Do u wanna be feared or respected ??
Guys, 1 gal name u think is weird ??
the name itself or the girl?
name: 3afra2
girl: in here, i will have to say ALL OF YOU! (except one, guess who)
Gals, 1 guy name u think is weird ??
(will leave it out

Can u sleep when therez music in the background ??
Yea, i do that quite often
If u watched 'the green mile' and 'dead poets society', which do u think was more epic ??
didnt watch any of them
Ever stuck a gum to the under of a table/desk or on the back of a bench ??
Do u write on ur hands to remember something ??
I write and draw on my hands the whole tyme, sometimes to remember, but usually cuz schule is being too boring
If u have a converse, do u write on it ??
wahtsa converse?
Do u prefer being very cold or very hot ?? (the literal meaning)
If u mean by opposite sex attraction, i preffer cold

Do u find it easier to tell people u dont know something bout urself ??
I dont understand this question
Would u bungee jump if u had the chance ??
CHYEA! over and over again!
Would u take candy from a baby ??
ja why not
Is it hard for u to admit when u r wrong ??
depends who i am wrong with
Would u rather become uglier or stupider ?? (CHOOSE ONE !)
cud i possibly get uglier?

If u had to eat one thing for the rest of ur life, would it be sweet or salty ??
Ever tried to count the number of ur heart-beats in one minute ??
Ja, about 140
Yellow or green ??
Lime green



North or south ??
4 or 8 ??
'Yeah' or 'yes' ??
Ja or Chyea