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Offline X Abdulrahman X

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Re: BamIly=D
« Reply #9165 on: August 21, 2009, 11:34:52 pm »
Helloozzzzzz..ezik ya walad??!!!!!!!

I am fine alhamdolilah..busy..Ramadan n stuff...

lsn Be right back...

im good haha, ill stay till 6am today wake up 5am tomorrow :P
and tyt =]

ahhhh..3ashan to stay all day sleep n not think of food...

wat type of fasting is this called??  :P

ana keda keda lazem bardo wake up early...3ashan to prepare Fatoor we keda... :'(

haha its only for the first few days till school starts :l
and u will get used to it its only the first few days that are hard, last ramadan went by so fast it felt like 2 weeks lool :D
so what are u doing tomorrow?

ana mafeeeesh skool  :P Thanks God...bas i feel wno the day goes faster when there is skool...u dont feel it.. :-\

and Ramadan in Egypt is awesome...even Christians celebrate it with us  :D
i heard eno if u slept on purpose to not feel the day...its not considered fasting..bas i really don't know  :-\

Tomorrow..mmmm...sit at homw have Fatoor with my family cuz me sister is havin her Mid Term Exam at Uni on we all get to stay home n miss the Fatoor at my Aunties House  :'( :'(

bas yallah wl ayam gaiaya kateeeeer inshallah!!  :D

Wat about u??
haha all plans happen at the last minute, and everything here is boring, i cant wait till we go for ftoor at other ppls house its much more fun :P
hope tmr wont be boring :P

Yup yup hope that to  :P

the most fun part is the "Gatherings"  :D

but i know u Aboud..ur a very lazy person...even lazy to wear u clothes n go out  :P :P

haha when u add food to the picture, i aint lazy anymore ;) aslan im not lazy dont know what makes u think that lol :P

"anymore" it means u were b4!! :P and i think all guys are lazy except taba3an Abu-Traka..3asam el Hadary...Zidan... :P (3ARAFHOM DOL??)

haha no im not lazy, just used to be more lazy before :P
and i only know zidane (if ur talkin bout the footballer :P )- u must be bad at meeting the right guys then haha :P

ahhhhh "more lazy b4" ya3ni delw2ti less lazy...ya3ni ya3ni still lazy  :P
ah me i talkin about football...and Zidan beta3a France..wala the Egyptian one??

and No..ana my dad mosh lazy khalas..bilaf tool el nahar zi el na7la (bee)..wala my brother...OMG 3ala my brother..he doesnt sit still  :'(

delwa2ti oli..sho 3am betsawi 3andak?? (3am bakalam ana Jordani kateer emnee7 sa7)?  :P

haha i know both :P
and ahh ana kaman tool il youm balif zay el "na7la" ya3ni ana mish lazy kteer (everyones lazy aslan) :P
and ana falastene bas "jordani" nafes il eshi, and yes btetkalame emneee7 :D
When they talk about me they say I be trippin
What they say about me doesn't make me mad 
I think they hatin cause they see me when I'm rollin
Man I can't help it that they really doin bad  =P

Big cars, Big wheels, Big chains, Big pimpin', Big money, Big Dreams ;-)


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Re: BamIly=D
« Reply #9166 on: August 21, 2009, 11:41:13 pm »
Helloozzzzzz..ezik ya walad??!!!!!!!

I am fine alhamdolilah..busy..Ramadan n stuff...

lsn Be right back...

im good haha, ill stay till 6am today wake up 5am tomorrow :P
and tyt =]

ahhhh..3ashan to stay all day sleep n not think of food...

wat type of fasting is this called??  :P

ana keda keda lazem bardo wake up early...3ashan to prepare Fatoor we keda... :'(

haha its only for the first few days till school starts :l
and u will get used to it its only the first few days that are hard, last ramadan went by so fast it felt like 2 weeks lool :D
so what are u doing tomorrow?

ana mafeeeesh skool  :P Thanks God...bas i feel wno the day goes faster when there is skool...u dont feel it.. :-\

and Ramadan in Egypt is awesome...even Christians celebrate it with us  :D
i heard eno if u slept on purpose to not feel the day...its not considered fasting..bas i really don't know  :-\

Tomorrow..mmmm...sit at homw have Fatoor with my family cuz me sister is havin her Mid Term Exam at Uni on we all get to stay home n miss the Fatoor at my Aunties House  :'( :'(

bas yallah wl ayam gaiaya kateeeeer inshallah!!  :D

Wat about u??
haha all plans happen at the last minute, and everything here is boring, i cant wait till we go for ftoor at other ppls house its much more fun :P
hope tmr wont be boring :P

Yup yup hope that to  :P

the most fun part is the "Gatherings"  :D

but i know u Aboud..ur a very lazy person...even lazy to wear u clothes n go out  :P :P

haha when u add food to the picture, i aint lazy anymore ;) aslan im not lazy dont know what makes u think that lol :P

"anymore" it means u were b4!! :P and i think all guys are lazy except taba3an Abu-Traka..3asam el Hadary...Zidan... :P (3ARAFHOM DOL??)

haha no im not lazy, just used to be more lazy before :P
and i only know zidane (if ur talkin bout the footballer :P )- u must be bad at meeting the right guys then haha :P

ahhhhh "more lazy b4" ya3ni delw2ti less lazy...ya3ni ya3ni still lazy  :P
ah me i talkin about football...and Zidan beta3a France..wala the Egyptian one??

and No..ana my dad mosh lazy khalas..bilaf tool el nahar zi el na7la (bee)..wala my brother...OMG 3ala my brother..he doesnt sit still  :'(

delwa2ti oli..sho 3am betsawi 3andak?? (3am bakalam ana Jordani kateer emnee7 sa7)?  :P

haha i know both :P
and ahh ana kaman tool il youm balif zay el "na7la" ya3ni ana mish lazy kteer (everyones lazy aslan) :P
and ana falastene bas "jordani" nafes il eshi, and yes btetkalame emneee7 :D

AHAHAHAHAH..i am laughing at how u speak Egyptian!! do u have any Egyptian friends??
and ur like dad...but still my dad is never lazy..da 2ana lazy aktar meno..=S

My best friend bardo Falestania bas Jordanian..ya3ni bas el she speaks maseri we ana i speak falasteeni ma3aha..haha...

Offline X Abdulrahman X

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Re: BamIly=D
« Reply #9167 on: August 21, 2009, 11:43:27 pm »
Helloozzzzzz..ezik ya walad??!!!!!!!

I am fine alhamdolilah..busy..Ramadan n stuff...

lsn Be right back...

im good haha, ill stay till 6am today wake up 5am tomorrow :P
and tyt =]

ahhhh..3ashan to stay all day sleep n not think of food...

wat type of fasting is this called??  :P

ana keda keda lazem bardo wake up early...3ashan to prepare Fatoor we keda... :'(

haha its only for the first few days till school starts :l
and u will get used to it its only the first few days that are hard, last ramadan went by so fast it felt like 2 weeks lool :D
so what are u doing tomorrow?

ana mafeeeesh skool  :P Thanks God...bas i feel wno the day goes faster when there is skool...u dont feel it.. :-\

and Ramadan in Egypt is awesome...even Christians celebrate it with us  :D
i heard eno if u slept on purpose to not feel the day...its not considered fasting..bas i really don't know  :-\

Tomorrow..mmmm...sit at homw have Fatoor with my family cuz me sister is havin her Mid Term Exam at Uni on we all get to stay home n miss the Fatoor at my Aunties House  :'( :'(

bas yallah wl ayam gaiaya kateeeeer inshallah!!  :D

Wat about u??
haha all plans happen at the last minute, and everything here is boring, i cant wait till we go for ftoor at other ppls house its much more fun :P
hope tmr wont be boring :P

Yup yup hope that to  :P

the most fun part is the "Gatherings"  :D

but i know u Aboud..ur a very lazy person...even lazy to wear u clothes n go out  :P :P

haha when u add food to the picture, i aint lazy anymore ;) aslan im not lazy dont know what makes u think that lol :P

"anymore" it means u were b4!! :P and i think all guys are lazy except taba3an Abu-Traka..3asam el Hadary...Zidan... :P (3ARAFHOM DOL??)

haha no im not lazy, just used to be more lazy before :P
and i only know zidane (if ur talkin bout the footballer :P )- u must be bad at meeting the right guys then haha :P

ahhhhh "more lazy b4" ya3ni delw2ti less lazy...ya3ni ya3ni still lazy  :P
ah me i talkin about football...and Zidan beta3a France..wala the Egyptian one??

and No..ana my dad mosh lazy khalas..bilaf tool el nahar zi el na7la (bee)..wala my brother...OMG 3ala my brother..he doesnt sit still  :'(

delwa2ti oli..sho 3am betsawi 3andak?? (3am bakalam ana Jordani kateer emnee7 sa7)?  :P

haha i know both :P
and ahh ana kaman tool il youm balif zay el "na7la" ya3ni ana mish lazy kteer (everyones lazy aslan) :P
and ana falastene bas "jordani" nafes il eshi, and yes btetkalame emneee7 :D

AHAHAHAHAH..i am laughing at how u speak Egyptian!! do u have any Egyptian friends??
and ur like dad...but still my dad is never lazy..da 2ana lazy aktar meno..=S

My best friend bardo Falestania bas Jordanian..ya3ni bas el she speaks maseri we ana i speak falasteeni ma3aha..haha...

hahaha laa silly i wasnt speaking egyptian >.<
and yes i have lots of them, from the proper egyptian to the egyptian with an afro who does not speak arabic :P
When they talk about me they say I be trippin
What they say about me doesn't make me mad 
I think they hatin cause they see me when I'm rollin
Man I can't help it that they really doin bad  =P

Big cars, Big wheels, Big chains, Big pimpin', Big money, Big Dreams ;-)

Offline X Abdulrahman X

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Re: BamIly=D
« Reply #9168 on: August 21, 2009, 11:55:28 pm »
where did everyone go to :S
When they talk about me they say I be trippin
What they say about me doesn't make me mad 
I think they hatin cause they see me when I'm rollin
Man I can't help it that they really doin bad  =P

Big cars, Big wheels, Big chains, Big pimpin', Big money, Big Dreams ;-)


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Re: BamIly=D
« Reply #9169 on: August 21, 2009, 11:57:59 pm »
Helloozzzzzz..ezik ya walad??!!!!!!!

I am fine alhamdolilah..busy..Ramadan n stuff...

lsn Be right back...

im good haha, ill stay till 6am today wake up 5am tomorrow :P
and tyt =]

ahhhh..3ashan to stay all day sleep n not think of food...

wat type of fasting is this called??  :P

ana keda keda lazem bardo wake up early...3ashan to prepare Fatoor we keda... :'(

haha its only for the first few days till school starts :l
and u will get used to it its only the first few days that are hard, last ramadan went by so fast it felt like 2 weeks lool :D
so what are u doing tomorrow?

ana mafeeeesh skool  :P Thanks God...bas i feel wno the day goes faster when there is skool...u dont feel it.. :-\

and Ramadan in Egypt is awesome...even Christians celebrate it with us  :D
i heard eno if u slept on purpose to not feel the day...its not considered fasting..bas i really don't know  :-\

Tomorrow..mmmm...sit at homw have Fatoor with my family cuz me sister is havin her Mid Term Exam at Uni on we all get to stay home n miss the Fatoor at my Aunties House  :'( :'(

bas yallah wl ayam gaiaya kateeeeer inshallah!!  :D

Wat about u??
haha all plans happen at the last minute, and everything here is boring, i cant wait till we go for ftoor at other ppls house its much more fun :P
hope tmr wont be boring :P

Yup yup hope that to  :P

the most fun part is the "Gatherings"  :D

but i know u Aboud..ur a very lazy person...even lazy to wear u clothes n go out  :P :P

haha when u add food to the picture, i aint lazy anymore ;) aslan im not lazy dont know what makes u think that lol :P

"anymore" it means u were b4!! :P and i think all guys are lazy except taba3an Abu-Traka..3asam el Hadary...Zidan... :P (3ARAFHOM DOL??)

haha no im not lazy, just used to be more lazy before :P
and i only know zidane (if ur talkin bout the footballer :P )- u must be bad at meeting the right guys then haha :P

ahhhhh "more lazy b4" ya3ni delw2ti less lazy...ya3ni ya3ni still lazy  :P
ah me i talkin about football...and Zidan beta3a France..wala the Egyptian one??

and No..ana my dad mosh lazy khalas..bilaf tool el nahar zi el na7la (bee)..wala my brother...OMG 3ala my brother..he doesnt sit still  :'(

delwa2ti oli..sho 3am betsawi 3andak?? (3am bakalam ana Jordani kateer emnee7 sa7)?  :P

haha i know both :P
and ahh ana kaman tool il youm balif zay el "na7la" ya3ni ana mish lazy kteer (everyones lazy aslan) :P
and ana falastene bas "jordani" nafes il eshi, and yes btetkalame emneee7 :D

AHAHAHAHAH..i am laughing at how u speak Egyptian!! do u have any Egyptian friends??
and ur like dad...but still my dad is never lazy..da 2ana lazy aktar meno..=S

My best friend bardo Falestania bas Jordanian..ya3ni bas el she speaks maseri we ana i speak falasteeni ma3aha..haha...

hahaha laa silly i wasnt speaking egyptian >.<
and yes i have lots of them, from the proper egyptian to the egyptian with an afro who does not speak arabic :P

leh??!!! i felt like eno u were... :P
ahahaha..Egyptian are really funny..sa7?? ana my cousins make me cry from laughing... :P


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Re: BamIly=D
« Reply #9170 on: August 21, 2009, 11:59:31 pm »
where did everyone go to :S

some people left el Family aslan...
wala enta shaif eh??!!

ana delwa2ti miss Roxyyyyy we Sweetshhhhhhhh mooooot!!

Offline X Abdulrahman X

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Re: BamIly=D
« Reply #9171 on: August 21, 2009, 11:59:55 pm »
Helloozzzzzz..ezik ya walad??!!!!!!!

I am fine alhamdolilah..busy..Ramadan n stuff...

lsn Be right back...

im good haha, ill stay till 6am today wake up 5am tomorrow :P
and tyt =]

ahhhh..3ashan to stay all day sleep n not think of food...

wat type of fasting is this called??  :P

ana keda keda lazem bardo wake up early...3ashan to prepare Fatoor we keda... :'(

haha its only for the first few days till school starts :l
and u will get used to it its only the first few days that are hard, last ramadan went by so fast it felt like 2 weeks lool :D
so what are u doing tomorrow?

ana mafeeeesh skool  :P Thanks God...bas i feel wno the day goes faster when there is skool...u dont feel it.. :-\

and Ramadan in Egypt is awesome...even Christians celebrate it with us  :D
i heard eno if u slept on purpose to not feel the day...its not considered fasting..bas i really don't know  :-\

Tomorrow..mmmm...sit at homw have Fatoor with my family cuz me sister is havin her Mid Term Exam at Uni on we all get to stay home n miss the Fatoor at my Aunties House  :'( :'(

bas yallah wl ayam gaiaya kateeeeer inshallah!!  :D

Wat about u??
haha all plans happen at the last minute, and everything here is boring, i cant wait till we go for ftoor at other ppls house its much more fun :P
hope tmr wont be boring :P

Yup yup hope that to  :P

the most fun part is the "Gatherings"  :D

but i know u Aboud..ur a very lazy person...even lazy to wear u clothes n go out  :P :P

haha when u add food to the picture, i aint lazy anymore ;) aslan im not lazy dont know what makes u think that lol :P

"anymore" it means u were b4!! :P and i think all guys are lazy except taba3an Abu-Traka..3asam el Hadary...Zidan... :P (3ARAFHOM DOL??)

haha no im not lazy, just used to be more lazy before :P
and i only know zidane (if ur talkin bout the footballer :P )- u must be bad at meeting the right guys then haha :P

ahhhhh "more lazy b4" ya3ni delw2ti less lazy...ya3ni ya3ni still lazy  :P
ah me i talkin about football...and Zidan beta3a France..wala the Egyptian one??

and No..ana my dad mosh lazy khalas..bilaf tool el nahar zi el na7la (bee)..wala my brother...OMG 3ala my brother..he doesnt sit still  :'(

delwa2ti oli..sho 3am betsawi 3andak?? (3am bakalam ana Jordani kateer emnee7 sa7)?  :P

haha i know both :P
and ahh ana kaman tool il youm balif zay el "na7la" ya3ni ana mish lazy kteer (everyones lazy aslan) :P
and ana falastene bas "jordani" nafes il eshi, and yes btetkalame emneee7 :D

AHAHAHAHAH..i am laughing at how u speak Egyptian!! do u have any Egyptian friends??
and ur like dad...but still my dad is never lazy..da 2ana lazy aktar meno..=S

My best friend bardo Falestania bas Jordanian..ya3ni bas el she speaks maseri we ana i speak falasteeni ma3aha..haha...

hahaha laa silly i wasnt speaking egyptian >.<
and yes i have lots of them, from the proper egyptian to the egyptian with an afro who does not speak arabic :P

leh??!!! i felt like eno u were... :P
ahahaha..Egyptian are really funny..sa7?? ana my cousins make me cry from laughing... :P

yes some are :P
and did u notice the quoting lol, so many lovely emotions :D
When they talk about me they say I be trippin
What they say about me doesn't make me mad 
I think they hatin cause they see me when I'm rollin
Man I can't help it that they really doin bad  =P

Big cars, Big wheels, Big chains, Big pimpin', Big money, Big Dreams ;-)

Offline X Abdulrahman X

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Re: BamIly=D
« Reply #9172 on: August 22, 2009, 12:01:15 am »
where did everyone go to :S

some people left el Family aslan...
wala enta shaif eh??!!

ana delwa2ti miss Roxyyyyy we Sweetshhhhhhhh mooooot!!

yep, half the family left and we worried about our reaction, they never told us :P
and roxy and sweetsh are always on in the morning, we are always on at night :P
When they talk about me they say I be trippin
What they say about me doesn't make me mad 
I think they hatin cause they see me when I'm rollin
Man I can't help it that they really doin bad  =P

Big cars, Big wheels, Big chains, Big pimpin', Big money, Big Dreams ;-)


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Re: BamIly=D
« Reply #9173 on: August 22, 2009, 12:03:17 am »
Helloozzzzzz..ezik ya walad??!!!!!!!

I am fine alhamdolilah..busy..Ramadan n stuff...

lsn Be right back...

im good haha, ill stay till 6am today wake up 5am tomorrow :P
and tyt =]

ahhhh..3ashan to stay all day sleep n not think of food...

wat type of fasting is this called??  :P

ana keda keda lazem bardo wake up early...3ashan to prepare Fatoor we keda... :'(

haha its only for the first few days till school starts :l
and u will get used to it its only the first few days that are hard, last ramadan went by so fast it felt like 2 weeks lool :D
so what are u doing tomorrow?

ana mafeeeesh skool  :P Thanks God...bas i feel wno the day goes faster when there is skool...u dont feel it.. :-\

and Ramadan in Egypt is awesome...even Christians celebrate it with us  :D
i heard eno if u slept on purpose to not feel the day...its not considered fasting..bas i really don't know  :-\

Tomorrow..mmmm...sit at homw have Fatoor with my family cuz me sister is havin her Mid Term Exam at Uni on we all get to stay home n miss the Fatoor at my Aunties House  :'( :'(

bas yallah wl ayam gaiaya kateeeeer inshallah!!  :D

Wat about u??
haha all plans happen at the last minute, and everything here is boring, i cant wait till we go for ftoor at other ppls house its much more fun :P
hope tmr wont be boring :P

Yup yup hope that to  :P

the most fun part is the "Gatherings"  :D

but i know u Aboud..ur a very lazy person...even lazy to wear u clothes n go out  :P :P

haha when u add food to the picture, i aint lazy anymore ;) aslan im not lazy dont know what makes u think that lol :P

"anymore" it means u were b4!! :P and i think all guys are lazy except taba3an Abu-Traka..3asam el Hadary...Zidan... :P (3ARAFHOM DOL??)

haha no im not lazy, just used to be more lazy before :P
and i only know zidane (if ur talkin bout the footballer :P )- u must be bad at meeting the right guys then haha :P

ahhhhh "more lazy b4" ya3ni delw2ti less lazy...ya3ni ya3ni still lazy  :P
ah me i talkin about football...and Zidan beta3a France..wala the Egyptian one??

and No..ana my dad mosh lazy khalas..bilaf tool el nahar zi el na7la (bee)..wala my brother...OMG 3ala my brother..he doesnt sit still  :'(

delwa2ti oli..sho 3am betsawi 3andak?? (3am bakalam ana Jordani kateer emnee7 sa7)?  :P

haha i know both :P
and ahh ana kaman tool il youm balif zay el "na7la" ya3ni ana mish lazy kteer (everyones lazy aslan) :P
and ana falastene bas "jordani" nafes il eshi, and yes btetkalame emneee7 :D

AHAHAHAHAH..i am laughing at how u speak Egyptian!! do u have any Egyptian friends??
and ur like dad...but still my dad is never lazy..da 2ana lazy aktar meno..=S

My best friend bardo Falestania bas Jordanian..ya3ni bas el she speaks maseri we ana i speak falasteeni ma3aha..haha...

hahaha laa silly i wasnt speaking egyptian >.<
and yes i have lots of them, from the proper egyptian to the egyptian with an afro who does not speak arabic :P

leh??!!! i felt like eno u were... :P
ahahaha..Egyptian are really funny..sa7?? ana my cousins make me cry from laughing... :P

yes some are :P
and did u notice the quoting lol, so many lovely emotions :D

wow!!  :o kol dah qouting??!!!! u didnt get tired of it??  :P

and kol eli ana shifa howa el " :P" emot the most....which is nice..cuz i love this " :P" emot  :P :P

Offline Zain-Xa

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Re: BamIly=D
« Reply #9174 on: August 22, 2009, 12:04:15 am »
yea v nyt ppl lol
Any wayz am of nw bye <3
What can I do, to make it right
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say, what did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?


I'll be strong.. I'll be wrong.. all the love goes on.. Oh im just a girl tryna find a place in this worLD..  Taylor swift <3


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Re: BamIly=D
« Reply #9175 on: August 22, 2009, 12:05:43 am »
where did everyone go to :S

some people left el Family aslan...
wala enta shaif eh??!!

ana delwa2ti miss Roxyyyyy we Sweetshhhhhhhh mooooot!!

yep, half the family left and we worried about our reaction, they never told us :P
and roxy and sweetsh are always on in the morning, we are always on at night :P

Its bad....ya3ni how could they....wat will u do eldest brother? did u forget eno its u n me who r responsible...keda el Family tamoot  :P

ahahaha..ah they in the morning..we at night..kawais...na3mel balancing  :P :P :P

Offline X Abdulrahman X

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Re: BamIly=D
« Reply #9176 on: August 22, 2009, 12:07:45 am »
Helloozzzzzz..ezik ya walad??!!!!!!!

I am fine alhamdolilah..busy..Ramadan n stuff...

lsn Be right back...

im good haha, ill stay till 6am today wake up 5am tomorrow :P
and tyt =]

ahhhh..3ashan to stay all day sleep n not think of food...

wat type of fasting is this called??  :P

ana keda keda lazem bardo wake up early...3ashan to prepare Fatoor we keda... :'(

haha its only for the first few days till school starts :l
and u will get used to it its only the first few days that are hard, last ramadan went by so fast it felt like 2 weeks lool :D
so what are u doing tomorrow?

ana mafeeeesh skool  :P Thanks God...bas i feel wno the day goes faster when there is skool...u dont feel it.. :-\

and Ramadan in Egypt is awesome...even Christians celebrate it with us  :D
i heard eno if u slept on purpose to not feel the day...its not considered fasting..bas i really don't know  :-\

Tomorrow..mmmm...sit at homw have Fatoor with my family cuz me sister is havin her Mid Term Exam at Uni on we all get to stay home n miss the Fatoor at my Aunties House  :'( :'(

bas yallah wl ayam gaiaya kateeeeer inshallah!!  :D

Wat about u??
haha all plans happen at the last minute, and everything here is boring, i cant wait till we go for ftoor at other ppls house its much more fun :P
hope tmr wont be boring :P

Yup yup hope that to  :P

the most fun part is the "Gatherings"  :D

but i know u Aboud..ur a very lazy person...even lazy to wear u clothes n go out  :P :P

haha when u add food to the picture, i aint lazy anymore ;) aslan im not lazy dont know what makes u think that lol :P

"anymore" it means u were b4!! :P and i think all guys are lazy except taba3an Abu-Traka..3asam el Hadary...Zidan... :P (3ARAFHOM DOL??)

haha no im not lazy, just used to be more lazy before :P
and i only know zidane (if ur talkin bout the footballer :P )- u must be bad at meeting the right guys then haha :P

ahhhhh "more lazy b4" ya3ni delw2ti less lazy...ya3ni ya3ni still lazy  :P
ah me i talkin about football...and Zidan beta3a France..wala the Egyptian one??

and No..ana my dad mosh lazy khalas..bilaf tool el nahar zi el na7la (bee)..wala my brother...OMG 3ala my brother..he doesnt sit still  :'(

delwa2ti oli..sho 3am betsawi 3andak?? (3am bakalam ana Jordani kateer emnee7 sa7)?  :P

haha i know both :P
and ahh ana kaman tool il youm balif zay el "na7la" ya3ni ana mish lazy kteer (everyones lazy aslan) :P
and ana falastene bas "jordani" nafes il eshi, and yes btetkalame emneee7 :D

AHAHAHAHAH..i am laughing at how u speak Egyptian!! do u have any Egyptian friends??
and ur like dad...but still my dad is never lazy..da 2ana lazy aktar meno..=S

My best friend bardo Falestania bas Jordanian..ya3ni bas el she speaks maseri we ana i speak falasteeni ma3aha..haha...

hahaha laa silly i wasnt speaking egyptian >.<
and yes i have lots of them, from the proper egyptian to the egyptian with an afro who does not speak arabic :P

leh??!!! i felt like eno u were... :P
ahahaha..Egyptian are really funny..sa7?? ana my cousins make me cry from laughing... :P

yes some are :P
and did u notice the quoting lol, so many lovely emotions :D

wow!!  :o kol dah qouting??!!!! u didnt get tired of it??  :P

and kol eli ana shifa howa el " :P" emot the most....which is nice..cuz i love this " :P" emot  :P :P

yesterday me and zainy finished 1 whole page doing this :P
and im addicted to " :P " :D
When they talk about me they say I be trippin
What they say about me doesn't make me mad 
I think they hatin cause they see me when I'm rollin
Man I can't help it that they really doin bad  =P

Big cars, Big wheels, Big chains, Big pimpin', Big money, Big Dreams ;-)


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Re: BamIly=D
« Reply #9177 on: August 22, 2009, 12:07:58 am »
yea v nyt ppl lol
Any wayz am of nw bye <3

Yup...never stop posting here  :D
Yallah Bye <3

Offline X Abdulrahman X

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Re: BamIly=D
« Reply #9178 on: August 22, 2009, 12:08:48 am »
where did everyone go to :S

some people left el Family aslan...
wala enta shaif eh??!!

ana delwa2ti miss Roxyyyyy we Sweetshhhhhhhh mooooot!!

yep, half the family left and we worried about our reaction, they never told us :P
and roxy and sweetsh are always on in the morning, we are always on at night :P

Its bad....ya3ni how could they....wat will u do eldest brother? did u forget eno its u n me who r responsible...keda el Family tamoot  :P

ahahaha..ah they in the morning..we at night..kawais...na3mel balancing  :P :P :P

meh what can we do, they leave no note, number, email, anything :P
its like what our father and mother did lol
When they talk about me they say I be trippin
What they say about me doesn't make me mad 
I think they hatin cause they see me when I'm rollin
Man I can't help it that they really doin bad  =P

Big cars, Big wheels, Big chains, Big pimpin', Big money, Big Dreams ;-)


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Re: BamIly=D
« Reply #9179 on: August 22, 2009, 12:10:22 am »
Helloozzzzzz..ezik ya walad??!!!!!!!

I am fine alhamdolilah..busy..Ramadan n stuff...

lsn Be right back...

im good haha, ill stay till 6am today wake up 5am tomorrow :P
and tyt =]

ahhhh..3ashan to stay all day sleep n not think of food...

wat type of fasting is this called??  :P

ana keda keda lazem bardo wake up early...3ashan to prepare Fatoor we keda... :'(

haha its only for the first few days till school starts :l
and u will get used to it its only the first few days that are hard, last ramadan went by so fast it felt like 2 weeks lool :D
so what are u doing tomorrow?

ana mafeeeesh skool  :P Thanks God...bas i feel wno the day goes faster when there is skool...u dont feel it.. :-\

and Ramadan in Egypt is awesome...even Christians celebrate it with us  :D
i heard eno if u slept on purpose to not feel the day...its not considered fasting..bas i really don't know  :-\

Tomorrow..mmmm...sit at homw have Fatoor with my family cuz me sister is havin her Mid Term Exam at Uni on we all get to stay home n miss the Fatoor at my Aunties House  :'( :'(

bas yallah wl ayam gaiaya kateeeeer inshallah!!  :D

Wat about u??
haha all plans happen at the last minute, and everything here is boring, i cant wait till we go for ftoor at other ppls house its much more fun :P
hope tmr wont be boring :P

Yup yup hope that to  :P

the most fun part is the "Gatherings"  :D

but i know u Aboud..ur a very lazy person...even lazy to wear u clothes n go out  :P :P

haha when u add food to the picture, i aint lazy anymore ;) aslan im not lazy dont know what makes u think that lol :P

"anymore" it means u were b4!! :P and i think all guys are lazy except taba3an Abu-Traka..3asam el Hadary...Zidan... :P (3ARAFHOM DOL??)

haha no im not lazy, just used to be more lazy before :P
and i only know zidane (if ur talkin bout the footballer :P )- u must be bad at meeting the right guys then haha :P

ahhhhh "more lazy b4" ya3ni delw2ti less lazy...ya3ni ya3ni still lazy  :P
ah me i talkin about football...and Zidan beta3a France..wala the Egyptian one??

and No..ana my dad mosh lazy khalas..bilaf tool el nahar zi el na7la (bee)..wala my brother...OMG 3ala my brother..he doesnt sit still  :'(

delwa2ti oli..sho 3am betsawi 3andak?? (3am bakalam ana Jordani kateer emnee7 sa7)?  :P

haha i know both :P
and ahh ana kaman tool il youm balif zay el "na7la" ya3ni ana mish lazy kteer (everyones lazy aslan) :P
and ana falastene bas "jordani" nafes il eshi, and yes btetkalame emneee7 :D

AHAHAHAHAH..i am laughing at how u speak Egyptian!! do u have any Egyptian friends??
and ur like dad...but still my dad is never lazy..da 2ana lazy aktar meno..=S

My best friend bardo Falestania bas Jordanian..ya3ni bas el she speaks maseri we ana i speak falasteeni ma3aha..haha...

hahaha laa silly i wasnt speaking egyptian >.<
and yes i have lots of them, from the proper egyptian to the egyptian with an afro who does not speak arabic :P

leh??!!! i felt like eno u were... :P
ahahaha..Egyptian are really funny..sa7?? ana my cousins make me cry from laughing... :P

yes some are :P
and did u notice the quoting lol, so many lovely emotions :D

wow!!  :o kol dah qouting??!!!! u didnt get tired of it??  :P

and kol eli ana shifa howa el " :P" emot the most....which is nice..cuz i love this " :P" emot  :P :P

yesterday me and zainy finished 1 whole page doing this :P
and im addicted to " :P " :D

wow!! one whole page??!!!!! brrrrrrrr u will feel like dizziiiiiiiiiiiii

ah me too i luv " :P" di awii

anyway..ya3ni kolo went off...wat do we talk abt know??!!!!! we should be having Sahoor soon... :D