An ac generator generates electricity by the electromagnetic induction. So basically u have only a magnet, wire, and an ammeter. Cut the field lines with the wire and u will see electricity being generated (the ammeter have a reading). On the other hand, a d.c motor works by electricity not make it. Again u have a magnet,coil around like a piece of wood or smth, split ring and brushes to allow it it to spin freely, and a POWER SUPPLY. This is the main diff, the power supply supllies the wire with electricity, when there is eletricity inside a wire, it creates a magnetic field. This magnetic fields interacts with the magnetic field of the magnet and causes the piece of wood to spin. The spinning motion cause other things to spin (for example wheals in toy cars). Also this is by d.c like the name say, while the a.c generator generates an a.c current

Hope this helps

The motor effect i think is the thing i just told u about: when a wire has current in it, it creats a magnetic field. This magnetic field interacts with the magnet so it spins (just like u put to similar poles next to each other, they will repel and spin or smth) (this is why my dad keeps telling me not to leave electricity next to me while sleeping cuz its not healthy

)[but m not sure of the health thing tho, cuz our teacher said that magnetic forces are okay to the body, but anyway this is just an extra thing

Now my turn 2. I don't want answers, i just want to understand. First, what is the motion of the current? Second, if it comes from right to left, how come the table show that ciruit 3 has the least Voltage in the Voltmeter. To me it looks like it had a longer path through wire D>C>B and then S, so its supposed to lose more voltage and the voltage difference would be more... this, Question 1) d) ii) I freakin don't understand why is 0.72 wrong!! I got the speed in (i) which is 0.6 and all i have to do is multiply by 1.2. This is what the mark scheme says but they say that the answer shouldnt be 0.72 HOWWWWW??!!!