k well i read somewhere tht u were predicting cancer stuff
what are those? can u plz explain. 
well it is pretty simple
for eg lets take skin cancer
the colour of the skin is caused by melanin
melanin is produced by the tyrosinase enzyme
melanin is stored in specail cells called melanocytes in organelles called melanosomes
cancer is caused by genes and environment
cell divison is controlled by 2 types of genes
and tumor supressor genes
UV radiations causes the conversion of protonco to onco genes and tumor supressor to tumor activator genes
which results in the uncontrolled division of cells and formation of tumor
also some general facts about cancer u shud know
cancer cells divide rapidly to form a mass of abnormally growing cells or a tumour which invades the surrounding tissues
the uncontrolled division is called metasis
a tumour that invades surrounding tissues is called malignant