SECOND lesson :
(1) ahli tamam ^ wi ana kaman #
^ tamam means fine
# wi / oo --. and ....... ana --. I/ me ......... kaman --. too
(2) when someone is ill arabs say salamtak meaning we hope u get well soon u reply by sayin Allah yisalimak meaning may u be well too 
remeber salamtak for guys ..salamtik for girls ....salamtkom for a group of ppl and same goes for yisalimak
when someone is goona travel u say trooh wi tirjaa bisalama meanin we hope ur journey is safe/ we hope u go and coemback safe
trooh we tirjaa for gus ....troohi wi trijaai for girls .....trooho wi trijaao for a group of ppl
whenever u see anyone whether u kno him or not u should say assalam alayikom / salam meanaing hi
when some comes over to ur house u say welcome in arabic which is itfadal
now remeber itfadal for guys ....itfadali for girls itfadalo for a group of ppl
(3) if u for example want to ask a Q to someone passin by u say
Lawsamaht meanin excuse me
i guess that's all for today