New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
Every setback is an opportunity to do something better.Think like that and you will end up being the best at something.
That's awfully true... And magically effective.
Will be the wind millthat grind the riceto give you strengthto accomplish your aimbut if aim be falsethen all is at lossand it was all much adoabout nothing.
Much ado about nothing... Then, who is the author?
Much ado about nothing was a phrase shakespeare took from a french write I'm afraid..... He took most stories from a variety of writers and made them interesting.
I normally don't cry, just really sad cuse I always do the silliest of mistakes. However its my parents who sometimes make me feel down with their "who got better than you?" questions. I just feel then that I should have given them better :/