Question plz 
Name and draw the following compounds,
I can easily draw but the 6 nomenclature rules don't seem to work or
i don't get them good yet, when explaining can you say why, and whats
meant by substituent group,
CHCHCH2CH(C2H5)CH3 - For this you are sure that there are two double bonds? Cause then it would be a diene

3,3-dimethyl-5-propyl heptane
2 methyl groups(removing a hydrogen atom from a molecule of methane, CH4 gives a group of atoms CH3-, called METHYL) on the 3rd carbon thus 3,3-dimethyl
1 propyl group( removing a hydrogen atom from a molecule of propane,C3H8 gives a group of atoms C3H7-, called PROPYL )on the 5th carbon thus 5-propyl
longest parent chain consists of 7 carbons - all having single bonds - hence heptane
Number the carbon atoms from the left side - cause that's how the methyl and propyl get the lowest value
methy and propyl - according to the alphabetical order
A substituent is an atom or group of atoms substituted in place of a hydrogen atom on the parent chain of a hydrocarbon - eg the methyl group or the propyl group
I hope it's correct

Check this link - might help care