--> Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?

Author Topic: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?  (Read 16461 times)


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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #75 on: May 14, 2010, 06:52:23 pm »
I called Sade "heshe" because he used to commit sodomy!!!(guess its called gay, but i call it "heshe" because it sounds better.did u get me??

He did it because he hated God, found pleasure in offending Him. Not for the act itself.

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #76 on: May 14, 2010, 06:53:30 pm »
He did it because he hated God, found pleasure in offending Him. Not for the act itself.
but since he does it anyway, cant I call him a "heshe"? ;)
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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #77 on: May 14, 2010, 06:56:22 pm »
but since he does it anyway, cant I call him a "heshe"? ;)

LOL, he forces others to do it as well. You can call him a tyrant also.  :P

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #78 on: May 14, 2010, 07:00:39 pm »
LOL, he forces others to do it as well. You can call him a tyrant also.  :P

yeah that bastard used to have girls as sex slaves and he even used to do his male servant!!!!ha haaa
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Offline Baladya

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #79 on: May 14, 2010, 07:08:52 pm »
We are all just a ripple in nothing.

Make as much of nothing as you can

OMG heheheh. My Physics teacher says we are mostly nothing as atoms contain mostly air xD  ;D
Looks like i ran out of cool signatures :|

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #80 on: May 14, 2010, 11:32:33 pm »
better a ripple in nothing than nothing

Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #81 on: May 15, 2010, 12:08:38 pm »
oh u read it to the end uh alpha :P?

noooooo! don't compare me with that Fa**ot  :o .I am not a bit similar to that pervert. >:(. and for god's sake I am not a sadist!!!! ;)(who knows, only god knows :P)
I am me and that guy is u know ........ a frigging "heshe". :)Insulting me like that........ I will be sure to take my VENGEANCE!!!!!!  >:D(evil laughter muahaaaaaah).be careful while u go to sleep...... be sure to lock ur doors and windows  :Pand dont forget to check under ur bed ;).....u know in movies "The Bogeyman" is always hidden under the bed !!! >:D If u read the news carefully u will find that many girls have vanished from their rooms "miraculously"  >:D I wonder what happened to them ::)....and I wonder what will happen to u :P >:D............. According to Murphy's law and Uncertainty principle u r NOT SAFE ANYWHERE!!!!!! ;) :P >:D....So remember to pray to GOD tonight before sleeping and ask "him" to save u from LORD KRATOS's WRATH!!!! 8) ;) :P >:D

What the heck r u guys blabbering on about? >:(
"Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?" ha haa then i will do u a favour by pushing u off the cliff!! :P

Okay, now to be serious,I think life IS BEAUTIFUL cause WE ARE MORTALS.think about it guys.I personally think that GODS ENVY US!! ;).Seriously I am not kidding :-\.Now have u thought about it guys???
Each moment in life is Beautiful because we r mortals, who knows what may happen to us the next day  and we may not get a chance to live that moment again. Everything is beautiful because u know...... we could just fade away to emptyness...(nothingness is more suitable). I like everything about life even the way my poop smells like!!!  :P(jk),u know ....... daily the emptyness at night reminds me how wonderful this whole creation is like during the day  and how bad it can be if i don't enjoy it now.....Everyday I look at the world ,it just makes me wonder how this world was just created just  from an explosion!!!!(I don't believe it, dude , where did that primordial matter come from?? ???) It makes me wanna sing the song"What a wonderful world" by louis armstrong (go and google it).

"Man is just god's plaything" (the guy who wrote it, must've been a jack***)
GODs envy us because they are not MORTALS like us.They cannot cherish the beauty that life has because they have seen  it like for  eternity....(remember infinite loop huh alpha? :P) and they will go on seeing it. On the other hand we are like rose petals .... nobody knows when we are gonna wither out....this makes everything more precious and special......Doesn't matter whether u r blind or lame or dumb or poor, just be ****ing grateful that u r alive and r not an  frigging atom or even worse ha haa.

I  think all of these things I have said can be summed up by EMINEM's song LOOSE YOURSELF..(go and google it)
Read the 1st few lines:

                                     Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
                               To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment
                                         Would you capture it? Or just let it slip?

COOL HUH!!! then read the next lines...............

So what will UUUUUUUU dooo,huh guys?Go to a corner and keep sobbing and bit**ing about it


                                    Live ur Life to Fullest And Become a BAD*** dude  :P
(I dont know about u guys but im gonna go with the latter, cause it sounds .......u know... 8)  )

                                     The next few lines r not for humans.I'm serious. :)
NOTE TO GODS - If U r reading this in the net!!!! and r jealous of me, a mortal,then come over to my place... :)
Lets switch places.. I've always wanted to be immortal......like hell I am gonna do it. ;) ;D :P(ooh ooh made u a fool out of  u dear god :P )

  so u guys read it upto here huh  :P U had been warned. Now I'm not responsible if u get offended. :P

(sorry to anyone if i have offended u through this post.I'm truly sorry Hope u liked it.I gave my best shot ........like hell i m gonna say that>> This is a debate thread so i m going to say what i like -if u like my post,thats cool dude but if u don't go and do me a favor -go and take a  look at ur face in the mirror and  then...................kiss ur friggin ***  ;D :P ha haaa haaa  )

May I request you to maintain some degree of politeness in the debate section please? This is not a joking place.

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #82 on: May 15, 2010, 06:19:17 pm »
May I request you to maintain some degree of politeness in the debate section please? This is not a joking place.

sorry dude..... :( very sorry...... :( :'(
wont happen again...... :'( :'(
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Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #83 on: May 16, 2010, 07:23:01 pm »
Ah its okay. No problemo.

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #84 on: May 23, 2010, 06:17:38 pm »
to answer that question a part of religion must be included most religions believe in the afterlife
if u know bout it then there is ur answer
if you wanna get somewhere in life do something about it dont just leave it up to luck!!!!!!!

Offline plavelil

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #85 on: May 24, 2010, 10:29:55 pm »
 :D as theone said a part of religion is necessary
in christanity
from what i understand is that after the earth was created with everything xcept humans .... the Creator realised there is no one to communicate with Him......... so HE created man and woman in His own image so our lives belong to God and it does not belong to any person to take that life which the Creator  has created.............
and for every created work by God there is apurpose....... small or big God will full fil at the rite time.....
for example bill gates...... if God hadn't created him and released him by october 25 1955............. i belive none of us would be using computerss................
so there is a purpose in life for everyone........... ;D


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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #86 on: May 27, 2010, 03:50:34 pm »
Please leave religion out of ALL debates.

It is against the rules.


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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #87 on: May 27, 2010, 04:43:42 pm »
We live to bring joy to people's lives. We live so we can find the joy in our life.

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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #88 on: May 27, 2010, 05:54:31 pm »
sorry for my religious views..... :-X  :-[
i will keep calm........... abot religion

as for the purpose we live...
we live for a purpose
and to bring joy to peoples lives


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Re: Why MUST we live, since anyway we are going to die?
« Reply #89 on: May 28, 2010, 04:47:54 am »
@ Kratos, Theone, Plavelil & Nid

Life independent of religion, and others. Why do you think we live?


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