Author Topic: Marriage  (Read 59364 times)

Offline Ukhti-R

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Re: Marriage
« Reply #210 on: May 11, 2010, 01:11:04 am »

Okay- well then you wouldn't understand what I mean. Sorry. >.<

That's the reason why I don't debate.

Eveything in life is backed up by the Quraan, Sunnah and Hadeeth. I would always fall back on that, and show proofs. That's my way of debating. and doing that here- isn't acceptable. =/
"...And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him." [65: 2-3]


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Re: Marriage
« Reply #211 on: May 11, 2010, 01:12:16 am »
Okay- well then you wouldn't understand what I mean. Sorry. >.<

That's the reason why I don't debate.

Eveything in life is backed up by the Quraan, Sunnah and Hadeeth. I would always fall back on that, and show proofs. That's my way of debating. and doing that here- isn't acceptable. =/

Same here. I can't debate anything without entering Islam in

Offline Ukhti-R

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Re: Marriage
« Reply #212 on: May 11, 2010, 01:13:25 am »
Same here. I can't debate anything without entering Islam in

That;s the only reason why I stay away from the debates section though. =/

Otherwise- Im loaaadedd.
"...And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him." [65: 2-3]


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Re: Marriage
« Reply #213 on: May 11, 2010, 01:14:23 am »
haha lol its ok its every ones opinion
you still can debate but quoting things in eng :P

Offline sweetest angel

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Re: Marriage
« Reply #214 on: May 11, 2010, 01:14:50 am »
@shousho…no he was no waste of time. But your view that we have kids to make a change. Amr khaled didnt wait for his kids did he?

@roxy…thats right for the hadith. But it doent make you sinful nit to do it. I i EVER get married, like i said before, it will be because i want to, not need to. Please give up those basis that a woman goes into marriage beacause she NEEDS a man, cause she NEEDS a family for support and kids to make a better fu
"Dont fear the creation, but fear the creator who has created the creation you fear"
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Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Re: Marriage
« Reply #215 on: May 11, 2010, 01:16:28 am »
Ah, Roxy, feel free to debate anyway you want! No problem with that. :)

Offline Ukhti-R

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Re: Marriage
« Reply #216 on: May 11, 2010, 01:16:46 am »
Im sure women can live alone. They have haven't they ? People in the past and people now. Loads of 'em.

Is it AS effective though ?

and more than half of them are prolly in a relationship anyways.
"...And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him." [65: 2-3]

Offline Ukhti-R

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Re: Marriage
« Reply #217 on: May 11, 2010, 01:17:09 am »
Ah, Roxy, feel free to debate anyway you want! No problem with that. :)

seriously ? :O

Thanks mate! :D
"...And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him." [65: 2-3]


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Re: Marriage
« Reply #218 on: May 11, 2010, 01:19:01 am »
haha lol its ok its every ones opinion
you still can debate but quoting things in eng :P

Yeah, she is right. I mean we can change our quotes in english but it is still not about that.

But you don't take it as your religion and so you won't believe in any of the quotes we are saying. Know what I mean?

That is why it is always good to make religion out.

@sweetest angel..Amr khaled was a kid one day  :P and his mother n father are the ones who raised him in this way. =] and I am sure his kids are like him, changing other people for the better.


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Re: Marriage
« Reply #219 on: May 11, 2010, 01:22:40 am »
Im sure women can live alone. They have haven't they ? People in the past and people now. Loads of 'em.

Is it AS effective though ?

and more than half of them are prolly in a relationship anyways.

here the point is about marriage and not relations
relations are not a tie as marriage is
eah, she is right. I mean we can change our quotes in english but it is still not about that.

But you don't take it as your religion and so you won't believe in any of the quotes we are saying. Know what I mean?

That is why it is always good to make religion out.

ah its k
if any body would have told me somethings from my religious books i still wouldnt follow it :P
cuz i dont believe in religion its just one God for me thats all :)


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Re: Marriage
« Reply #220 on: May 11, 2010, 02:34:56 am »
@shousho…no he was no waste of time. But your view that we have kids to make a change. Amr khaled didnt wait for his kids did he?

@roxy…thats right for the hadith. But it doent make you sinful nit to do it. I i EVER get married, like i said before, it will be because i want to, not need to. Please give up those basis that a woman goes into marriage beacause she NEEDS a man, cause she NEEDS a family for support and kids to make a better fu

Amr khaled was a kid one day and his mother n father are the ones who raised him in this way.and I am sure his kids are like him, changing other people for the better.

Read my posts again, I did not say I will wait till my kids make the changes. I said I will change it by my own but will have kids to forward  my message when I am dead.  ;)

You can't simply say marriage is a waste of time and money because you have no valid reasons for what you are saying. God created  us this way, a man and a woman who have an intercourse to bring children in this world who later turn into another man and another woman and so on. Imagine how life would be if no one got married? People will vanish after they get dead, the world will end. What you are saying is just impossible.

You are just saying that now, I am sure one day there will be this special person who would take your attention, mind and heart without you even noticing. Every man/boy every woman/girl will always have an interest in the opposite sex, this is how we are, this is a fact. I state facts here but you state your opinion. See why you can't reply back with something convincing?

Don't take anything to your heart because I have no intention of hurting anyone here.  Best of luck for your exams.=]

Offline Saladin

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Re: Marriage
« Reply #221 on: May 11, 2010, 04:01:16 am »
I would like you all to not even mention Islam, if you want to justify a cause, then do it through normal means, refrain from including religeon in your arguments. That goes for all of you.

It seems now a days, it is not a shame to have casual relationships with a woman, or a man, and so the reason for marriage has degraded. Let me make this clear, marriage puts responsibility in the relationship, one person simply cannot quit on the other, they need to work together as a team, and help raise their next generation.

Let me make this clear, a woman is independent, you can do whatever you like, but if you did not need protection, if you did not need someone to protect you at times, there would no no incidents of rape in this world, none at all. You need to realize, a tazer will only work once, and one a whole gang gains up on you, you cant do much.

And would you not want to love a man in your life, as a man does a woman. I mean, that is the purpose of the whole thing, to unite a couple, under an understanding between their two sides. Marriage has often lead to the downfall of many disputes between families.

You can keep on defying it, but I am sure you will at one point in your life want a man to love you, someone to care for you. You parents will not be there forever.

And no-one is all powerful, the human race is made up of man and woman. If a child is born without a mother or father, then it is a hardship for the child, regardless of what people say!


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Re: Marriage
« Reply #222 on: May 11, 2010, 04:06:24 am »
I would like you all to not even mention Islam, if you want to justify a cause, then do it through normal means, refrain from including religeon in your arguments. That goes for all of you.

It seems now a days, it is not a shame to have casual relationships with a woman, or a man, and so the reason for marriage has degraded. Let me make this clear, marriage puts responsibility in the relationship, one person simply cannot quit on the other, they need to work together as a team, and help raise their next generation.

Let me make this clear, a woman is independent, you can do whatever you like, but if you did not need protection, if you did not need someone to protect you at times, there would no no incidents of rape in this world, none at all. You need to realize, a tazer will only work once, and one a whole gang gains up on you, you cant do much.

And would you not want to love a man in your life, as a man does a woman. I mean, that is the purpose of the whole thing, to unite a couple, under an understanding between their two sides. Marriage has often lead to the downfall of many disputes between families.

You can keep on defying it, but I am sure you will at one point in your life want a man to love you, someone to care for you. You parents will not be there forever.

And no-one is all powerful, the human race is made up of man and woman. If a child is born without a mother or father, then it is a hardship for the child, regardless of what people say!

This post was like you were repeating all what I was saying in the past 2 pages.  :P

Don't disagree with any of what you said. =]

Offline Saladin

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Re: Marriage
« Reply #223 on: May 11, 2010, 05:01:20 am »
This post was like you were repeating all what I was saying in the past 2 pages.  :P

Don't disagree with any of what you said. =]

U needed 2 pages to say what I said in 6 paragraphs, LOL!!!!!

I feel so good abt myself. JK!

Offline sweetest angel

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Re: Marriage
« Reply #224 on: May 11, 2010, 05:45:09 am »
Amr khaled was a kid one day and his mother n father are the ones who raised him in this way.and I am sure his kids are like him, changing other people for the better.

Read my posts again, I did not say I will wait till my kids make the changes. I said I will change it by my own but will have kids to forward  my message when I am dead.  ;)

You can't simply say marriage is a waste of time and money because you have no valid reasons for what you are saying. God created  us this way, a man and a woman who have an intercourse to bring children in this world who later turn into another man and another woman and so on. Imagine how life would be if no one got married? People will vanish after they get dead, the world will end. What you are saying is just impossible.

You are just saying that now, I am sure one day there will be this special person who would take your attention, mind and heart without you even noticing. Every man/boy every woman/girl will always have an interest in the opposite sex, this is how we are, this is a fact. I state facts here but you state your opinion. See why you can't reply back with something convincing?

Don't take anything to your heart because I have no intention of hurting anyone here.  Best of luck for your exams.=]

when you start a long course degree I know the first thought in most everyone's mind will be, "But, that will interfere with getting married and having children!" It's unfortunate that the first thought couldn't have been, "WOW, she has accomplished so much! She's making such a great life for herself all on her own!" Nope. That would only contradict generations of patriarchy's goal to chain my ankles to the kitchen, having one hand feeding my son and the other ironing my husband's shirt, given that the chain would be long enough for me to do so, of course.

Before I get everyone all riled up and start getting verbal attacks of being a "man-hating feminist", let me first say that feminism is NOT a women's issue. Plenty of men out there are feminists. Plenty of men do not agree with patriarchy. So, I don't hate on men. I like men.Plain and simple. Secondly, I am by no means saying that a woman who stays at home is not pro-feminism. I think that taking on the responsibility of caring for an entire household is not just a responsibility but, an actual job. A job that gets overlooked. A job that society doesn't give enough credit to. What does piss me off is the notion that this job is naturally a woman's job. Now that all of that is cleared up, I shall digress...

Back to an unmarried life. Yes, I would be twenty-four years old and unmarried. Looking through my MySpace and Facebook, I will easily estimate that at least half of my friends/classmates from high school would be engaged or married.We all know that relationships are never what they appear to be from an outside view. Hell, marriage doesn't even always equate to love. What those women have isn't necessarily what I need anyway.

Are we all settling because of this stupid timeline that decrees you a failure if you're not married by 30? Of course, love itself is relative to culture and differs from person to person, but are we really that uncomfortable with being unmarried? Why is it so horrible to live your life and better yourself in every way possible and just let love come to you? Why are we searching "out there" for someone to love us when love is already within ourselves? I would be lying if I said I don't enjoy companionship, but what is it that makes me need someone else? I don't believe a man would "complete" me. I believe I complete me...but then why do I long for someone else to validate me?

I have all these crazy questions and thoughts in my head. I suppose that's where my concoction begins to brew. I'm frustrated because I want the external voices to stop. I'm impatient to experience my idea of love. And I fear that by wanting Mr. Right to propose to me means that I am stunting my growth as an individual.

If I do fall in love and get married, I want to be a complete person. I want to be someone's partner, not his dependent. I suppose what I want right now is to truly believe that I could stand strong on my own. I want to truly believe that the ultimate love is a love that I already possess. A love that's been there all along, amidst any future boyfriends and dating scenes: self-love - the ultimate love.
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