what happeend?
nuthin...she is from a mobile i guess...so she cant be postin..i guess 
no about u...Somethign Funny happened:D
N SWEETSH<3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well umm..yea....
we were walkin...n then those 3 Guys came...walkin beside us...and then talkin to us...so this stuff happen a lot in egypt...
i never laugh on those stufff...i feel like slapping that guy...but the problem is..this time I laughed!!!!!!
they kept on talkin to me..like saying "Oh..here here..shes gonna smile..shes gonna laugh" and i just couldnt control myself..and laughed!! hahahaha..then my sister was like tellin me to shut up...becuz the guys started walkin after us...
omg..all this time i was laughing..and my sister screamin at me...hahaha...