Qualification > Sciences

co-ord. sciences

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--- Quote from: azhaan on May 27, 2010, 06:54:08 pm ---THE ACCELERATION ONE?
its was 138.8

--- End quote ---

Is it okay if if I got 0.138? I didn't know we have to convert the grams in KG

guyz wt do u thnk abt da curves?


--- Quote from: abuelzouz on June 05, 2010, 02:24:09 pm ---guyz wt do u thnk abt da curves?

--- End quote ---

If the curve still exists, then I assume it'll be normal (not high, not low) for Coordinated Science. Because p6 was damn long & challenging, p1 was normal, & p3 was so easy. So it's likely that it's either more than 85% or 90% to get an A*. :D

how about A


--- Quote from: RoyTheToy on June 06, 2010, 05:29:08 am ---how about A

--- End quote ---

I'm not sure about A since I only aim for & achieve A*s. :D
But perhaps A is either above 75% or above 80%.


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