hahaha dont worry
i havent forgotten ya
thank you
well for mitosis i am afraid there is no easy u will have to learn it
but i will type my notes out for ya maybe they will help
for the gene expression cud u be a little more specific??
well i did one of the papers and there was a question regarding gene differentiation. when i checked the mark scheme, they gave the points as for example, a stem cell in a particular part of the body requires production of ATP for instance. so a few of the genes which aid in ATP synthesis are EnViRnoMeNtAlLy activated. these cause the specific protein to b synthesized and so it changes it state of pluripotency and forms a speciallised cell. i read this a long time ago so my explanation is abit vague,
as fer the others, don't actually read my explanation unless u can explain it to me

cause it mite give the wrong idea so plz, i don't wanna b the reason if such a question comes up n my explanation which U hav memorized, goes wrong