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omg! Ariii!!!!!!
I was 11-12 years old and very innocent. I didnt know.... stupid senior girl
aww.... "How much??" EPIC
Once in year 6, I went up to this girl who was selling some food for charity and asked her 'how much ?'. And I was looking her straight in the eye with a dead-pan look (my mother had told me it was good to look straight into a persons eyes when talking to them as it shows you are confident).I think she thought I was asking 'how much for her' Because she then proceeded to slap me ! And I was like stunned, shocked and crying ! Since then I have realized the importance of communicating properly and effectively. I will never forget that experience.... I feel so emotionally traumatised (sic)
Back in grade 5, I was mad at this girl for stealing my book. She even erased my name, and wrote hers on it. So, when I got to know, I bit her in the hand, hard. And got suspended for that. My dad had to come to school to set everything alright. SO embarrassing. Will never forget that jealous b*tch.
@Stylish...hahahahaaha!!!!!!!!!!!! looool you bitted her on her hand?? HAHAHAHA!!!!!!@A.F...looooooooooooool..Hhahahahaha I seriously can;t stop laughing!!! n u started crying kaman! looooolThat made me ROFL!! *roll on the floor laughing* Can I add this in the newsletter guys?!!!!!!!!!
Okay 3adi ya3ni we say the most embarrassing moments that happened to people eh dah LoL, you are scared that your Mama read it? and what happened after that when you found ur mom?
ROFL! no need to put some bad words dude..but still um lolling !to me, the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me when i was in a mall, and it was soo crowded..so i went looking for my mom..and there she is..i saw her from her back..I was soo anngry at her as i was looking for her for like 20 minutes ..and since i was 10 that time, the only part of her body i could slap was her bud! lool..and so thats what i did..but BAM! she aint no my MOM! loooool. OMG! i was like rofl...that woman gave me a terrible look lol! i started crying and yelling for my MAMA! loooli swear i thought she was gonna eat me...lol