Author Topic: Who's is Kashmir rightfully  (Read 40370 times)

Offline godfather93

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #195 on: June 11, 2009, 08:05:55 pm »
I read your powerpoint and I can tell you that the english over here are going nuts about minority rights and have just elected 2 BNp - nazi MPs. They are saying a lot l the same things and that white people are second class citizens. Are there any muslims with thier own powerpoints to put their own point?-
I thought all Nazis were banned!


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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #196 on: June 11, 2009, 08:07:18 pm »
I've been in my school debate team since the last 4 years - and won all of em

Therefore, A few things guys...

Never personally attack, avoid taking names - referring to em as my opponent helps!

Keep a cool head, avoid using caps and emo language (its just funny :P )

i know these rules
thats why i kept using PAKISTANI n INDIAN NOT US or U!
while u who is a debater end up using U for pakistani
i am also a deabtor futhur more A QMUN delgant!

nobody actually follows the debate rules here.. and manah u don't have anything to say now right?? U can't defend ur country..look at the ppt and the points put up

By the way I have also participated in Model United Nations G20 Summit...I was a delegate too...

Offline godfather93

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #197 on: June 11, 2009, 08:08:25 pm »
I haven't had the chance to be a delagate. :'(

Offline chaosking

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #198 on: June 11, 2009, 08:08:50 pm »
Look ppl, this is where we always go wrong
wat is the thread about?? Kashmir
Wat r we talking bout?? How we downgrade each other...

And then ppl wonder why we never get to a solution..
Face it ppl, no indian or pakistani is going to admit that the opposite is better than themselves

and who takes advantage when we fight like this- Our enemies- The ppl who kill innocent ppl, take their lives, destroy their families,and they get away wid it, and u know why, cuz of ppl like u who keep playing the blame game, and going on news stories and not seeing clearly, Do you ppl know that when Ajmal Qasab was caught, who were the first ppl to admit that he was pakistani?? A pakistani channel, and dont tell me its a lie, cuz the indian media threw the report on the pakistani governments face when they were denying the fact that the attackers were pakistani, and as for angell, claiming that all attacks we have, we balme on india, do u know that last year how many attacks our country faced, and did we ever even say out publicly that india was involved though the indian media is always quick to point the finger across the border, without any solid proof, and as for kashmir, i still say it shud be an independant country where no person has to say that he is Indian Kashmiri or Pakisani KAshmiri, where they dont face curfews and their children can play wid each other regardless od wether they r from the east or west, north or south....., and pls i respect the fact that u indians have progressed so much when compared to us, especially in education and technological fields, i believe u shudn't rub it in our faces, our country is going thru a tough period in its history and it is only wid the help of our allies and neighbours and us pakistanis that we can progress and it doesnt help the fact that one party is looking down at the other.

So pls, i only request u to unite, so that our enemies dont prosper and thus we'll help in creating a sub continent that is safe for its ppl and for the ppl of the world....

PS I'm Pakistani...

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #199 on: June 11, 2009, 08:09:50 pm »
hey nice to hear we got delegates of the Model United Nations speakin ovaaa here!!!!

By the way ru plannin to attend the Harvard year......
or any other in the midddle east.......


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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #200 on: June 11, 2009, 08:11:04 pm »
I haven't had the chance to be a delagate. :'(

Come to India..we have these summits quite often. By the way I was a delegate of turkey..I wanted India but never got it.  >:( cuz i applied late.

I am planning to participate in MUNs coming up in India...say CHEMUN(in Chennai) or the ones organised by schools here in Mumbai

Offline angell

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #201 on: June 11, 2009, 08:12:18 pm »
Im with chaosking :)

I too think Kashmir should be an independant country - but having to choose between Pak and India, thinking about humanity, and everything above, I say India.

I have chemistry and accounting tomorrow - inshAllah both go well ! :)
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Offline godfather93

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #202 on: June 11, 2009, 08:15:29 pm »
Look ppl, this is where we always go wrong
wat is the thread about?? Kashmir
Wat r we talking bout?? How we downgrade each other...

And then ppl wonder why we never get to a solution..
Face it ppl, no indian or pakistani is going to admit that the opposite is better than themselves

and who takes advantage when we fight like this- Our enemies- The ppl who kill innocent ppl, take their lives, destroy their families,and they get away wid it, and u know why, cuz of ppl like u who keep playing the blame game, and going on news stories and not seeing clearly, Do you ppl know that when Ajmal Qasab was caught, who were the first ppl to admit that he was pakistani?? A pakistani channel, and dont tell me its a lie, cuz the indian media threw the report on the pakistani governments face when they were denying the fact that the attackers were pakistani, and as for angell, claiming that all attacks we have, we balme on india, do u know that last year how many attacks our country faced, and did we ever even say out publicly that india was involved though the indian media is always quick to point the finger across the border, without any solid proof, and as for kashmir, i still say it shud be an independant country where no person has to say that he is Indian Kashmiri or Pakisani KAshmiri, where they dont face curfews and their children can play wid each other regardless od wether they r from the east or west, north or south....., and pls i respect the fact that u indians have progressed so much when compared to us, especially in education and technological fields, i believe u shudn't rub it in our faces, our country is going thru a tough period in its history and it is only wid the help of our allies and neighbours and us pakistanis that we can progress and it doesnt help the fact that one party is looking down at the other.

So pls, i only request u to unite, so that our enemies dont prosper and thus we'll help in creating a sub continent that is safe for its ppl and for the ppl of the world....

PS I'm Pakistani...

ofcourse, at least me, i'm not trying to say India is superior to Pakistan. Both countries r at different phases of development, that's it. OK, maybe u may be correct for the fact that indian media points their finger first at pakistan when something happens but the question is why? it is because so many incidents have happened that involved Let terrorists, that naturally our heads first turned in that direction.

Offline angell

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #203 on: June 11, 2009, 08:16:59 pm »
India doesn't want to end up like Afghanistan, Pakistan or other countries
 This should be over, and settled.
oh churiyaan charha dey..
oh mehndiya kara dey..
oh jhanjara pawan dey...
On the dance floor oh mundiye...Nach Baliye!

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Offline godfather93

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #204 on: June 11, 2009, 08:17:54 pm »
actually i'm taking up cbse, so i won't get the chance to become a delegate. but on the other hand, i'm a science person, so no point even in trying to be one!! :D

Offline astarmathsandphysics

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #205 on: June 11, 2009, 08:18:13 pm »
You have to be careful when thinking about blame.

Most "terrorists" bombed by the yanks in afghanistan or shot by the police in the uk are innocent
« Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 08:21:28 pm by astarmathsandphysics »

Offline angell

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #206 on: June 11, 2009, 08:20:12 pm »
Yes, its not fair for innocents to get killed..
oh churiyaan charha dey..
oh mehndiya kara dey..
oh jhanjara pawan dey...
On the dance floor oh mundiye...Nach Baliye!

--~*O yaara dhol bajaake.. O yaara jashan mana ke!!


Offline chaosking

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #207 on: June 11, 2009, 08:31:45 pm »
Look ppl, this is where we always go wrong
wat is the thread about?? Kashmir
Wat r we talking bout?? How we downgrade each other...

And then ppl wonder why we never get to a solution..
Face it ppl, no indian or pakistani is going to admit that the opposite is better than themselves

and who takes advantage when we fight like this- Our enemies- The ppl who kill innocent ppl, take their lives, destroy their families,and they get away wid it, and u know why, cuz of ppl like u who keep playing the blame game, and going on news stories and not seeing clearly, Do you ppl know that when Ajmal Qasab was caught, who were the first ppl to admit that he was pakistani?? A pakistani channel, and dont tell me its a lie, cuz the indian media threw the report on the pakistani governments face when they were denying the fact that the attackers were pakistani, and as for angell, claiming that all attacks we have, we balme on india, do u know that last year how many attacks our country faced, and did we ever even say out publicly that india was involved though the indian media is always quick to point the finger across the border, without any solid proof, and as for kashmir, i still say it shud be an independant country where no person has to say that he is Indian Kashmiri or Pakisani KAshmiri, where they dont face curfews and their children can play wid each other regardless od wether they r from the east or west, north or south....., and pls i respect the fact that u indians have progressed so much when compared to us, especially in education and technological fields, i believe u shudn't rub it in our faces, our country is going thru a tough period in its history and it is only wid the help of our allies and neighbours and us pakistanis that we can progress and it doesnt help the fact that one party is looking down at the other.

So pls, i only request u to unite, so that our enemies dont prosper and thus we'll help in creating a sub continent that is safe for its ppl and for the ppl of the world....

PS I'm Pakistani...

ofcourse, at least me, i'm not trying to say India is superior to Pakistan. Both countries r at different phases of development, that's it. OK, maybe u may be correct for the fact that indian media points their finger first at pakistan when something happens but the question is why? it is because so many incidents have happened that involved Let terrorists, that naturally our heads first turned in that direction.

I cant disagree wid u, even if i was there, i'd turn my head the same way, but again this is wrong, no solid proof, and we blame each other, and also godfather my friend, dou u know that how many ppl we have of forein nationalities who r causing these problems??

u might wanna see how many afghans and kazakhs are being arrested from the tribal regions in Pakistan, so its not only 'Pakistanis" comitting these inhumane acts, so just dont say Pakisatani straight away, though i still dont understand why pakistan cant monitor its borders properly
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Offline MR.BooMBastiC

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #208 on: June 11, 2009, 08:44:19 pm »
ppl..we all can understand y pak is having a bad name....and we r not just the culprit....

it is just like a cat and mouse game...for india and pakistan....

the scenario and policy of india is that when ever something wrong happens...india without any lookups justs blames  pakistan......and indian..ppl..start crying........seriously...i am not abusing u guys...its ur media....

u guys watch india tv...they dont even hav a speck of manner....on how to give respect paki diplomats...

u guys exaggerate a small thing million times.....

and as far as Kashmir is concerned ........ur wanting of this piece evidently shows that u r greedy land grabbers...

u can  seen the size of ur country and u still want more....

to no my view....there is no use for we students to fight ovr this.

we all know the history....

so u dont need to manipulate it in ur favor......

talking abt this just provokes hatred....

so stop this debate!!!

and just look forward 4 a better future 4 BOTH of us....

« Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 08:50:57 pm by MR.BooMBastiC »

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Re: Who's is Kashmir rightfully
« Reply #209 on: June 11, 2009, 09:10:20 pm »
my friend mr boom tis is just a debate......
nd india doesn't just blame pakistan over nothing......take the mumbai attack for example.... it is pakistan who did it ......even ur president said yes......

india doesn't just blame pakistan.........

paki diplomats should first show respect inorder to gain respect.....

yes media always is the same in all countries i believe........

and as far as kashmir is concerned.....u mentioned india as land grabbers!!! what about pakistan ren't they also fighting for Kashmir what are they rightteous angelS!!!!!!!!!........

it doesn't depend on the size of one country to decide to want more.......I'M NOT BEING OFFENSIVE BUT THAT STATEMENT WHICH U MADE DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE.....

TIS IS JUST A DEBATE......i believe it is helpin me to improve my debatin skils..