Author Topic: ALL PHYSICS DOUBTS - POST HERE !!  (Read 249679 times)

Offline Malak

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« Reply #150 on: May 06, 2010, 10:11:13 am »
if thats the case, then just keep in mind that
  • if ray is going from denser to rarer, then angle of refraction will be greater than angle of incidence
  • if ray is going from a rarer to a denser medium, then the angle of incidence is greater than the angle of refraction

And thx snake..

And Can anyone Explain me The motor effect...I cant seem to understand it :S
And wats the difference between An AC generator and a DC motor... :S
« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 10:13:54 am by ang3l »
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Offline Baladya

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« Reply #151 on: May 06, 2010, 10:50:48 am »
An ac generator generates electricity by the electromagnetic induction. So basically u have only a magnet, wire, and an ammeter. Cut the field lines with the wire and u will see electricity being generated (the ammeter have a reading). On the other hand, a d.c motor works by electricity not make it. Again u have a magnet,coil around like a piece of wood or smth, split ring and brushes to allow it it to spin freely, and a POWER SUPPLY. This is the main diff, the power supply supllies the wire with electricity, when there is eletricity inside a wire, it creates a magnetic field. This magnetic fields interacts with the magnetic field of the magnet and causes the piece of wood to spin. The spinning motion cause other things to spin (for example wheals in toy cars). Also this is by d.c like the name say, while the a.c generator generates an a.c current ;) Hope this helps :)

The motor effect i think is the thing i just told u about: when a wire has current in it, it creats a magnetic field. This magnetic field interacts with the magnet so it spins (just like u put to similar poles next to each other, they will repel and spin or smth) (this is why my dad keeps telling me not to leave electricity next to me while sleeping cuz its not healthy :P)[but m not sure of the health thing tho, cuz our teacher said that magnetic forces are okay to the body, but anyway this is just an extra thing ;D ^^]

Now my turn :D ;D

Question 2. I don't want answers, i just want to understand. First, what is the motion of the current? Second, if it comes from right to left, how come the table show that ciruit 3 has the least Voltage in the Voltmeter. To me it looks like it had a longer path through wire D>C>B and then S, so its supposed to lose more voltage and the voltage difference would be more...

Also this, Question 1) d) ii) I freakin don't understand why is 0.72 wrong!! I got the speed in (i) which is 0.6 and all i have to do is multiply by 1.2. This is what the mark scheme says but they say that the answer shouldnt be 0.72 HOWWWWW??!!!
« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 12:16:03 pm by Baladya »
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Offline Baladya

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« Reply #152 on: May 06, 2010, 12:34:54 pm »
Hey is this right>>>>>?

The whole of a sealed, empty, dusty room is kept at a constant temperature of 15 °C. Light
shines into the room through a small outside window.
An observer points a TV camera with a magnifying lens into the room through a second
small window, set in an inside wall at right angles to the outside wall.
Dust particles in the room show up on the TV monitor screen as tiny specks of light.
(a) In the space below draw a diagram to show the motion of one of the specks of light over
a short period of time.
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Offline Malak

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« Reply #153 on: May 06, 2010, 02:54:30 pm »

Thx alot.... :D

What is the way of making sure that when u remove electrodes from a beaker the gap between the electrodes remain same?Or anyother way of measuring the gap between the electrodes while they are immersed :S

And can anyone clearly explain what is the Parallax error and how to avoid it?

« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 03:43:32 pm by ang3l »
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Offline Helium

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« Reply #154 on: May 06, 2010, 06:07:16 pm »
When calculating the gradient of a line in PAPER 6 a mark is given for drawing a triangle 'more than half the length of the line'.

The examiners report also  refers to the TRIANGLE METHOD alot. What is this method/how does it work.

The only way I know to calc. a gradient is using (y2-y1)/(x2-x1). 

Well there are 2 ways to calculate the gradient.

1. By taking 2 points on the line and using (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) like you said.

2. Is by using the triangle method you take the 2 points you connect them by a tringle ,  By forming a traingle you calculate the differece
in y and divide by difference in x. The direction of the line will tell if the value will be positive or negative.

hope u understsand,
use this link

Its quite simple if you get used to it, and its much quicker than using th formula.
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« Reply #155 on: May 06, 2010, 06:41:22 pm »
An ac generator generates electricity by the electromagnetic induction. So basically u have only a magnet, wire, and an ammeter. Cut the field lines with the wire and u will see electricity being generated (the ammeter have a reading). On the other hand, a d.c motor works by electricity not make it. Again u have a magnet,coil around like a piece of wood or smth, split ring and brushes to allow it it to spin freely, and a POWER SUPPLY. This is the main diff, the power supply supllies the wire with electricity, when there is eletricity inside a wire, it creates a magnetic field. This magnetic fields interacts with the magnetic field of the magnet and causes the piece of wood to spin. The spinning motion cause other things to spin (for example wheals in toy cars). Also this is by d.c like the name say, while the a.c generator generates an a.c current ;) Hope this helps :)

The motor effect i think is the thing i just told u about: when a wire has current in it, it creats a magnetic field. This magnetic field interacts with the magnet so it spins (just like u put to similar poles next to each other, they will repel and spin or smth) (this is why my dad keeps telling me not to leave electricity next to me while sleeping cuz its not healthy :P)[but m not sure of the health thing tho, cuz our teacher said that magnetic forces are okay to the body, but anyway this is just an extra thing ;D ^^]

Now my turn :D ;D

Question 2. I don't want answers, i just want to understand. First, what is the motion of the current? Second, if it comes from right to left, how come the table show that ciruit 3 has the least Voltage in the Voltmeter. To me it looks like it had a longer path through wire D>C>B and then S, so its supposed to lose more voltage and the voltage difference would be more...

Also this, Question 1) d) ii) I freakin don't understand why is 0.72 wrong!! I got the speed in (i) which is 0.6 and all i have to do is multiply by 1.2. This is what the mark scheme says but they say that the answer shouldnt be 0.72 HOWWWWW??!!!

Im myself confused about the circuit thing, sry can't help in that.

However the other one.

U cannot use the formula speed - distance/time for an object which is accelerating

Use the formula s = 0.5at2

s = 0.5*0.5*1.22 = 0.25 * 1.2 * 1.2 = 0.36m

and about the dust particle, yes its correct, but just make a dot for a particle. Something like the attached one.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 06:50:49 pm by A@di »
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Offline Ghost Of Highbury

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« Reply #156 on: May 06, 2010, 06:49:03 pm »
Thx alot....

What is the way of making sure that when u remove electrodes from a beaker the gap between the electrodes remain same?Or anyother way of measuring the gap between the electrodes while they are immersed :S

And can anyone clearly explain what is the Parallax error and how to avoid it?


No clue about the electrodes thing. it was left unanswered here too :,1057.msg8998.html#msg8998

Parallax Error : Error in reading an instrument employing a scale and pointer because the observer's eye and pointer are not in a line perpendicular to the plane of the scale.

Avoid parallax error : Placing the eye perpendicular to the marking on the scale to be read. If you are measuring the volume of liquid in a measuring cylinder , make sure you positioned your eye to take readings at the bottom of menicus for water and top of menicus for mercury.
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Offline Baladya

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« Reply #157 on: May 06, 2010, 06:52:23 pm »
Im myself confused about the circuit thing, sry can't help in that.

However the other one.

U cannot use the formula speed - distance/time for an object which is accelerating

Use the formula s = 0.5at2

s = 0.5*0.5*1.22 = 0.25 * 1.2 * 1.2 = 0.36m

and about the dust particle, yes its correct, but just make a dot for a particle. Something like the attached one.

WOW. 5 days for the exam and i still don't know this rule... Thanks school  :-X And Thanks Aodi :D  ;D :P
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Offline Ghost Of Highbury

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« Reply #158 on: May 06, 2010, 07:00:35 pm »
WOW. 5 days for the exam and i still don't know this rule... Thanks school  :-X And Thanks Aodi :D  ;D :P

Your Welcome.
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Offline Snake

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« Reply #159 on: May 06, 2010, 07:04:35 pm »
I thought the formula to find acceleration was A=V-U/T
With V being Final speed and U initial speed and T time
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Offline Saladin

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« Reply #160 on: May 06, 2010, 07:06:53 pm »
I thought the formula to find acceleration was A=V-U/T
With V being Final speed and U initial speed and T time

That is correct.

Offline Malak

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« Reply #161 on: May 06, 2010, 09:03:12 pm »

No clue about the electrodes thing. it was left unanswered here too :,1057.msg8998.html#msg8998

Parallax Error : Error in reading an instrument employing a scale and pointer because the observer's eye and pointer are not in a line perpendicular to the plane of the scale.

Avoid parallax error : Placing the eye perpendicular to the marking on the scale to be read. If you are measuring the volume of liquid in a measuring cylinder , make sure you positioned your eye to take readings at the bottom of menicus for water and top of menicus for mercury.

Thx alot :)

Another question :

When u wrap the string aroung something and measure that length...How do u find the circumference...
Do you multiply the length by the number of times the string is wrapped or u divide it by that number?
« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 09:09:35 pm by ang3l »
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Offline Hesham Mhd

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« Reply #162 on: May 06, 2010, 09:48:43 pm »
Can any1 plz explain the thermal expansion? And What expands more.. solids, liquids or gases and why? Thanks in advance

Offline Hesham Mhd

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« Reply #163 on: May 06, 2010, 09:51:14 pm »
Another One :
If a ray diagram is given, what should be done? i mean, when should we magnify and when should we simply draw the upside-down image? Thanks

Offline Ghost Of Highbury

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« Reply #164 on: May 06, 2010, 09:57:44 pm »
@ang3l - if u wrap the string 5 times around the object. the circumfrence = string length/5

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