Qualification > Sciences

Drawing a complex carbohydrate structure

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I've come across many questions that ask to 'draw the structural formula of a complex carbohydrate'. You can take a look at May/June 08 paper 3 question 8 for example.

I'm not sure whether to draw a polymer, a carbohydrate, e.Take Care
An explanation would be helpful, thanks.

Ask your doubts here :: https://studentforums.biz/index.php/topic,1411.2655.html

HO-l_l-OH  = monosaccharide (Glucose

OH-|_|-O-|_|-OH = disaccharide

-O-l_l-O- = polysaccharide (starch)

One more coming up..

Please ask if anything not understood.. ;)

Sorry for the bad drawing, I am in a hurry.


--- Quote from: ~VIN1094~ on June 05, 2010, 07:13:18 pm ---Please ask if anything not understood.. ;)

Sorry for the bad drawing, I am in a hurry.

--- End quote ---

By the way ~VIN1094~, is this an example of condensation polymerisation becomes water molecules are eliminated?


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