New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
Oh LA LA LA! Now it is starting with pms My bff is getting married soon.
By the way u also study with roxy.converse .........
No, but we both lived in the same place, and met at our exam centre.
do u guys believed in arranged marriages or love marriages
Love after marriage or before? Before... Because after, it may not necessarily be, even if I do give my best.
Yes, and often, the fact that "he is the father of my children" is the only thing that keeps the marriage together.
so wat marriage is like a profit or loss statement where a balance sheet and trading and profit loss account is made
Exactly. God made the man and woman to balance each other.
I dont think she meant that.
Men and women were made to balance each other; be each others' risks and benefits.
Perfectly said.