hey are u still here?!!
my mom called me asked me to do sumthin!!!!!! 
sorry..khalas she is sleepin now
yes lol its ok, ill go in like 15 minutes 
so what u going to do for the next few hours ?
think of what lol, and its funny, the time i sleep is the time i have to wake up for school, and the time i wake up is the time i get home from school, so my life is turned upside down 
15 mins?? tyb khalas ai haga mosh moshkala 
next few hours..mmmm...i don't know...maybe watch a movie with my brother...now i feel sleepy..bas once i go to bed i know i wont sleep...will stay thinkin n thinkin n thinkin in bed... 
I don't know think abt lotsss of things...maybe the last person i spoke to
yea....u should organise it...i mean how will u go to skool on Sunday like this!!!!
hahaha yea i will starting from the weekend, its my last week of freedom aslan 
grats on ur 4300 
Yea....freedom is over i assume...nd of course u wont be staying on SF for the whole day like b4 
ohhhh nd thx!!
i didnt see that 
haha yea, but i can still come on alot, like when i get home after school, or when i wake up after i sleep after i come from school, or after ftoor when i wake up after i sleep after i come from school, or before i sleep at night 
hahahaha..i had to read that sentence 3 times to understand it..got really confused

Alex=Alexandria (Eskandaria)

i still swim bas ana asln dont like beach...like expect floods we keda

yea now its 1 minnnnnnnn!! u even cant reply to me..run runnnnnnnnnn 3boud ur mom nd dad will wake up now