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well then tell me how to gain weight
Eat loads of sweats => Very Vital step Eat loads of food
ohh k i will do that thanxx for that
I'm exactly 6 foot and weight 77 KG. I would say I'm "excellent". But thats just me.
BMI of 23. Normal weight.
skinny...eventhough i eat soo much...give me tips on getting fat someone !!
@GG, looool no, those stuff aren't healthy.I guess it's either it's genetic that you don't get fat or perhaps you need to take vitamins.
If I were you, I'd : Eat all the chocolates I can. Visit McDonalds daily. Have lots of ice-cream. Sleep whole day. Did I miss out anything?
Perfect....with this diet no one can complain....fat or thin!
Eat high calorie foods Emo maybe more like dried fruit ,avacados, bananas, potatoes, beans, olives, eggsnever forget to drink whole milk