homeworks,chores and so on :D

Do u like stretching ?? (the type when ur tired) yes,makes me feel i have accomplished something (as if lol)

Tell me something random. oh im shocked about the news of michael jackson's death

Tell me something random about urself. im very friendly,annoying sometimes and honest all the times :P

Were u ever paranoid that someone can read ur mind ?? hmm never did

Do u find it hard not to laugh when someone walking in front of u falls or stumbles ?? i know it's roud to laugh in this situation but cant hold yes it's hard not to do so

Name one of ur pet-peeves ??

Who here laughs till they tear ?? Does ur tummy hurt too ?? meee,yes my tummy huts and my mouth feels weird..

Ever become friends with someone who u hated at first ?? yes..people can surprise u

Does u get mad change so fast ?? didnt get the question :D

Do u brush ur teeth be4 or after breakfast ?? before

Do u like ur hair ?? yes.

Are u a spender or a saver ?? definitely a spender..cant keep anything in my pocket :(

Which letter does ur name really begin with 4 those pple who r using nicknames here ?? i need to have a look at all the nicknames :P

If i fall along the way pick me up and dust me off...and if i get too tired to make my breath so i can walk!!

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #361 on: June 26, 2009, 03:20:03 am »
Do u wanna be feared or respected ?? >>> respected

Guys, 1 gal name u think is weird ??  8)

Gals, 1 guy name u think is weird ?? >>> chuck

Can u sleep when therez music in the background ?? >>> sometimes i cant sleep xcept with it on, & of course it wouldnt be upbeat bt the slow type

If u watched 'the green mile' and 'dead poets society', which do u think was more epic ?? >>> the green mile

Ever stuck a gum to the under of a table/desk or on the back of a bench ?? >>> umm, yeah ??  ;D

Do u write on ur hands to remember something ?? >>> YEAH !

If u have a converse, do u write on it ?? >>> nope

Do u prefer being very cold or very hot ?? (the literal meaning) >>> very cold

Do u find it easier to tell people u dont know something bout urself ?? >>> YEAH !

Would u bungee jump if u had the chance ?? >>> HELL YEAH !

Would u take candy from a baby ?? >>> till i make'em cry, bt i would give it back  ;D

Is it hard for u to admit when u r wrong ?? >>> not at all

Would u rather become uglier or stupider ?? (CHOOSE ONE !) >>> uglier

If u had to eat one thing for the rest of ur life, would it be sweet or salty ?? >>> sweeeet

Ever tried to count the number of ur heart-beats in one minute  ?? >>> aahehehe, yeah, my friends & i after a bio. lesson.

Yellow or green ?? >>> green

 Grin or  Smiley ??  ;D

North or south ?? >>>north

4 or 8 ?? >>> 8

'Yeah' or 'yes' ??  >>> 'yeah'

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #362 on: June 26, 2009, 03:35:24 am »

6) name a person u like in da forum of da opp. sex.
ok ill think about it and get back to you :P
nd when r u plannin 2 get back to me :P >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>... anytime between now and chritsmas :P unless someone mentions me :P

10) Describe a any1 in the forum wid exactly 10 words.
ok lets see
how about me?
1) I
2) am
3) an
7) Loud
8) Blunt
9) Sudanese
10) Dude


u know OT  i didnt mean describe urself ... :P
ok lemme see
3)a fellow
7) to
10) annoying (typical manaratia :P )


aaahehehe ,, k, if i were to describe u, i would have said the same  :P :P

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #363 on: June 26, 2009, 05:01:39 am »
Do u like eatin the end of a chocolate ice cream cone ??

Does astronomy fascinate u or u can't care less bout it ??

Do u write in the computer's wordpad ?? If yes, whats the last thing u wrote in there ??

I give u a 500 (whatever currency), what will u do with it (mention sth besides saving) ??

Ever watched 'juno' ??

'The simpsons' or 'family guy' ??

Are u different from ur familia ??

You are in the woods, u have a comb, and there is a huge bear in front of u. What are your thoughts ??

Are you really scared of clowns ??

Do u like walking barefoot ??

Do u like wearing watches ??

Out of nowhere i tell u 'did u know the sky is blue ??' , what would u say ??

Most embarrassing thing happening to u ??

One person who really scares u ??

Friends or family ??

What is the longest u think u can go in a relationship ??

Is the glass half full or half empty ??

Ever fell in public ?? If yes, did u laugh or were jst embarrassed ??

Imma make u a sandwich, what sandwich do u want ??

Do u know a game named 'go fish' which is played with cards ??

Finally, whats the capital of Austria ?? (WITHOUT LOOKING IT UP OF COURSE)

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #364 on: June 26, 2009, 05:24:45 am »
Do u like eatin the end of a chocolate ice cream cone ?? >>> sure !

Does astronomy fascinate u or u can't care less bout it ?? >>> does fascinate me, & gets me curious bout a lot.

Do u write in the computer's wordpad ?? If yes, whats the last thing u wrote in there ?? >>> yeah, i do .. nt quite sure bout what i last wrote ..

I give u a 500 (whatever currency), what will u do with it (mention sth besides saving) ?? >>> dont really know

Ever watched 'juno' ?? >>> uhuh

'The simpsons' or 'family guy' ?? >>> family guy

Are u different from ur familia ?? >>> yeah ! crazier !

You are in the woods, u have a comb, and there is a huge bear in front of u. What are your thoughts ?? >>> y would i be in thw woods in the 1st place ??

Are you really scared of clowns ?? >>> naah

Do u like walking barefoot ?? >>> yub!

Do u like wearing watches ?? >>> yeah, makes me look all sophisticated & stuff

Out of nowhere i tell u 'did u know the sky is blue ??' , what would u say ?? >>> say 'ur a liar' ..

Most embarrassing thing happening to u ?? >>> i tripped in front of the class in 5th grade, it was hilarious.

One person who really scares u ?? >>> cant say it.

Friends or family ?? >>> family

What is the longest u think u can go in a relationship ?? >>> 5 years ?? :S

Is the glass half full or half empty ?? >>> dont care  ;D

Ever fell in public ?? If yes, did u laugh or were jst embarrassed ?? >>> i laugh !

Imma make u a sandwich, what sandwich do u want ?? >>> hot-dog

Do u know a game named 'go fish' which is played with cards ?? >>> used to, bt i forgot ..

Finally, whats the capital of Austria ?? (WITHOUT LOOKING IT UP OF COURSE) >>> cant say now.


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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #365 on: June 26, 2009, 10:44:15 am »
Do u like eatin the end of a chocolate ice cream cone ??yup

Does astronomy fascinate u or u can't care less bout it ??yea it does fascinate me

Do u write in the computer's wordpad ?? If yes, whats the last thing u wrote in there ??yup..."?   For only by patience, practice and ceaseless importunity can a man enter the door of the temple of knowledge.".....actually ryt now em reading an ebook n so taking down all the useful pts...(this bk is awesum!!!!>>"As a man thinketh" (i recommend u guys to read it))

I give u a 500 (whatever currency), what will u do with it (mention sth besides saving) ??shopping!!!!!clothes, accessories n stuff.....if still left then ill giv party to m frns...still left ill giv rest all away as charity... ;D

Ever watched 'juno' ?? ???

'The simpsons' or 'family guy' ?? i don't watch cartoons....By the way both r okay.. :-\

Are u different from ur familia ??yup

You are in the woods, u have a comb, and there is a huge bear in front of u. What are your thoughts ??uh-oh...em gonna die ne sec...shucks...god help me!!!hmmm....wat if i try dat harry potter scene wid this bear?? like hw he defeated dat big ugly idiotic monster?? wow...i must giv it  a here i cum my beary bear...wth is this comb doin??no broblem itll wrk instead of wand.....(so ppl hw is it??)LMAO!!!

Are you really scared of clowns ?? dwarf clowns>>very much...otherwise nah

Do u like walking barefoot ?? yea

Do u like wearing watches ?? yup

Out of nowhere i tell u 'did u know the sky is blue ??' , what would u say ?? oh reallyy??!!!!! :o omg i didnt knew it...u r soo damn intelligent and a gr8 observer.....puhlease gimme sum classess n lemme also bcum like u....pllease....(LMAO!!!)

Most embarrassing thing happening to u ?? i dnt remember ne atm.....

One person who really scares u ?? no one

Friends or family ?? frns

What is the longest u think u can go in a relationship ?? nt even a moth....loll....i always end up fighting...

Is the glass half full or half empty ?? half empty??

Ever fell in public ?? If yes, did u laugh or were jst embarrassed ?? nope...thnk god

Imma make u a sandwich, what sandwich do u want ?? chocolate

Do u know a game named 'go fish' which is played with cards ?? nope

Finally, whats the capital of Austria ?? (WITHOUT LOOKING IT UP OF COURSE) ???

« Last Edit: June 26, 2009, 10:46:48 am by zara »

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #366 on: June 26, 2009, 11:10:10 am »

Do u like eatin the end of a chocolate ice cream cone ?? ---> yaa...

Does astronomy fascinate u or u can't care less bout it ?? ----> yup...

Do u write in the computer's wordpad ?? If yes, whats the last thing u wrote in there ?? ----> nope...  8)

I give u a 500 (whatever currency), what will u do with it (mention sth besides saving) ?? -----> mm... uhh... i do wanna buy my own laptop.. and i wont get it 4 500.. so i have to save it :P

Ever watched 'juno' ?? ---> ya...

'The simpsons' or 'family guy' ??  ----> mmm... i think simpsons..

Are u different from ur familia ?? -----> very... lol

You are in the woods, u have a comb, and there is a huge bear in front of u. What are your thoughts ?? -----> aww... what a cute bear i should go and comb his/herz furry coat :P

Are you really scared of clowns ?? -----> noo... buh sumtmez i wish i could slap them...

Do u like walking barefoot ?? -----> ya...

Do u like wearing watches ?? ----> yup..

Out of nowhere i tell u 'did u know the sky is blue ??' , what would u say ??  ------> ...did u know tht clouds r white...

Most embarrassing thing happening to u ?? ----> u know i wont tell u :P

One person who really scares u ?? ----> person.. not god... i would say..uhh nobody :)

Friends or family ?? ---> family.. then frndz...

What is the longest u think u can go in a relationship ?? ----> uh.. dunno because i never had 1 be4....

Is the glass half full or half empty ?? -----> 4 me half full....

Ever fell in public ?? If yes, did u laugh or were jst embarrassed ??  -----> i fell on my skool stairz nd ppl were like omg r u okay nd i laughed nd said duhhh ;)

Imma make u a sandwich, what sandwich do u want ??  ----> chicken...

Do u know a game named 'go fish' which is played with cards ?? ----> ya...

Finally, whats the capital of Austria ?? (WITHOUT LOOKING IT UP OF COURSE) ---> dunno  :-\

What can I do, to make it right
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say, what did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?


I'll be strong.. I'll be wrong.. all the love goes on.. Oh im just a girl tryna find a place in this worLD..  Taylor swift <3


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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #367 on: June 26, 2009, 11:18:56 am »
Do u like eatin the end of a chocolate ice cream cone ??

ya ... i love eating the end

Does astronomy fascinate u or u can't care less bout it ??

i cant care less about it

Do u write in the computer's wordpad ?? If yes, whats the last thing u wrote in there ??

what's a wordpad?  :-\

I give u a 500 (whatever currency), what will u do with it (mention sth besides saving) ??

if i get 500 KD i will call all my friends and invite them to dinner and a movie ... then i will buy a BlackBerry and enjoy it

Ever watched 'juno' ??

no ... the trailer was weird and cheesy

'The simpsons' or 'family guy' ??

The Simpsons

Are u different from ur familia ??

nope ...

You are in the woods, u have a comb, and there is a huge bear in front of u. What are your thoughts ??

play dress up with the bear and let him comb my hair  

Are you really scared of clowns ??

no ... why? should i?

Do u like walking barefoot ??

indoors ... ya !! outdoors ... no way (especially with the temperature in kuwait)

Do u like wearing watches ??

yup ... i love wearing watches

Out of nowhere i tell u 'did u know the sky is blue ??' , what would u say ??

did u know that ur nose is red?

Most embarrassing thing happening to u ??

i dont remember ... will try to and post it here

One person who really scares u ??

lol now im not scared of anyone except god ... oh and the CIE examiner

Friends or family ??


What is the longest u think u can go in a relationship ??

for ever if i love the girl

Is the glass half full or half empty ??

half empty

Ever fell in public ?? If yes, did u laugh or were jst embarrassed ??

i fell when i was a kid ... and i was hurt

Imma make u a sandwich, what sandwich do u want ??

a tuna sandwhich with lettuce please

Do u know a game named 'go fish' which is played with cards ??

no ... do u?

Finally, whats the capital of Austria ?? (WITHOUT LOOKING IT UP OF COURSE)

Vienna ... been there 3 years ago ... nice place

« Last Edit: June 26, 2009, 11:21:20 am by Q80BOY »


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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #368 on: June 26, 2009, 11:39:56 am »
Do u wanna be feared or respected ??


Guys, 1 gal name u think is weird ??

Lujain (no offence to all the Lujains in the forums  ;))

Gals, 1 guy name u think is weird ??

i dont answer this ...

Can u sleep when therez music in the background ??

no ... i cant sleep if there's noise

If u watched 'the green mile' and 'dead poets society', which do u think was more epic ??

ive not watched any of them ... but dead poets society sounds more epic

Ever stuck a gum to the under of a table/desk or on the back of a bench ??


Do u write on ur hands to remember something ??


If u have a converse, do u write on it ??

no ... why sould i write on shoes? i think its kinda weird

Do u prefer being very cold or very hot ?? (the literal meaning)

very cold

Do u find it easier to tell people u dont know something bout urself ??

easier to tell people what?

Would u bungee jump if u had the chance ??

ya ... it would be a great experience

Would u take candy from a baby ??

no ... cause it would be dripping with saliva ... uuh

Is it hard for u to admit when u r wrong ??


Would u rather become uglier or stupider ?? (CHOOSE ONE !)

uglier ... im very handsome so it wont effect me  :P

If u had to eat one thing for the rest of ur life, would it be sweet or salty ??


Ever tried to count the number of ur heart-beats in one minute  ??

ya in my science class in primary

Yellow or green ??


  or   ??

North or south ??


4 or 8 ??


'Yeah' or 'yes' ??


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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #369 on: June 26, 2009, 12:30:14 pm »
Do u like eatin the end of a chocolate ice cream cone ??

ya ... i love eating the end

Does astronomy fascinate u or u can't care less bout it ??

i cant care less about it

Do u write in the computer's wordpad ?? If yes, whats the last thing u wrote in there ??

what's a wordpad?  :-\

I give u a 500 (whatever currency), what will u do with it (mention sth besides saving) ??

if i get 500 KD i will call all my friends and invite them to dinner and a movie ... then i will buy a BlackBerry and enjoy it

Ever watched 'juno' ??

no ... the trailer was weird and cheesy

'The simpsons' or 'family guy' ??

The Simpsons

Are u different from ur familia ??

nope ...

You are in the woods, u have a comb, and there is a huge bear in front of u. What are your thoughts ??

play dress up with the bear and let him comb my hair  

Are you really scared of clowns ??

no ... why? should i?

Do u like walking barefoot ??

indoors ... ya !! outdoors ... no way (especially with the temperature in kuwait)

Do u like wearing watches ??

yup ... i love wearing watches

Out of nowhere i tell u 'did u know the sky is blue ??' , what would u say ??

did u know that ur nose is red?

Most embarrassing thing happening to u ??

i dont remember ... will try to and post it here

One person who really scares u ??

lol now im not scared of anyone except god ... oh and the CIE examiner

Friends or family ??


What is the longest u think u can go in a relationship ??

for ever if i love the girl

Is the glass half full or half empty ??

half empty

Ever fell in public ?? If yes, did u laugh or were jst embarrassed ??

i fell when i was a kid ... and i was hurt

Imma make u a sandwich, what sandwich do u want ??

a tuna sandwhich with lettuce please

Do u know a game named 'go fish' which is played with cards ??

no ... do u?

Finally, whats the capital of Austria ?? (WITHOUT LOOKING IT UP OF COURSE)

Vienna ... been there 3 years ago ... nice place

'''Ever watched 'juno' ??

no ... the trailer was weird and cheesy''' >>> no, it was really gd .. i thought so too when i saw the trailer, bt it was gd.

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #370 on: June 26, 2009, 12:35:31 pm »
Do u like eatin the end of a chocolate ice cream cone ??yup

Does astronomy fascinate u or u can't care less bout it ??yea it does fascinate me

Do u write in the computer's wordpad ?? If yes, whats the last thing u wrote in there ??yup..."?   For only by patience, practice and ceaseless importunity can a man enter the door of the temple of knowledge.".....actually ryt now em reading an ebook n so taking down all the useful pts...(this bk is awesum!!!!>>"As a man thinketh" (i recommend u guys to read it))

I give u a 500 (whatever currency), what will u do with it (mention sth besides saving) ??shopping!!!!!clothes, accessories n stuff.....if still left then ill giv party to m frns...still left ill giv rest all away as charity... ;D

Ever watched 'juno' ?? ???

'The simpsons' or 'family guy' ?? i don't watch cartoons....By the way both r okay.. :-\

Are u different from ur familia ??yup

You are in the woods, u have a comb, and there is a huge bear in front of u. What are your thoughts ??uh-oh...em gonna die ne sec...shucks...god help me!!!hmmm....wat if i try dat harry potter scene wid this bear?? like hw he defeated dat big ugly idiotic monster?? wow...i must giv it  a here i cum my beary bear...wth is this comb doin??no broblem itll wrk instead of wand.....(so ppl hw is it??)LMAO!!!

Are you really scared of clowns ?? dwarf clowns>>very much...otherwise nah

Do u like walking barefoot ?? yea

Do u like wearing watches ?? yup

Out of nowhere i tell u 'did u know the sky is blue ??' , what would u say ?? oh reallyy??!!!!! :o omg i didnt knew it...u r soo damn intelligent and a gr8 observer.....puhlease gimme sum classess n lemme also bcum like u....pllease....(LMAO!!!)

Most embarrassing thing happening to u ?? i dnt remember ne atm.....

One person who really scares u ?? no one

Friends or family ?? frns

What is the longest u think u can go in a relationship ?? nt even a moth....loll....i always end up fighting...

Is the glass half full or half empty ?? half empty??

Ever fell in public ?? If yes, did u laugh or were jst embarrassed ?? nope...thnk god

Imma make u a sandwich, what sandwich do u want ?? chocolate

Do u know a game named 'go fish' which is played with cards ?? nope

Finally, whats the capital of Austria ?? (WITHOUT LOOKING IT UP OF COURSE) ???

i like ur answer to the 'bear' q. ..

'''Out of nowhere i tell u 'did u know the sky is blue ??' , what would u say ?? oh reallyy??!!!!! :o omg i didnt knew it...u r soo damn intelligent and a gr8 observer.....puhlease gimme sum classess n lemme also bcum like u....pllease....(LMAO!!!)''' >>> yeah, it would be a loss if u didnt ..

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #371 on: June 26, 2009, 12:51:24 pm »
Do u wanna be feared or respected ??


Guys, 1 gal name u think is weird ??

Lujain (no offence to all the Lujains in the forums  ;))

Gals, 1 guy name u think is weird ??

i dont answer this ...

Can u sleep when therez music in the background ??

no ... i cant sleep if there's noise

If u watched 'the green mile' and 'dead poets society', which do u think was more epic ??

ive not watched any of them ... but dead poets society sounds more epic

Ever stuck a gum to the under of a table/desk or on the back of a bench ??


Do u write on ur hands to remember something ??


If u have a converse, do u write on it ??

no ... why sould i write on shoes? i think its kinda weird

Do u prefer being very cold or very hot ?? (the literal meaning)

very cold

Do u find it easier to tell people u dont know something bout urself ??

easier to tell people what?

Would u bungee jump if u had the chance ??

ya ... it would be a great experience

Would u take candy from a baby ??

no ... cause it would be dripping with saliva ... uuh

Is it hard for u to admit when u r wrong ??


Would u rather become uglier or stupider ?? (CHOOSE ONE !)

uglier ... im very handsome so it wont effect me  :P

If u had to eat one thing for the rest of ur life, would it be sweet or salty ??


Ever tried to count the number of ur heart-beats in one minute  ??

ya in my science class in primary

Yellow or green ??


  or   ??

North or south ??


4 or 8 ??


'Yeah' or 'yes' ??


If u watched 'the green mile' and 'dead poets society', which do u think was more epic ??

ive not watched any of them ... but dead poets society sounds more epic >>> aahehehe..walhi ??

Would u rather become uglier or stupider ?? (CHOOSE ONE !)

uglier ... im very handsome so it wont effect me  :P  >>> ya Allah 3al 3'oroor :P
« Last Edit: June 27, 2009, 06:34:21 am by Exam_Terrified »

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #372 on: June 26, 2009, 07:54:24 pm »

Do u like eatin the end of a chocolate ice cream cone ??
yea :D

Does astronomy fascinate u or u can't care less bout it ??
Its a nice field, but i aint obsessed about it

Do u write in the computer's wordpad ?? If yes, whats the last thing u wrote in there ??
yea, today's schedule

I give u a 500 (whatever currency), what will u do with it (mention sth besides saving) ??
Buy something, prolly some accessory :P

Ever watched 'juno' ??

'The simpsons' or 'family guy' ??
hmmmm, thatsa hard one, but i think Simpsons since it aint as perverted

Are u different from ur familia ??

You are in the woods, u have a comb (dont use combs, only hairpicks :P ), and there is a huge bear in front of u. What are your thoughts ??
Yea ill stick it up my 'fro and run until i get tired then climb up a tree

Are you really scared of clowns ??
never seen one in my life, but why on earth will i fear a clown, hesa clown!

Do u like walking barefoot ??
Yea, thats how i walk most of the time

Do u like wearing watches ??
Depends what kind of watch, but generally i dont mind it

Out of nowhere i tell u 'did u know the sky is blue ??' , what would u say ??
U blind? its pink!

Most embarrassing thing happening to u ??
Sitting on gum i guess

One person who really scares u ??
can they be two? my parents :P

Friends or family ??
Friends, all the damn way

What is the longest u think u can go in a relationship ??
Anywhere from one day to a lifetime :P depends on the girl

Is the glass half full or half empty ??
*sips the remaining half of the glass* ahhh, its empty!

Ever fell in public ?? If yes, did u laugh or were jst embarrassed ??
Yea, and more than once, laughed and joked about it all the time, this way i avoid embarassment nd people forget it quicker

Imma make u a sandwich, what sandwich do u want ??
Peperooni and Moazzarella, and make sure the bread is fresh!

Do u know a game named 'go fish' which is played with cards ??

Finally, whats the capital of Austria ?? (WITHOUT LOOKING IT UP OF COURSE)
Vienna, duh!
Nothing is worse than being surrounded by people and yet you still feel lonely

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #373 on: June 27, 2009, 07:34:50 am »
like said by q8oboy & omAr . 

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #374 on: June 27, 2009, 07:39:26 am »
Do u look at ur keyboard when u type ??

Ever witnessed a disastrous event (a tornado,hurricane,sandstorm,thunderstorm,etc.) while you were outside ?? 

If u were to edit the Mona Lisa, what would u do ??

You are stuck with paris hilton in a lift, what would u do or say ??

Ur thoughts of the swine flu ??

Ever got lost when u were a kid ?? If yes, how & then what happened ??

Is there any specific dance move u wanna learn ??

Name one thing u never did, but would like to try at least once ..

Ever broke a window ?? How ??

When were u born during the day ?? (in the morn.,noon,afternoon,etc.)

Imma let u take 1 thing of 3 things which i'd own ..  my mobile, i-pod, and laptop (with all the info. on them, i'm nt gonna erase a thing) .. Which would u take ??

Chocolate-chip cookies or a fruit tart ??

When u write 'lool' or 'hehe' or 'haha' or 'whatever laugh it is', do u actually laugh ??

Can u accept people for who they are ??

Ur stuck in a room with me, & all i'm doing is yapping, what r u gonna do wit me ??

Ur stuck on an island, & all u have is a pen and a paper, what r u gonna do eventually with them ??

If u were to thumbs-down a q. from these q., which would u thumb down ??

What does "I.Q." stand for as in I.Q. Test ?? (WITHOUT LOOKING IT UP !!)
« Last Edit: June 27, 2009, 07:44:15 am by Exam_Terrified »