Success in love is not about finding it, but maintaining it. How can life be complete if together with the material, we don't achieve the immaterial as well?
I said emotions are innocent, they just happen, because they are biologically trained to. Our culture often intervenes with our biological nature.
It's true they keep thinking about someone in particular, their mind cannot control everything.
What they get? 
Everything that helps to make of them a better, happier person for whom life has a greater meaning. I said love happens many times, but we choose one person out of the many. And it's integrity, if we cannot think romantically about anyone else except that one person. Someone who makes a difference; someone for whom we can make a difference; someone when with together, life itself is different. Someone we give ourselves to. With no conditions and no exceptions.
You don't see the benefit. True, what we don't see is always better. No wonder people miss the most beautiful part of life.
Look, I am NOT against love. I do not despise love, as you seem to think. In fact, I myself love many things. For example, money, wealth and business, house, family etc etc etc. Love is a strong emotion indeed. This strong emotion IS necessary for someone to achieve something.
BUT and a BIG BUT, when this love becomes for something which is NOT beneficial, this is
very illogical, foolish and something to be despised of. A very good example of this is the love for another girl/guy. My point is, love for money and business is understandable and plausible, since they are beneficial to you. But love for another girl/guy? Its not. What will you get by loving that guy/girl? NOTHING. As I said, love is a strong emotion. And due to this very reason, love for another guy/girl will
CONSUME the person concerned, that too,
without any personal benefit for the person. He/she will always think about his/her lover, neglecting his/her studies, business or work in case of a grown up man, and other very important tasks.
Got it now?