where did everyone go to :S
some people left el Family aslan...
wala enta shaif eh??!!
ana delwa2ti miss Roxyyyyy we Sweetshhhhhhhh mooooot!!
yep, half the family left and we worried about our reaction, they never told us 
and roxy and sweetsh are always on in the morning, we are always on at night 
Its bad....ya3ni how could they....wat will u do eldest brother? did u forget eno its u n me who r responsible...keda el Family tamoot 
ahahaha..ah ok..so they in the morning..we at night..kawais...na3mel balancing

meh what can we do, they leave no note, number, email, anything 
its like what our father and mother did lol
AHAHAHAHAHA...wat our mother n father did!! hahaha...ah b4 they die ba2a 
so like...we lost hope??!! el family tamoot?? how nice...yallah its ok...bokra Sanity...Q80..Roxy..Deedo..Eamyzz..we Sweetsh comes back..and we make it alive again!!!!!!!!!! 
none of them come by anymore except roxy and sweetsh 
next yr before our exams, we will meet new ppl like this year 
aslan i was wanting to bring this situation up last week but i forgot 
but they will come online when skool starts..when they have no chance of getting out..like we all used to do in IGCSE...
and yes,,,we meet new people nd let them join..we malo...
Ya Salam...ana more responsible than u...ya3ni if i didnt start this conv..u would never noticed..bad bad brother

P.S. we r quoting here also...tyb mayenfa3shi nadoom el 2 quotings ma3 ba3ad??
i am confuesed now..wat abt u??

listen Be right back..ill check if my mom is ok or not...