Qualification > Sciences

Drawing a complex carbohydrate structure

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--- Quote from: ~VIN1094~ on June 06, 2010, 09:38:24 am ---Yes! Look at the syllabus. All the structures are given..

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oh kk...yeah and By the way y is it that the marking schemes for may/june 02 doesnt include question 5?? :-\


--- Quote from: syedz123 on June 06, 2010, 09:58:57 am ---oh kk...yeah and By the way y is it that the marking schemes for may/june 02 doesnt include question 5?? :-\

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Your answers lie here my friend .. https://studentforums.biz/index.php/topic,8531.msg252059.html#msg252059


--- Quote from: ~VIN1094~ on June 06, 2010, 10:04:36 am ---Your answers lie here my friend .. https://studentforums.biz/index.php/topic,8531.msg252059.html#msg252059

--- End quote ---

nice man  ;) appreciate the help..Thanks

As all IGCSE chemistry exams are over, this topic will be locked.


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