Qualification > Sciences

Drawing a complex carbohydrate structure

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--- Quote from: Ivo on June 05, 2010, 07:21:31 pm ---By the way ~VIN1094~, is this an example of condensation polymerisation becomes water molecules are eliminated?

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Hmm... I think I get the gist of it now, thanks =)


--- Quote from: NeoMarmar on June 05, 2010, 08:04:23 pm ---Hmm... I think I get the gist of it now, thanks =)

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Glad you got it ;)

By the way you are supposed to know the structures for Nylon and Terylene as well  ..um so do you know them? ::)


--- Quote from: ~VIN1094~ on June 05, 2010, 08:28:05 pm ---Glad you got it ;)

By the way you are supposed to know the structures for Nylon and Terylene as well  ..um so do you know them? ::)

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hey vin...do we really need to know hw to draw the structures of Nylon and terylene?? wt else r we suppose to know for organic chems...u mynd postin a small summary note of organic chems n important stuff we need to knw


--- Quote from: syedz123 on June 06, 2010, 07:38:38 am ---hey vin...do we really need to know hw to draw the structures of Nylon and terylene?? wt else r we suppose to know for organic chems...u mynd postin a small summary note of organic chems n important stuff we need to knw

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Yes! Look at the syllabus. All the structures are given..


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