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General Chat NEW! The Student Forums Chatroom => Chit-Chat => Health and Fitness => Topic started by: EMO123 on June 17, 2011, 04:23:29 pm
i will take my vote for Good
Good I guess.
I am 55 kilos and my height is 159 cm. I believe that makes me fit. 8)
I think I am ?
Good I guess.
I am 55 kilos and my height is 159 cm. I believe that makes me fit. 8)
My height is 165 and my weight 48 kilos... :( :(
but i think i am perfectly fit when it comes to exercise :D
Good I guess.
I am 55 kilos and my height is 159 cm. I believe that makes me fit. 8)
cool same height, and almost the same weight, mines 53-54 :D
excellent,172cm height and 67 Kg ;)
How do you all measure your heights ? Do set-squares really do the trick ? ::)
How do you all measure your heights ? Do set-squares really do the trick ? ::)
Stand side by side with the wall, mark the height with a pencil on the wall :) then use whatever you want to measure ::)
Wow there are many good Fit Persons here
only one who is excellent is Mr.Hush
and who is not fit at all can anybody tell me?
Wow there are many good Fit Persons here
only one who is excellent is Mr.Hush
and who is not fit at all can anybody tell me?
Am I ? What is your opinion ? :P
Am I ? What is your opinion ? :P
I think I'm considered as excellent because my height goes very well with my weight.
I also play lots of sports and eat healthy food so yea!
@SSN, Awesome! We got same height and weight! :D
@Simon, that's not good! You need to gain more weight bro.
@Simon, that's not good! You need to gain more weight bro.
i wish i could :( i want to be 60 or around that :(
i don't know what to eat :P
I think I'm considered as excellent because my height goes very well with my weight.
I also play lots of sports and eat healthy food so yea!
@SSN, Awesome! We got same height and weight! :D
@Simon, that's not good! You need to gain more weight bro.
same simon i also need to gain weight i have got height but weight
same simon i also need to gain weight i have got height but weight
i excrete more than i eat... That is i sweat like i just had shower, seriously!! :(
You'll have Anemia like that bro. =/
Maybe you should visit a doctor and he gives you some vitamins which would make you gain weight.
@EMO, yeah..you too need to gain weight.
i excrete more than i eat... That is i sweat like i just had shower, seriously!! :(
oh that seems to be a prob simon be safe
else you may suffer from any problem
@ Mony i will do that
You'll have Anemia like that bro. =/
Maybe you should visit a doctor and he gives you some vitamins which would make you gain weight.
@EMO, yeah..you too need to gain weight.
You scaring me :-X
Less common symptoms may include swelling of the legs or arms, chronic heartburn, vague bruises, vomiting, increased sweating, and blood in stool.
^^ none of these, i just sweat a lot :-\
i have some vitamin pills..
I am a beast. :P
I am a beast. :P
don't worry, you would be perfect ;)
no cars more walk :P same like my brother ;)
don't worry, you would be perfect ;)
no cars more walk :P same like my brother ;)
Oh yeah. Hulks. <3
lol Saud..don't worry. I have Anemia despite my perfect weight and height. ::) It is less now because I started eating well and taking care of myself.
Last year I lost 10 kilos reached 40's and started being dizzy all the time and stuff. Now alhamdolilah I'm better. =]
Eat loads of sweets,i was damn skinny and i gained around 20Kgs in a year,but i exercise daily now so its good ;O
lol Saud..don't worry. I have Anemia despite my perfect weight and height. ::) It is less now because I started eating well and taking care of myself.
Last year I lost 10 kilos reached 40's and started being dizzy all the time and stuff. Now alhamdolilah I'm better. =]
i have been on 45 - 50 for like 3 years :P
i don't think i have that "Anemia" what made you think i have? ::)
@Hush, eat lots of sweets and get diabetes? Or Cancer? That's not healthy. :P
@Simon, lol :( it's cause my mom tells me that thin people get anemia so that I always eat. :(
Plus there are symptoms for it like nausea, dizziness etc..
@Hush, eat lots of sweets and get diabetes? Or Cancer? That's not healthy. :P
@Simon, lol :( it's cause my mom tells me that thin people get anemia so that I always eat. :(
Plus there are symptoms for it like nausea, dizziness etc..
i don't feel dizzy ::)
i hate you for scaring me :P
lol Saud..don't worry. I have Anemia despite my perfect weight and height. ::) It is less now because I started eating well and taking care of myself.
Last year I lost 10 kilos reached 40's and started being dizzy all the time and stuff. Now alhamdolilah I'm better. =]
Yuh could've said normal. :P Show off. :P
i don't feel dizzy ::)
i hate you for scaring me :P
LOOOOOL you have no idea how many people do I scare when it comes to health. I read a lot all about symptoms of serious diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart diseases and so on so I always advice people about them and then they start freaking out and stuff. :P
@CROOKED, hahahaha..well you saw my pictures and well I had a perfect shape yea? ;) :P
I'm am good :P
179cm height and 69Kg weight
LOOOOOL you have no idea how many people do I scare when it comes to health. I read a lot all about symptoms of serious diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart diseases and so on so I always advice people about them and then they start freaking out and stuff. :P
@CROOKED, hahahaha..well you saw my pictures and well I had a perfect shape yea? ;) :P
How bad of you :P what if someday you give someone a heart attack ::)
How bad of you :P what if someday you give someone a heart attack ::)
I just advice people to take care of their health. Really really. ::)
@Abod, 10 more kilos to be excellent. :P
Nah, i like it how i am, but ready to gain them in Muscles :P
I just advice people to take care of their health. Really really. ::)
@Abod, 10 more kilos to be excellent. :P
Yea really really! Your advice are dangerous, you must learn how to give User-friendly advises :P
not all of sudden like.. Hey dude, you have Anemia :P
Abod ready to get ripped? :o
hahahahaha..I am laughing. :P And my mom probably thinks I'm a freak for laughing to the laptop. :P
@Abod..body building? ::)
hahahahaha..I am laughing. :P And my mom probably thinks I'm a freak for laughing to the laptop. :P
@Abod..body building? ::)
i am glad :) but be careful :P
anyhoo, we have gone way to far from the topic :P
So we shall get back :)
@Abod..body building? ::)
No time :P I'm a busy man
I am same like mony :D 55
I was 53 at the start of the year and I think that is the best weight for me.
My family keeps nagging me to eat food its like they want me to be over weight or something :P
And Saud you need to gain weight :P try eating healthy food :D and maybe a bit less of excercise
And Saud you need to gain weight :P try eating healthy food :D and maybe a bit less of excercise
i eat apple daily :D i have proper lunch and dinner :) i have cheese and jam for breakfast :) and all i do is play soccer :) or walk/run a mile :)
and you're 45Kg? Lies
and you're 45Kg? Lies
48kg <<< :)
Edit: and you're 48Kg? Lies :P
Edit: and you're 48Kg? Lies :P
i swear :)
i just had 4 bowls of dessert.. trying to gain weight :P
lol ok :P Keep Eating and posting :P Multi-Tasking :P
And here cones the most unique boy :P
I have got a height of 186 or 188 cm and 73-76kg weight.
I am the tallest of all :P :P
I'm deciding to go to the gym during this summer and gain some muscles 8)
And here cones the most unique boy :P
I have got a height of 186 or 188 cm and 73-76kg weight.
I am the tallest of all :P :P
I'm deciding to go to the gym during this summer and gain some muscles 8)
You all just wait and watch >:(
i shall post the results at the end of summer >:(
By the way, Awesome height :)
i swear :)
i just had 4 bowls of dessert.. trying to gain weight :P
Lol I didn't beileve it when I read ur post! U gotta gain w8 man! I dnt wanna see my bro suffering from some diseases :P :P
looooooooooooooool @ Abood. :P
@Saud, maybe it's genetic. Some people can't be fat because their parents are like that.
@Angel, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL 'My family keeps nagging me to eat food its like they want me to be over weight or something' HAHAHAHA this is what I tell them all the time!
idk why they are all after me saying I need to gain more weight. I tell them 'sorry, I don't need to have a belly'. ::)
@MU, oh la la...I'm impressed. ::)
hahahaha..poor saud. :P
@Saud, maybe it's genetic. Some people can't be fat because their parents are like that.
hahahaha..poor saud. :P
Sabaroon kabeeroon :P
You all just wait and watch >:(
i shall post the results at the end of summer >:(
By the way, Awesome height :)
Lol thank you!
And if you wanna gain height u gotta play more basket ball or wt do they call that, I guess barfix, at your home...
And thank yuh mony!!
looooooooooooooool @ Abood. :P
@Saud, maybe it's genetic. Some people can't be fat because their parents are like that.
@Angel, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL 'My family keeps nagging me to eat food its like they want me to be over weight or something' HAHAHAHA this is what I tell them all the time!
idk why they are all after me saying I need to gain more weight. I tell them 'sorry, I don't need to have a belly'. ::)
@MU, oh la la...I'm impressed. ::)
hahahaha..poor saud. :P
Lol mine is opposite my parents keep on nagging that I should go body building but I'm too lazy for that! I hv to rest! ;D
Sabaroon kabeeroon :P
Wrong arabic. Fail. :P
@MU, lol..you have a healthy family I assume asking you to do that. :P
MU - Nice height :D
@Mony: lol, actually I was above 'average' before :P so guess my family got used to that ..I lost weight two years back and since then they think I am eating less and I dont know what else :D
I tell them the same thing, Its like I need to be fat to convince them that "YES I am not on a diet" ;D
Wrong arabic. Fail. :P
its correct :P
actually i made my own slag arabi :P
MU - Nice height :D
@Mony: lol, actually I was above 'average' before :P so guess my family got used to that ..I lost weight two years back and since then they think I am eating less and I dont know what else :D
I tell them the same thing, Its like I need to be fat to convince them that "YES I am not on a diet" ;D
This is what exactly happened to me!
Well when I was a baby..I was chubby after that I lost weight when I was in grade 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. In grade 7,8,9 and 10 I had very good height but then in grade 11 I lost 10 kilos and starting feeling dizzy a lot because I stopped eating and since then my parents get afraid I might lose soo much weight again that's why they always ask me to eat.
By the way..did you change your username? I don't recognize you. O.O
@Saud, what does it mean in English ? :P
@Saud, what does it mean in English ? :P
It is simple, why don't you understand it yourself :P
Alright alright it is "patience is great" :P
i just checked now... I AM 47 NOW >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
@Saud, hahaha..wow..I didn't get it. Like I knew what sabroon is and kabiroon is but
Patience means saber. Sabeeron means people who have patience.
Great means something else. Kabiroon means big. :P
See? That's why it didn't make sense.
By the way are your parents thin also ?
@Saud, hahaha..wow..I didn't get it. Like I knew what sabroon is and kabiroon is but
Patience means saber. Sabeeron means people who have patience.
Great means something else. Kabiroon means big. :P
See? That's why it didn't make sense.
By the way are your parents thin also ?
Ana arif arabic, ya ukhti bas uskut :P
dad is like me but mom is a bit healthy :)
Wrong arabic. Fail. :P
@MU, lol..you have a healthy family I assume asking you to do that. :P
Haha yah thank you!!
Ana arif arabic, ya ukhti bas uskut :P
dad is like me but mom is a bit healthy :)
hahahaha....that was good. :P You are a pathela ya chacha w kaman big time batamees for telling me uskut. :P
Ah so you have any siblings ?
@UM, I think I'm a shortie compared to you. ::)
hahahaha....that was good. :P You are a pathela ya chacha w kaman big time batamees for telling me uskut. :P
Ah so you have any siblings ?
@UM, I think I'm a shortie compared to you. ::)
hahahahaha, what was that? :P i had to make you uskut ::)
Yupz 2 of them apart from me.. both are healthy :(
we are shortie compared to him :O
hahahahaha, what was that? :P i had to make you uskut ::)
Yupz 2 of them apart from me.. both are healthy :(
we are shortie compared to him :O
Pathela means thin in urdu. Chacha = uncle, batamees = bad word :P not mannered I guess. :P
How old are they? :D
LOL..well I'm a girl so that's not a problem but you are a guy so that's embarrassing being a shortie. :P Don't worry, you'll grow taller isA. :P
Pathela means thin in urdu. Chacha = uncle, batamees = bad word :P not mannered I guess. :P
How old are they? :D
LOL..well I'm a girl so that's not a problem but you are a guy so that's embarrassing being a shortie. :P Don't worry, you'll grow taller isA. :P
Patla** i understood the rest ;)
22= brother & 20= sister :P
i am 165 :P what is yours?
@Mony, Its Ang3l :P I got bored of my username so decided to change it but I ended up adding just 4 letters to it ::)
I am still thinking of a nice one though :P
@Saud, 159 cm. We are almost the same height. :P
@Angel, yea thought it was you from your dp.
I like the new one, it's cool! :D
@Saud, 159 cm. We are almost the same height. :P
@Angel, yea thought it was you from your dp.
I like the new one, it's cool! :D
6 cm makes a huge difference :P
@UM, I think I'm a shortie compared to you. ::)
Hahaha lol that made me laugh!!
And By the way it's MU not UM :P
@Saud, you think? haha. That's like a finger's height. :P My hair got that height. :P
@MU, oh la la ;D I made the most unique guy laugh. I sure deserve a +Rep after you spreading the love. :P
Can we please rename the title to 'How Fit Are You?'
Can we please rename the title to 'How Fit Are You?'
Yeah yeah do that.
EMO does lots of mistakes when typing. =/
Yeah yeah do that.
EMO does lots of mistakes when typing. =/
thanks for telling i dint knew that
will try to change that
see now the Q is Change it is ok now
@Saud, you think? haha. That's like a finger's height. :P My hair got that height. :P
You know what, you are correct :( butttttttttttttttt i care nothing <<<<<<< ::)
don't worry meet me at end of the summer ;)
thanks for telling i dint knew that
will try to change that
You should use punctuation more because I usually don't understand most of your posts due to that.
@Simon, end of summer? Nah, I'll give you 2-3 more years then I'll meet you. =]
You should use punctuation more because I usually don't understand most of your posts due to that.
@Simon, end of summer? Nah, I'll give you 2-3 more years then I'll meet you. =]
Don't worry end of summer is a lot ;)
My shoulder hurts while i was exercising :( my muscle have stretched :'(
@simon:same here,my shoulders and my stomach are aching :(
@mony:how can you get diabetes from sweets,thats what my mom keeps telling me and you said it yesterday,isn't diabetes due to a malfunction in the pancreas?
diabetes is when your body can't create enough insulin to break-down the sugar, and a high amount of sugar runs in your blood. ;)
And pancreas create insulin.
diabetes is when your body can't create enough insulin to break-down the sugar, and a high amount of sugar runs in your blood. ;)
And pancreas create insulin.
i dint know that because i am not the student of biology thanx for sharing
^yeah, but I dont think eating sugar will make you a diabetic (although a lot of it might do :P). I have seen people who eat a lot of sweets and sugary food but they are fine and on the other hand some people love spicy food yet they have diabetes
^yeah, but I dont think eating sugar will make you a diabetic (although a lot of it might do :P). I have seen people who eat a lot of sweets and sugary food but they are fine and on the other hand some people love spicy food yet they have diabetes
there may also be a reason behind it
there may also be a reason behind it
Maybe :P God Knows
Maybe :P God Knows
not the god it is the people know that for now
Myth: Eating too much sugar causes diabetes.
Fact: No, it does not. Type 1 diabetes is caused by genetics and unknown factors that trigger the onset of the disease; type 2 diabetes is caused by genetics and lifestyle factors. Being overweight does increase your risk for developing type 2 diabetes, and a diet high in calories, whether from sugar or from fat, can contribute to weight gain. If you have a history of diabetes in your family, eating a healthy meal plan and regular exercise are recommended to manage your weight.
@Saud, take a break. Exercise for 45 mins 3 times a week. Make sure to have one day break for the muscles to rest. =]
@Saud, take a break. Exercise for 45 mins 3 times a week. Make sure to have one day break for the muscles to rest. =]
i just started :-\
hmm .. i weigh 50 .. ish .. and i'm about 160... makes me '' good'' right ?
hmm .. i weigh 50 .. ish .. and i'm about 160... makes me '' good'' right ?
Depends on how much muscles and fat you have.
But I'd say 7-8 more kilos would make you looker fitter. =]
^ Stop giving wrong advices. She looks fine. :P Don't make her look fat. :P
^ Stop giving wrong advices. She looks fine. :P Don't make her look fat. :P
LOOOOOOL..pffft..the beast can't talk. :P
She needs to gain more weight. I was 48 last year and I was that tall..people said I looked SO THIN and needed to gain more weight.
LOOOOOOL..pffft..the beast can't talk. :P
She needs to gain more weight. I was 48 last year and I was that tall..people said I looked SO THIN and needed to gain more weight.
LOOOOOL. Yuh always looked like the odd one, then. :P
Oh cmon. Boys know what they like. ::)
LOOOOOL. Yuh always looked like the odd one, then. :P
Oh cmon. Boys know what they like. ::)
I NEVER looked odd. ::)
Oh yeah? Boys like marrying thin carrots? ::)
I NEVER looked odd. ::)
Oh yeah? Boys like marrying thin carrots? ::)
LOOOOL. Okkay. ::) :P
Oh cmon. Men like women who are pretty inside. :o If yuh remain like a beast inside then the boy is gonna end up frustrated. :o External beauty is good enough to seduce, not satisfy. ;)
I NEVER looked odd. ::)
Oh yeah? Boys like marrying thin carrots? ::)
LOL nice one :P
Depends on how much muscles and fat you have.
But I'd say 7-8 more kilos would make you looker fitter. =]
hehehehe !!! nooo i dont look very thin :P ... hehe ..
i look avg .. im not skinny .. :D
^ Stop giving wrong advices. She looks fine. :P Don't make her look fat. :P
LOL nice one :P
Where is my +rep? :P
So you don't like marrying a carrot!
@Qudisiyah, I know you are not skinny! When talking about the carrot I was in NO WAY referring to you. :P
I'm just saying it'd be better! :D
Nah, I dont marry Carrots, I eat them, and you know "Elgazar ye2awy el Nazar" :P
+rep, Alrighty :P
Edit: Please spread the love before giving it to this user again. ::) ::)
Only Qudsiyah understands me. <33
All the haters can jump off a cliffff. :P
Nah, I dont marry Carrots, I eat them, and you know "Elgazar ye2awy el Nazar" :P
+rep, Alrighty :P
Edit: Please spread the love before giving it to this user again. ::) ::)
LOOOOOOOL wl gazar ya2wey el nazer! :D
Spread the love then. ::)
@Crooked, this means many will be jumping off the cliff then! Death rate will INCREASE. :D
Shortie guy in a black suit is you
Edit: forgot to add :P :P :P :P :P
LOOOOOOOL wl gazar ya2wey el nazer! :D
Spread the love then. ::)
@Crooked, this means many will be jumping off the cliff then! Death rate will INCREASE. :D
Yes :P
looking for a random member to rep :P
@Crooked, this means many will be jumping off the cliff then! Death rate will INCREASE. :D
</333333. :'(
Go awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. :(
Shawty suits Monyyyyyyyyy. :P She's the short one here afterall. :P
yes maybe. but she is not a guy :P
yes maybe. but she is not a guy :P
Yuh never know. ::) :P
Shortie guy in a black suit is you
Edit: forgot to add :P :P :P :P :P
HAHAHAHAHAH! Short guy is crooked! I AM SO LAUGHING!
I'm not short and I'm not a guy! Orlando Bloom is my hero! :D
HAHAHAHAHAH! Short guy is crooked! I AM SO LAUGHING!
I'm not short and I'm not a guy! Orlando Bloom is my hero! :D
Oh hello. I am a brownie not a dark chocolate. :P
PLUSSSSSSSSS, i am chubby and i don't rule ether. :P
Orlando Bloom is with me. :P
Short guy is brownie too :P
Short guy is brownie too :P
La la. He's an arab. :P
@Crooked, short guy who hates everyone is YOU. :P
Yea right.
He is not an arab. He looks pakistani. :P
@Crooked, short guy who hates everyone is YOU. :P
Yea right.
He is not an arab. He looks pakistani. :P
Crooked, cry some more :P
@Crooked, short guy who hates everyone is YOU. :P
Yea right.
He is not an arab. He looks pakistani. :P
Wow. 2 arabs against one Paki. Seems fair to me. ::) :P
Yuh know, i can point out thousands of dark arabs who would look similar to that kid. :P Whereas, yuh, in yer wildest dreams will never be able to find sucha pakistani dude. :P
I just looked at the pic again..that's an African guy. hahahahaha! :P
Take your BMI thing ,that's when you'll know ;)
Take your BMI thing ,that's when you'll know ;)
BMI ??? ???
BMI ??? ???
Here :
Conversion from kilograms to pounds. (http://www.manuelsweb.com/kg_lbs.htm)
Take your BMI thing ,that's when you'll know ;)
According to my BMI... i am under weight :o :(
According to my BMI... i am under weight :o :(
same here i am also under weight
Thanxx GG
thanxx Ancestor
Yo welcome :D
Yo welcome :D
well then tell me how to gain weight
well then tell me how to gain weight
Eat loads of sweats => Very Vital step :P ::)
Eat loads of food :P
Eat loads of sweats => Very Vital step :P ::)
Eat loads of food :P
ohh k i will do that
thanxx for that
ohh k i will do that
thanxx for that
LOL , No porbs :P
I'm exactly 6 foot and weight 77 KG. I would say I'm "excellent". ;D But thats just me.
I'm exactly 6 foot and weight 77 KG. I would say I'm "excellent". ;D But thats just me.
well i would say something check your BMI sites from the page before this page and say what is thatt
Under Weight
Normal Weight
Over Weight
BMI of 23. Normal weight. :P
BMI of 23. Normal weight. :P
is that your ??
skinny...eventhough i eat soo much...give me tips on getting fat someone !!
skinny...eventhough i eat soo much...give me tips on getting fat someone !!
If I were you, I'd : Eat all the chocolates I can. Visit McDonalds daily. Have lots of ice-cream. Sleep whole day.
Did I miss out anything? ::) :P
skinny...eventhough i eat soo much...give me tips on getting fat someone !!
@GG, looool no, those stuff aren't healthy.
I guess it's either it's genetic that you don't get fat or perhaps you need to take vitamins.
@GG, looool no, those stuff aren't healthy.
I guess it's either it's genetic that you don't get fat or perhaps you need to take vitamins.
Ahmm I thought what people do , at least that's what my sister does :-\
If I were you, I'd : Eat all the chocolates I can. Visit McDonalds daily. Have lots of ice-cream. Sleep whole day.
Did I miss out anything? ::) :P
Perfect....with this diet no one can complain....fat or thin! ;D
Perfect....with this diet no one can complain....fat or thin! ;D
Haha. Ikr?
There's this girl I know and she is SKINNY.
This is her daily diet routine and she still looks the same. Her life is perfect. :P
Must be in the genes. :P
Eat high calorie foods Emo
maybe more like dried fruit ,avacados, bananas, potatoes, beans, olives, eggs etc
never forget to drink whole milk ;)
Eat high calorie foods Emo
maybe more like dried fruit ,avacados, bananas, potatoes, beans, olives, eggs
never forget to drink whole milk ;)
thanxx dear
but one thing that i am veg. boy
but i will have it all leaving Egg
thanxx dear
but one thing that i am veg. boy
but i will have it all leaving Egg
oh okay good that i left meat and all
no prob, just gave a small tip :)
oh okay good that i left meat and all
no prob, just gave a small tip :)
ohh your tip may work because i am working on it
is that your ??
My neighbor's.
My neighbor's.
lol how did oyu know that
lol how did oyu know that
It is mine.
If I were you, I'd : Eat all the chocolates I can. Visit McDonalds daily. Have lots of ice-cream. Sleep whole day.
Did I miss out anything? ::) :P
lol nice :P
well i would say something check your BMI sites from the page before this page and say what is thatt
Under Weight
Normal Weight
Over Weight
My BMI says that I'm normal weight - 23.9