Do u like eatin the end of a chocolate ice cream cone ??

Does astronomy fascinate u or u can't care less bout it ??
Its a nice field, but i aint obsessed about it
Do u write in the computer's wordpad ?? If yes, whats the last thing u wrote in there ??
yea, today's schedule
I give u a 500 (whatever currency), what will u do with it (mention sth besides saving) ??
Buy something, prolly some accessory

Ever watched 'juno' ??
'The simpsons' or 'family guy' ??
hmmmm, thatsa hard one, but i think Simpsons since it aint as perverted
Are u different from ur familia ??
You are in the woods, u have a comb (dont use combs, only hairpicks

), and there is a huge bear in front of u. What are your thoughts ??
Yea ill stick it up my 'fro and run until i get tired then climb up a tree
Are you really scared of clowns ??
never seen one in my life, but why on earth will i fear a clown, hesa clown!
Do u like walking barefoot ??
Yea, thats how i walk most of the time
Do u like wearing watches ??
Depends what kind of watch, but generally i dont mind it
Out of nowhere i tell u 'did u know the sky is blue ??' , what would u say ??
U blind? its pink!
Most embarrassing thing happening to u ??
Sitting on gum i guess
One person who really scares u ??
can they be two? my parents

Friends or family ??
Friends, all the damn way
What is the longest u think u can go in a relationship ??
Anywhere from one day to a lifetime

depends on the girl
Is the glass half full or half empty ??
*sips the remaining half of the glass* ahhh, its empty!
Ever fell in public ?? If yes, did u laugh or were jst embarrassed ??
Yea, and more than once, laughed and joked about it all the time, this way i avoid embarassment nd people forget it quicker
Imma make u a sandwich, what sandwich do u want ??
Peperooni and Moazzarella, and make sure the bread is fresh!
Do u know a game named 'go fish' which is played with cards ??
Finally, whats the capital of Austria ?? (WITHOUT LOOKING IT UP OF COURSE)
Vienna, duh!