Uuuh well no umm google them see wht they offer<<<<<<<< yea maybe when i'm free lol
yan3 how can u create a fancy sirt without Iron ons?<<<<<< tru, da hell with buying clothes

n suggestion learn a language<<<< thought about it, but i aint sure if 4 months are enuf to learna language
or ummm driving...<<<<<<<<< YES, NOW I GOT SOMETHING, THANK U

do something religious walal cuz in ur uni life u wont get time<<<<<<< again, thought about it, will do it, but it still leaves a large gap on my schedule
or .....
oh, and am tryna catch up with movies and tv shows i misssed thanks to the IGs, ill tell u wut i have in my mind, u gimme suggestions aight?
shows: Prison break (seasons 2-3-4) desperate housewives (seasons 3-4-5) heroes (all of it), what else?
movies: Slumdog Millionaire and Benni Franklin, wut else can u suggest?