heeeyzz inty .. 
3mla a ??
ahhh ana tamam elhamdolilah!!
ba2olik...3arfa Mostafa Hosny?? he is on Iqraa Chanel....check him...he is really niceeeeee

u r u?
ana il7amdolillah .. still alive, aint i .. so, thts gd ..
ah, akeeeed 3rfa mostafa hosny ..
howa asln wa7ed men 4 bas basm3lhom .. mashAllah 3aleih ..
te3rafy inty mo3taz ??
it just finished!!
he is sooooooo nice...we bigi gi el masjid gamb my aunt..i wish i could once go there....=)
and yes..i know mo3taz...bas mabasma3loosh kateer...
nd who r the 4??
yeah, he is soo nice .. wi aham 7aga ino bgd bgd mo7taram, fa byshedek aktar ..
la2a, da mo3taz da ba2a is like a legend .. a7san bikteeeer men mostafa ..
da fazee3 ..
well, its mostafa, mo3taz, amr khaled (akeed) , wi ba3dein ahmed il-sheqery (da, hez amazing brdo, wi damo khafeef kaman) ..
Mo3taz comes fi (90 de2i2a) beta3 Moa3tez el demerdash...i heard him once..bas wallah never got the chance..bas inshallah i will try if he is really good

we tab3an Amr Khalad..(dah No.1) kol nas bet7aboo mashallah 3alah

2olili ba2a...matab3a ai haga fi Ramadan?