Author Topic: Edexcel BIOLOGY Doubts!!!!  (Read 140704 times)

Offline ksitna

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Re: Edexcel BIOLOGY Doubts!!!!
« Reply #150 on: June 07, 2010, 08:58:24 pm »
a) is 4 right?
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Offline Uchia

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Re: Edexcel BIOLOGY Doubts!!!!
« Reply #151 on: June 07, 2010, 09:04:15 pm »

Offline ksitna

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Re: Edexcel BIOLOGY Doubts!!!!
« Reply #152 on: June 07, 2010, 09:05:31 pm »
k well i read somewhere tht u were predicting cancer stuff
what are those? can u plz explain.  :)
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Offline Blizz_rb93

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Re: Edexcel BIOLOGY Doubts!!!!
« Reply #153 on: June 07, 2010, 09:14:16 pm »
can someone help me with january 2009 unit 2 question 1 b) i)
idk how the diagram should look like

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Re: Edexcel BIOLOGY Doubts!!!!
« Reply #154 on: June 07, 2010, 09:15:32 pm »
k well i read somewhere tht u were predicting cancer stuff
what are those? can u plz explain.  :)

well it is pretty simple
for eg lets take skin cancer
the colour of the skin is caused by melanin
melanin is produced by the tyrosinase enzyme
melanin is stored in specail cells called melanocytes in organelles called melanosomes
cancer is caused by genes and environment
cell divison is controlled by 2 types of genes
and tumor supressor genes
UV radiations causes the conversion of protonco to onco genes and tumor supressor to tumor activator genes
which results in the uncontrolled division of cells and formation of tumor

also some general facts about cancer u shud know
cancer cells divide rapidly to form a mass of abnormally growing cells or a tumour which invades the surrounding tissues
the uncontrolled division is called metasis
a tumour that invades surrounding tissues is called malignant
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Offline ksitna

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Re: Edexcel BIOLOGY Doubts!!!!
« Reply #155 on: June 07, 2010, 09:17:56 pm »
can someone help me with january 2009 unit 2 question 1 b) i)
idk how the diagram should look like

well u kinda draw like lines or circles like

0(----)   o and arrow going down
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Offline ksitna

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Re: Edexcel BIOLOGY Doubts!!!!
« Reply #156 on: June 07, 2010, 09:19:28 pm »
well it is pretty simple
for eg lets take skin cancer
the colour of the skin is caused by melanin
melanin is produced by the tyrosinase enzyme
melanin is stored in specail cells called melanocytes in organelles called melanosomes
cancer is caused by genes and environment
cell divison is controlled by 2 types of genes
and tumor supressor genes
UV radiations causes the conversion of protonco to onco genes and tumor supressor to tumor activator genes
which results in the uncontrolled division of cells and formation of tumor

also some general facts about cancer u shud know
cancer cells divide rapidly to form a mass of abnormally growing cells or a tumour which invades the surrounding tissues
the uncontrolled division is called metasis
a tumour that invades surrounding tissues is called malignant

Thank you sooo much!!!!
take whatever you want and give nothing back :)

Offline ksitna

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Re: Edexcel BIOLOGY Doubts!!!!
« Reply #157 on: June 07, 2010, 09:20:06 pm »
k can someone plz explain the maoa?
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Offline Uchia

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Re: Edexcel BIOLOGY Doubts!!!!
« Reply #158 on: June 07, 2010, 09:20:33 pm »
cancer is when the rate of cell division is greater than the rate of cell death. Cancer could also form tumour which is abnormally living cells that invades other cells. Tumor could also break releasing small clumps of cells which we call it the metastasis method. The cancer cells are also able to live longer than normal healthy cells. Cancer could be formed by either a change in the enviroment or by mutation (gene changes). ok now for the 2 important parts about the gene mutation which causes cancer 1. supressor gene which removes the break on the cell cycle which increases the cell division. 2. protoncogenes which increase the amount of protein provided. The tar in the ciggeratte could cause this protoncongenes and the supressor thingiiis. As for the role of the enviroment u could talk about the uv light and how does it burn the skin and cause cancer + the melanin production where the uv causes the putitary gland to form MSH hormone, MSH could then join to receptor, move inside the cell and turn the gene that is responsible for the formation of tryosenase on. Tryosenase then converts the tryosin to melanin. Many melanin would join/get near to each other preventing the uv from reaching the cells which results in cancer and mutation

They might also bring u a normal graph and ask you to describe their values

that's everything

Offline Uchia

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Re: Edexcel BIOLOGY Doubts!!!!
« Reply #159 on: June 07, 2010, 09:21:44 pm »
I think i was a bit late :P anyways i tried my best

Offline ksitna

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Re: Edexcel BIOLOGY Doubts!!!!
« Reply #160 on: June 07, 2010, 09:22:08 pm »
cancer is when the rate of cell division is greater than the rate of cell death. Cancer could also form tumour which is abnormally living cells that invades other cells. Tumor could also break releasing small clumps of cells which we call it the metastasis method. The cancer cells are also able to live longer than normal healthy cells. Cancer could be formed by either a change in the enviroment or by mutation (gene changes). ok now for the 2 important parts about the gene mutation which causes cancer 1. supressor gene which removes the break on the cell cycle which increases the cell division. 2. protoncogenes which increase the amount of protein provided. The tar in the ciggeratte could cause this protoncongenes and the supressor thingiiis. As for the role of the enviroment u could talk about the uv light and how does it burn the skin and cause cancer + the melanin production where the uv causes the putitary gland to form MSH hormone, MSH could then join to receptor, move inside the cell and turn the gene that is responsible for the formation of tryosenase on. Tryosenase then converts the tryosin to melanin. Many melanin would join/get near to each other preventing the uv from reaching the cells which results in cancer and mutation

They might also bring u a normal graph and ask you to describe their values

that's everything
take whatever you want and give nothing back :)

Offline Uchia

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Re: Edexcel BIOLOGY Doubts!!!!
« Reply #161 on: June 07, 2010, 09:23:57 pm »
when they get near close we call it melasonomes

Offline Uchia

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Re: Edexcel BIOLOGY Doubts!!!!
« Reply #162 on: June 07, 2010, 09:25:28 pm »

Offline Ibiza279

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Re: Edexcel BIOLOGY Doubts!!!!
« Reply #163 on: June 07, 2010, 09:27:40 pm »
i need help with gene expression and differentiation :( n also, im confused in learning the mitosis stages, can anyone give me an easier method :| sovvy fer the botherrrr :3
live life like you'll never die but don't die like you never lived but then again its a saying n i don't believe in saying much so jus forget it . . .

Offline Kim

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Re: Edexcel BIOLOGY Doubts!!!!
« Reply #164 on: June 07, 2010, 09:28:54 pm »
k can someone plz explain the maoa?

ok welll
MAOA is monoamine oxidase A
it break downs nuero transmitter such as serotonin and dopamine
if the level of MAOA is raised or decreased it causes mutations
low levels -nervous disorder
dependance on alcohol
parkinsons disease

high levels-risk takin and aggressive behavior
tension favors high release of MAOA
and maltreatment causes low release
this enzyme is produced with the help of a dominate gene located on the X chromosome

if there is to much of this enzyme it breaks down too many of the nuerotransmitters which can affect ur mood
hence it is linked with depression
After all is said and done, more is said than done.

By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.