Describe a technique that you have used to study the distribution of a named organism within its habitat.
^This one. You have to name an organism and also state its habitat.
The most important aspect of this question is that u have to describe a technique that fits with the organism that you would like to study and its habitat as well.
So, for example, to study the distribution of grass in a park, you cannot say that you would use the pitfall trap technique (!) because the pitfall trap is used to capture arthropods and the number of arthropods captured in a unit area gives you an idea of the overall distribution of the a particular arthropod you wish to study. You would instead use the 'random sampling' method using quadrats to study the distribution of the grass.
Naming organism means you don't have to state the name of the species but you can simply state for example, you wish to compare the distribution of grass in a grazed and ungrazed area of a woodland.
You will get marks for showing an understanding of the particular techniques involved and how you use them to study the distribution of the organism(s) you wish to study.
Organism as in any living organism - you can state that you wish to study a particular insect, say, butterfly, or the whole insect population in, say, a woodland area.
Make sure the habitat that you mention seems suitable for the particular organism, for example, you cannot state that you wish to study the distribution of any sea creature, like the 'Flat Periwinkle' or 'common Limpet', in a local park (!) - you won't find any there.
This is actually Core Practical 1 in Edexcel A2 Biology - refer to the Student Sheets from the practical assessment guide.
Pitfall trap = to collect invertebrates
Sweep net = to collect invertebrates in long grasses
Pooter = to collect invertebrates into a container
Tullgren funnel = to collect organisms from soil or leaf litter
Baermann funnel = to collect living organisms from water ---> all these techniques are detailed in the Student sheets. Hope u have them.
Hope this helps.