--> Who's is Kashmir rightfully

Author Topic: Who's is Kashmir rightfully  (Read 40355 times)


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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #225 on: June 13, 2009, 08:19:20 pm »
paro nahh  ;D

read it, thats the only solution, increase your reading speed, then read it.

my reading speed is 7 words per second. when i exert myself. typing is about.... 2 words a second when i exert myself

yea. so read it dude. i dont post things like that for nothing,.... i like it when i quote from a post like that showing that i already answered a question but u dint bother reading, or something like that.

dont make me start again...


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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #226 on: June 14, 2009, 07:19:54 am »
im my opinion i think kashmir has to be an independent country, with its own ruler and goverment !!

India is huge !! why kashmir? and the same goes to pakistan ... why take kashmir if u have pakistan ??!!


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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #227 on: June 15, 2009, 06:47:15 am »
exactly! i dont see how anyone in their right mind would want to join up with a place which doesnt even want them, and then claim they're helping us... (eg india and pakistan)
pakistan was good earlier on, like when the split first happened, but now... no... not a very good idea...

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #228 on: June 15, 2009, 09:05:00 am »
ur just tryin to be an amateur!!!!! sorry to say tat .......... grow up not only physically but also mentally........... now you may or may not condemn me or - repp......... i'm least bothered  of your unauthorised facts and realy tired of your pointless arguments.......

u know what try to get tis into your heads RFI either by whackin urself onto the walls............... your not helpin or tryin to debate your just provin you are more stupid............... next time try no to speak much!!!!!!

Offline godfather93

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #229 on: June 16, 2009, 07:37:10 pm »
HAHAHAHAA.... this is all so funny... you know why? because this is the exact reason why i won the debate about what should happen to kashmir.

when i had to say something, right at the end, i told everyone that the indians know the reasons why we shouldnt join pakistan, and the pakistanis know the reasons why india shouldnt take over kashmir, BUT I SEE NO REASON WHATSOEVER WHY KASHMIR SHOULDNT BE INDEPENDENT.

the thing you have to understand here is that kashmir was never part of india (pakistanis can tell you all about this, how the maharaja was from some part of india, and decided that kashmir should be with india by signing a document, while all the people in kashmir hated him, he was a dictator set in by the british, and he lived in some place in india at the time he signed the document, not kashmiri at all, note that kashmiris ARE DIFFERENT. i mean people from "J&K" kashmir)

and pakistan doesnt want kashmir anymore, i mean your president, zardari, who you all hate (pakistanis and indians) doesnt want kashmir anymore, and that is basicly why we cant join pakistan. your government treats us like a piece of **** in truth, with all your fake promises and things. i understand how you pakistanis feel, but you've got to try and look at what the truth really is, whats really happening.

and kashmir was independent before the british came to india, we had a leader and all. right now, kashmir's prime minister (yes, we have elections for ministers and chief ministers and all, under that indian article 300 something) is not very nice either. its the JKLF and all those other parties most kashmiris support (before you say its because of "ethnic cleansing" in which hindus were killed and all that other BS which your media propagates, i recommend you go find out what the truth is, what ive already posted, how the indian military took all the kashmiri hindus out of kashmir in their convoys and things). because they stand for independence.

face it, all of you indians out there. the military that your government has sent to kashmir is not nice, they do all kinds of things. look in the newspapers these days about the protests going on in kashmir, which are actually frickin huge, but which they downplay, the indian government i mean, they dont allow journalism and all. bbc has to get anything they report from inside india censored and all.

whatever. i hope you now agree that kashmir should be independent. we can fully support ourselves, thank you very much, if the indian government stopped trying to crush our economy. kashmir used to produce a type of shawl which would sell for around... $2670 a meter, which the indian government banned production of. why? the shawl is made of hairs from the neck of mountain goats, and the indian government says that "to protect wildlife, this must be stopped". they give the explanation that the mountain goats will become extinct, etc. WHAT THE HELL? its not like anyone even touches the mountain goats. the hairs are collected from bushes where they graze, one at a time and all... and then knitted and all. mountain goats were never harmed. they lie of course, because they want to make it look like kashmir needs india for economy.
we used to sell walnut furniture and papermachie, very very good quality stuff. if you play cricket, you might have heard of "kashmiri walnut bats" or kashmiri willow bats. well, now, to make these, you need a permit. and this permit, is of course, a big joke. you need the permit (which like i implied, is impossible to get) to cut down the walnut trees... but you know what? these walnut trees that are cut down are the ones that these people's grandparents grew. i mean, they cut, and plant. the huge forests and all? NONE OF THAT WAS EVER TOUCHED. it might have been by some occasional idiot, but the ones these walnut farmers cut, are grown by them.
then there's fruit. kashmir grows LOAADSSS of different types of fruits, the weather is perfect for lots of different types. cherries, apples, strawberries, peaches, plums, and so many more, banana, etc etc. i dont know all of them, but still, those were a few. then there's vegetables, of which you have raddish, tomato, lettuce, pumpkin, turnip, potato, and almost every single vegetable you can imagine, even corn (all the different things ive mentioned, except banana, grow in "my" house (i mean my grandparents' home, which is where i stay during the summer, but its kind of "ours") in the HUGE garden)... all that fruit is taxed and quota'd and all... xD not that bad, compared to banning shahtose (i dont know how to spell that..) and destroying walnut wood production... but just you watch what will happen soon to this too...

ok, i think ive shown u why and how kashmir can stand up on its own. it has an economy. a good one. selling unique things (i forgot to mention saffron, kashmiri saffron is one of the best in the world) (i also forgot to mention this new thing which is banned called "child labour"... all the other types of shawls which are made are usually made by a family, the whole family gets involved, dad reads off the pattern in his special way, son weaves it, mom washes the shawls, daughter makes the dyes, etc etc. this is how many families used to get along. then they banned "child labour". so all those beautiful shawls which used to sustain these people, their whole trade, what their great grandparent taught their grandparent to do, is now about to be lost. the last generation of these people exists in kashmir right now, not practicing their trade, having resorted to things like sweeping streets and begging, and all because of this stupid rule. stupid rule? no, just another way to stunt the growth of our economy so it looks like we need help....) (oh and tourism... dont make me start... all the money goes to some indians living in bombay or whatever, the government people, they dont allow direct flights to or from kashmir even in our new international airport (which only has two destinations: jeddah and some place in abu dhabi/dubai) all the airlines are naturally indian governement owned in the international airport, so that india gains as much as it can from tourism, all those resorts in the mountains are being taken away from their rightful owners, my grandfather owned one which he used to rent out, a beautiful house, the indian military converted it into a garrison for their troops, it has all these bombs and ammunition now, he's not allowed to go inside, etc etc. what, you think you can sue them? they OWN the government dude. please... there is no justice... you wouldnt understand)
so yea, our economy would flourish again if india stopped whatever its doing, we could become a normal country!! we already have our own flag, if you didnt know.. only if other governments stopped intefering... see this:
or this quote, which is quite random,...
Maharaja Hari Singh had wanted Kashmir to remain independent, but merged with India in exchange for military support and the promise of a referendum on independence, which has never been held. As a result of the unresolved dispute, India and Pakistan went to war over Kashmir in 1947-48. In 1949 a UN Peacekeeping mission arrived and has remained as observers ever since. A second war was fought in 1965, leading to the peace agreement and a new cease-fire line, known as the Line of Control (LOC).

you've got to understand that we've all been put through propaganda. try to talk with ppl who know, like me. i know what happens in kashmir. no, i dont claim to know who hari singh reely was, or whatever. but i know more about whats happening in kashmir than any media can tell you,...

LOL! Banana in the mountains!!!
"the money goes to some guy in Bombay....". Haha! u make me laugh. u obviously have no hard evidence to back up what u r saying.
if i comment on the rest then it will take ages, so i'm adding nothing more.
actually wait, about the airport....the airport just opened this year in Feb!!!! what do u expect? flights to the 200 countries of the world????

everyone  - please read the history section of the site
« Last Edit: June 16, 2009, 07:52:01 pm by godfather93 »


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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #230 on: June 29, 2009, 07:19:15 pm »
hey kidses im in kashmir now. ill try to get some pics for you. about what happens in real life.

and you. actually, all of you. stop being such... luzer bubs. seriously. stop trying to be so... read... this is what i think when i read what you say...

yeah. talk about what i talked about. not just some little random thing i said for no reason at all (money goes to some guy in bombay..)

and yeah. ask me for pictures. cmon. i dont think ull logon to this forum while ur on summer... i dont know why i did... just to ask what pics i shud take... so yeah. tell me what u want to see. last year was VERY bad. this year, things are starting to stir... tomorrow is a strike thing, where everyone is supposed to stay inside. voluntarily. ill take pictures and show you. shops closed and all... no vehicles... right now im at my cousin's... so... yeah.

oh my god. just rememberd. dont have my phone anymore... xD
will have to get it some other way...

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #231 on: July 01, 2009, 11:06:37 am »
actually india would be wanting take the land without the people as all r muslims they will just creat a civil war within india if kashmir joins india.

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #232 on: July 01, 2009, 11:16:57 am »
kasmiri people fought against the indian army when it attacked kashmir and over 200 000 fled 4 there lifes to pakistan.nehru had promised to hold a referandum but it has still not been held.


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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #233 on: August 09, 2009, 06:24:23 am »
actually india would be wanting take the land without the people as all r muslims they will just creat a civil war within india if kashmir joins india.

U r so not aware of what Kashmir is...for ur kind information it is not the land of muslims or something. Who told you there are no hindus in Kashmir...hindu kashmiris are very much there. And India has no problem with muslims..who gives u such berserk ideas,huh?

Kashmir has produced many Hindu pandits(poets,reformers,etc.) So muslims need not think that Kashmir is theirs...no way theirs..it belongs to everybody....everbody who lives in India..Kashmir was always India's and shall remain so forever....And just because hindus are a minority in Kashmir now doesn't mean their count be ignored. All the kashmiri traitors are free to leave the place and then talk ill of the country..cuz currently u live in India..whether u like it or not


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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #234 on: August 09, 2009, 06:51:33 am »
hey kidses im in kashmir now. ill try to get some pics for you. about what happens in real life.

and you. actually, all of you. stop being such... luzer bubs. seriously. stop trying to be so... read... this is what i think when i read what you say...

yeah. talk about what i talked about. not just some little random thing i said for no reason at all (money goes to some guy in bombay..)

and yeah. ask me for pictures. cmon. i dont think ull logon to this forum while ur on summer... i dont know why i did... just to ask what pics i shud take... so yeah. tell me what u want to see. last year was VERY bad. this year, things are starting to stir... tomorrow is a strike thing, where everyone is supposed to stay inside. voluntarily. ill take pictures and show you. shops closed and all... no vehicles... right now im at my cousin's... so... yeah.

oh my god. just rememberd. dont have my phone anymore... xD
will have to get it some other way...

Okay..now i have some questions for u..i want no extra info..just answer it honestly
1) Which part of Kashmir do u exactly stay in?
2)Which school do you go to? How far is it from your house? How do you travel to school?
3) Which board are u doing?
4) What do your parents do for a living(in general)?
5)Do you have any friends who do not follow ur religion?
6)Do your parents vote during elections?
7)Do you have a passport? If yes, then what is the nationality that u belong to, according to the passport?

Plz ans honestly...


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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #235 on: August 09, 2009, 02:18:14 pm »
dude tht guys was a spammer nd was banned.... he doesnt live in kashmir ..

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #236 on: August 09, 2009, 04:41:00 pm »
dude tht guys was a spammer nd was banned.... he doesnt live in kashmir ..

r u talking abt bulono!?? >:(


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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #237 on: August 09, 2009, 04:42:16 pm »
did nid404 quote him ?

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #238 on: August 09, 2009, 04:52:19 pm »
All ur dreams are made,when you're changed to a mirror and the razor blade!!!


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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #239 on: August 09, 2009, 04:53:10 pm »
no hedint ... nid404 asked questions to rfi..


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